Why it Might Not Be Crazy Anymore to Question the Modern Childhood Vaccination Schedules

in #vaccines6 years ago

India, one of the largest and most populated countries on Earth, has recently severed it’s connections with the Gates Foundation (GF), citing ‘conflicts of interest’ as one of the reasons that they ended the relationship.

According to the Economic Times of India: “All financial ties of the country’s apex immunization advisory body, National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) with the GF have been cut off.”

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The Current Vaccine Climate

Anyone who’s been anywhere near the internet in the last decade has probably noticed a number of passionate and ongoing debates that are centered around the standard childhood vaccination programs, and emotions brew online as increasing numbers of people, many of them being concerned parents, question the safety and efficiency of these immunization programs.

As this debate roars on, a name which frequently comes up in the arguments is Bill Gates.

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Bill Gates and Population Control

While it’s not really clear what he means by it when he says it, there are numerous videos existing of Bill Gates suggesting that vaccination programs can also be used as eugenics programs, or ‘population control’, and by his persistence in stressing that aspect of vaccinations, he suggests that population control is one of the aims of the GF.

Was Bill Gates hoping to control the population of India? Maybe, and it could also be that the people of that country simply examined the facts about vaccinations, and maybe they even researched and studied the history of those immunization programs in order to help instigate those changes in their relationship with the GF.

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History of Vaccines

Since we are able to easily access information about health and medicine in this modern world, then we are also able to review things like the known history of diseases in order to better understand the origins of these modern vaccination programs.

An honest look at that history suggests that it was actually by improving sanitation, hygiene practices and nutrition that most infectious diseases were eradicated, and that the vaccination programs only came along later, as these graphs show.

"It is not strange that health improves when the population gives up using diluted sewage as the principle beverage." – Dr. Thurman Rice, 1932


Were the modern vaccination programs too late to do any good?

While the vaccination programs often pose as a health-wise forethought and then go on to take credit for eradicating diseases, these immunization schedules must have been no more than an afterthought. However, using clever marketing, it seems that with many of the common infectious diseases already under control, the vaccination programs still managed to take that credit, and still are often erroneously credited with the overall improvements in modern health on the planet.

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Limited Knowledge on Vaccines

Most people, even those who study to become doctors, don’t have time to learn very much about vaccinations.

This may be because the modern vaccination programs are a separate business from the medical industry; the modern medical industry aims to help in healing existing diseases, while the vaccine industry only claims to help in preventing illnesses that haven’t happened yet.

Pharmaceuticals may have originated from a medical background, but such a vast chemical industry takes on a life of it’s own when the money starts rolling in.

With these chemical giants operating under the flag of ‘medicine’, few will question the authority of that trusted red cross, and since most doctors and hospitals seem to think vaccinations are ok, then hardly anyone feels qualified to ask questions about the shots that they are required to take.

By using fear of disease as it’s fuel, the pharmaceutical industry has masqueraded as a form of health care for so long that the truth about those diseases that they claim to manage has been sunken in a sea of obfuscation and corporate propaganda, so that any inquiry into the safety or efficiency of a vaccination program has been made to sound like paranoid rantings and nonsense.

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Conflicts of Interest

Should India’s withdrawal from ties with the Gates Foundation cause the rest of the world to question the vaccination industry’s motives, or the efficacy and safety of their product? Probably, but the story was pretty well muted in the mainstream press, so most of the western world will probably not be informed on the issue, or will be well-misinformed about India's decision.

The current disparity of wealth in the world is likely one of the main contributors to modern disease anyway, and a billionaire like Bill Gates promising that he can thin the herd as a solution is probably not going to be popular anywhere.

We may not know a lot about vaccines, but we do know that some of the smartest people in the world are from India; it could be that they know something we don’t, and are trying to tell us something here.

sources: all images above thanks to Wikimedia Commons, references used above were Economic Times, https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/centre-shuts-gate-on-bill-melinda-gates-foundation/articleshow/57028697.cms and Dissolving Illusions, http://www.dissolvingillusions.com/graphs/

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gates truly is an evil sack of shit...


Not filthy contaminated vaccines

When I saw the glee in his face as he described how he could control populations, I think 'evil sack o' shit' was what I thought too-- I really just couldn't believe he was saying it at all. Someone should yell out 'You first buddy!'

Abnormal pathogen
Abnormal route
Abnormal immune response
Abnormal results
Abnormal thinking

I made a post on FB about this particular issue. Brought up India and Gates. Too bad it was in a pro-vaccine forum as everyone ignored my post and went with their programming. Sad.

A pro-vax forum would have no choice but to ignore the story, or else admit that those anti-vaxxers might be right about something!

Thank you for bringing this topic up. The older I get the more shady of a character Mr. Gates appears to be.

Yeah he is creepy, so often talking about population control, or getting rid of people instead of talking about actually helping people out.

Smallpox vaccine came out in the 1800's, meaning those smallpox graphs show that the vaccine was effective. Just saying

Possibly, I was mostly addressing the spectrum of infectious diseases here in this article, and their decline:
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That is nice, except the graph passes off both a false narrative and false information. First of all, you do not include population growth trends, infections growth trends etc. If you take the number of deaths caused by measles (a rough rate of between 0.8 and 1.3% of all infections) and compare it to the global population you do get this trend. What this ignores though is all the other information. If you instead looked at the per capita rates of deaths compared to those infected you will find that the line has been pretty steady since around 1950's ish, oh and the measles vaccine was released in the late 50's, not 68. 68 was the MMR vaccine (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) anyways more to the point of my reply, measles had a per capita death rate under 20 (per 100,000) ever since we started to monitor it yet this shows data above that of 60.

Thanks that is nice.

Wonderful reporting on the mass-murdering Gates Foundation. That man needs to be brought before the Hague for crimes against humanity. Vaccines are the weapons of a silent genocide and we all must resist and raise awareness!! https://www.icandecide.com is a great resource. Upped and resteemed!

It's a good start to see one of the largest populations on Earth turn away the GF, it's a notable event in the world, and shows that awareness and concern may be spreading.

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