How to Get Abs

in #vegan6 years ago (edited)

 Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch.  Sadly, endless crunches will NOT give you abs.  While abdominal exercises will help build your abdominal muscles and make them stronger, most people have a lovely layer of fat covering their tummy, so the fruits of their labor rarely show. 

So what does it take to get "abs" and how can I burn that layer of fat?

Let's first talk about the different types of abs and the role our genetics play. 

What type of abs are you hoping to achieve? 

A flat tummy? 

A "toned" tummy? 

Washboard, ripped abs? 

 How low you reduce your body fat percentage, as well as how you train will effect how your abs "look".   Your genetics also plays a role in what your abdominal muscles look like when developed.  A "V" Cut like fitness model Jamie Eason and singer Pink.


 Or the ripply 6-pack look 

Where you genetically "hold on" to body fat will also play a role in how soon your abs "show".

Some individuals hold on to fat in their butt and thighs, and their abs are the first spot on their body to get lean, while others hold fat in their belly and abs are the last spot on their body to get lean.  

 Problem Areas and Hormones 

 When we lose body fat, we lose fat from all over our body, but there are problem areas which we seem to lose much slower.  For some it might be butt and thighs, for others the stomach area, some just can't lose their love handles, while others can't seem to get rid of that stubborn fat on the back of the arms.  Assuming your diet and training are on point, when the body hangs on to fat in a problem area, it can almost always be traced back to a hormonal imbalance due to stress, insulin, or because one particular sex hormone is dominant.  

 Stubborn fat on the back of the arms can often be due to low androgens.  Androgens are typically considered “male hormones” but women still need them to lose body fat and get stronger and leaner.  If your body holds on to fat on the back of your arms, your androgen levels are likely low. 

 Stubborn fat on your butt and thighs suggests estrogen dominance.  Eating more cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, kale and brussels sprouts, along with removing external toxins and chemicals from your skin care items will help.  Weight training will also increase testosterone levels naturally. 

 Stubborn fat on the stomach is usually due to high stress and high cortisol levels.  Cortisol is your body's "stress hormone" and is released in response to ongoing stress.  If you suffer from high stress, take simple steps to improve it by getting more quality sleep, low-level exercise like walking outdoors, practice yoga and even meditation. 

 Stubborn fat on the hips/love handles indicates a possible issue with insulin

 Training & Nutrition 

 To strip away that layer of belly fat so that your abs will shows is very difficult for women.  We have to get down to very low body fat percentages (typically below 16%) and genetically, our bodies will fight against getting our body fat that low (Our bodies were built for breeding, not hunting so we have a MUCH more difficult time than men reducing body fat.  Sorry, it's sexist, but true.)  You can get there with hours of long duration cardio, but training with short duration and high intensity will get you to your goal much quicker. 

 Refined sugar, refined flours, highly processed and prepackaged foods will all contribute to weight gain and belly fat.  Instead, feed the muscle and starve the fat by eating single ingredient, whole foods, as close to mother nature as possible.  Field to Fork if you will.  Purchase foods that come with NO ingredients label (i.e. sweet potatoes, organic bananas, broccoli, kale...see what I'm getting at?). 

 How to Loose the "Pooch" 

 Lower Belly Fat, also referred to at "The Pooch" is usually due to one of the following: 

 1. Overall body fat that needs to be lost through training and nutrition. 

 2. Gut bloating from a food sensitivity/allergen.  Foods like dairy, wheat or soy.  Try an elimination diet to see if you suffer from food allergies. 

 3. Anterior pelvic tilt. This will make you look like you have a pooch but can actually be a lower back issue.   

 So getting "abs" is really a bit more complicated than just doing "tons of crunches", but with proper diet and training, you absolutely can accomplish this goal! 

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