Have you been checking out BlockTrades lately...???
It's a place to go to where you can "Quickly Exchange" your "Digital Currency"...
For a Price, you can Lease a lot of Steem Power with the help of Delegations...
I wonder if this is how the Banking Elite started to Buy Power...
Isn't there a saying about "there's nothing money can't buy"...???
OK... So, let's say we Rent these Steem Power Delegations and we become very Powerful...
From Past experience, I know it's very hard to pass out more than TEN, 100% Up-Votes per day without slowly Exhausting your Power...
Since you're now Paying for this Power, will you be Up-Voting others, or will you be Up-Voting yourself...???
You realize, you only have 10 good Up-Votes per day, and to do that, you need to spread out your Up-Votes over the course of a 24 Hour Period...
It's every easy to do "too much" Up-Voting, so some of you, may choose to use your "Slider"...
With a "Slider" it's easy to Up-Vote 10 or 100 Times as many Posts per Day...
But, is that what a "Wise Person" would do with his or her newly Leased, Steem Power...???
TEN, 100% Up-Votes per Day, times 90 Days comes to about 900 nice 100% Up-Votes...
Plus, on the last day, I'm sure you'd probably Exhaust every last Drop of your Steem Power Delegations...
It's Human Nature to get the very most for your Money...
I haven't really looked into it that deep, but my "Wild Imagination" tells me this...
I'm thinking this "Wise Person" would probably pass out 20 Up-Votes per Day @ 5%...
That leaves this "Wise Person" with the Remaining 9 Up-Votes per day @ 100%...
Multiply the Up-Votes given to yourself comes to 810, very nice 100% Up-Votes for yourself...
The other 10% of your Up-Votes at 20 per Day, times 90 Days, comes to 1,800 Up-Votes at 5% each...
Knowing this, and the Fact that you just Rented extra Steem Power, what would you do...???
Would you use most if it for yourself or for others...???
Would you even get your money back, by using this Power on yourself and others...???
Leasing Steem Power Delegations seems very Profitable for the ones doing the Leasing...
Those are only a few of the many thoughts, that cross my "Wild Imagination" each and every Day...
I hope you found Value and Content in my Post... Let me know what you think...
COIN MAN by @pocketechange ...A Penny may cost you a Dollar Bill...
Sounds a little to technical for me. All i got was the rich get richer the poor just wanna have fun. Am i right lol
It was just a little It did cross my mind to try a few Steem Dollars for some Steem Power Delegations, but even buying a few, tends to be against how I feel Steemerite 's should behave...
We do what we can. However, if you are looking at gaining some can join us at The Challenges @revelationquotes
I've been searching for a new Tag... I started to feel like my welcome was wearing thin, over at the other place... I just realized, you were talking about your Challenges... lol...
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