Medical holocaust against humanity is called vaccination

in #vaccines7 years ago


The Center for Disease Control openly admits that vaccines contain supplements known as strong neurotoxic chemicals. These substances are toxic to man's biology when injected into the human body.

There is no wise doctor or scientist in the world who can say that vaccination of babies and children with all this is somehow 'safe', yet doctors inject children with these substances every day in the form of vaccines.

Doctors who inject our children with vaccines call this immunization. But immunization has nothing to do with vaccination ... vaccination is simply the artificial induction of temporary reactions by human pathogens.

But did you ask exactly what a vaccine contains?

Here's a comprehensive but not complete list of "add-ons" that vaccines include:

Mercury (still used as a preservative)


There is NO safe level of mercury for injection in a child's body. Even 'micro' levels are not safe.

There is NO evidence of mercury safety at any dose at all.

Any doctor who says the level of mercury in a vaccine is 'safe' to inject a child demonstrates only his monstrous ignorance of scientific facts.

Mercury is perhaps the most neurotoxic element in the entire Mendeleev table.

It is used in vaccines for the convenience of vaccine manufacturers at the expense of child safety.

There is no 'safe' form of mercury, as it is often absurdly claimed by vaccine vendors. Both ethyl and methylmercury are extremely toxic to the human nervous system. Both should NEVER under any circumstances be vaccinated in the body of a child at any dose.


Used as an inflammatory adjuvant - an adjuvant is a pharmacological and / or immunological substance that alters the effect of other substances.

It can help in the development of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease (the brains of those suffering from Alzheimer's found to contain more aluminum), and nervous disorders.

May cause skin problems and kidney disease.

Aluminum competes with calcium for absorption by the body, this can cause bone weakness and growth retardation in children.



Used to 'deactivate' live viruses and preservation of corpses

The Information Center on Poisonous Substances in Australia argues that there is no acceptable amount of formaldehyde that can be injected into a living human organism

Chicken protein (Strong allergen)

Animal blood whey

Cells from dead tissues and animal organs, mostly from monkeys and mice

Cells from aborted materials, i. embryos from abortions

I strongly recommend that you read @canadian-coconut 's article:

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) - causes inflammation in the immune system


A widespread and silent killer who is worse for your health than alcohol, nicotine and many opiates.

Monosodium glutamate is approximately 78% free glutamic acid, 21% sodium and up to 1% pollutants.

Free glutamic acid is the same neurotransmitter that your brain, nervous system, eyes, pancreas, and other organs use to initiate certain processes in your body.

Injecting glutamate into laboratory animals has led to damage to nerve cells in the brain.

Antibiotics - amphotericin B, neomycin


"They" said it's different from antifreeze Phenoxyethanol

CDC saying that injections of propylene glycol-containing medications are risky but its good to put it in vaccines to prevent freezing

Polysorbate 80 and Octoxynol 10, which cause infertility, actually sterilize women.

If you think my article should reach more people, you are welcome to resteem it
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Given the choice between not taking a vaccine and taking a vaccine, and the outcomes that follow. The decision will always narrow down to 1 thing.


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