
I'm so sorry to hear this @creativesoul!! You have nothing to be embarrassed of..angry yes but not embarrassed! You had hope and no way of knowing someone would be so underhanded. I use to sell on ebay and most people are not like that but there is always going to be good and bad. Did you open a case with ebay? They may have been able to get all your money back for you. Don't give up and forgive yourself as it wasn't anything you did wrong. Everyone gave donations freely. I will tell you something to look up that @shasta told me and that is Lions Mane. It comes in many forms and not expensive. I've read some great things about it and plan on ordering some. You have more stomach issues than me so use with caution if you decide to try it. Keeping you in my prayers! ❤

Great, I can post again, so let's get to it.
Fucking assholes on internet, they can die for all I care, they hurt others for their own benefit and don't care shit about it. You're mad, and you're right to be mad, you're in a seriously bad medical condition, but if it was you can bet I would be punching walls and swearing all sorts of things, because it's UNFAIR, this world is so damn unfair and we're so damn unable to do anything at all...

I can't really express my feelings correctly on a post like this, but at least in my country in some extreme cases like yours some medical charity can occur. Perhaps some sort of non-profit medical community will be willing to help you? I know of software development, and I can scour the internet if you want, but I don't know A THING of medicine; but if you haven't tried this approach yet and you would like at least a pair of extra eyes, you only need to ask.
Perhaps it's time to admit that your strength alone won't take you much far and that it's time to ask for support of a full fledged organization.
I was so angry and yet so sad when reading the lines about how your dreams got crushed. It's true that it was unlikely you would make a full recovery, but hope is what keep us going, and now that this hope has been crushed I can't even begin to imagine how sad, frustrated, and desperate you are... that feeling of powerlesness as we see our dreams get destroyed is just the worst, the fucking worst. This isn't embarrasing, so don't worry, don't worry about people's opinion being changed... whoever thinks less of you for posting this will get flagged to death by me, so don't worry and let your feelings flow, it's a lot better than having them kept inside and exploding.

You can post again! I thought that might be weeks away! I am very pissed off because the scammer made me miss the opportunity for buying the real thing...and now that I went ahead with getting everything else the window is closed.'s not like I payed some lowball bargain was right on par with the actual retail cost. Even with a refund on the device...and topping up the lost difference with shipping rates...I am still short a few hundred hundred dollars. It has become a matter of principle...even if they money were available...I just don't agree with sellers who pump up the price way beyond realistic resale value...and all the ones selling on ebay right now basically overinflate the shipping costs anyway. I would never pay upwards of $150 on top of the product. And's not like I am ready to jump right back into that scenario...and of being caught blindsided again. I don't know of any foundations that could help...there are lots for specific ones for diseases like cancer and amazing ones for kids and old people...but I have always been stuck in between all the categories. I don't fit into any if the criteria. I appreciate any suggestions of course...but don't have a lot of faith in finding a foundation to help. I have always just been in the wilds...on the outskirts and on my own. So...I did get everything out here...didn't hold any emotion in...but still not feeling okay. Far from it...I don't feel better. But your comment and your support means so very much to really does. Thank you for being here... <3

UGH, scammers are trash human beings, especially scamming with A MEDICAL DEVICE. How much was shipping? You couldn't try from another seller with the refund? That sucks. :( But it's not your fault. Hex that lying scammer. 😤 And on top of it all, the crazy neighbor. Wtf? You need some sage, salt, black candles, tourmaline, and to be rubbed with a chicken (all Pagan ways of getting rid of negative energy. The last one is referencing a Voodoo ritual to remove a curse). Put salt all over your porch, ward off the neighbor. 😉 Hugs!

The shipping was steep...but still sorta okay compared to others. I don't have my inbox open...but it was close to $40 through the 'global shipping program'...while other sellers charge upwards of $150 for the shipping and the customs. I won't be buying from another because there is something fundamentally wrong in throwing that much money away on postage costs. I can't come up with an extra $300 between inflated product and shipping costs just to line someones pockets. And...I could actually really use a good dose of pagan ritual right...but all my candles are white.

Holy crow that's insane shipping! 😲 I wouldn't do that, either, even if I had the money. How big is the unit? I was picturing something like, the size of a Game Cube.

I just saw one for $50 shipping...which isn't great but also not as insane. And $215 for the device...which is really close to what I paid for the scam one. This makes me so mad! I would have ordered that one before...and even now...I wouldn't need near as much to top up the difference...but there still isn't enough. Also since I had to buy that urgent prescription. Ebay is so frustrating...the sellers the prices change around so day is always different from the next. I don't know who to trust. Someone with a burned..or an individual just selling one that apparently they never used. Also a good chance of getting burned. There is just no way of knowing for sure...and I am too afraid of putting myself through that again. So...I guess ill still be sticking to my original plan of waiting for it to come to Canada through a different online shopping site. The box is looks about the size of a GameCube...mostly payinf for cardboard though which is a shame.

i will just leave hugs and more hugs in here cause i dont know what else to do or say to help you since i dont have the money to actually help you uy the Quell, all i do know is that miracles do happen and you should not lose hope, im so sorry all this happen but you should never lose hope that things will get better and that you will get the much needed help!

again lots of hugs sending your way!

Thank you for all of the hugs. This matter has now gone beyond just the financial barrier of buying one Quell. I latched into some beacon of hope but perhaps that was all that it ever was. Even though the obstacle of cost was temporarily removed from my path...others remain. There is no place online for me to buy extra bands...or any of the spare parts and accessories that would keep the treatment going steady. I decided that I will not put myself through so much struggle and expense each time something breaks...falls apart or wears out. Getting anything across the border isn't worth it. This incident made me realize the Quell just cannot be maintained with no real online buying options...and scammers around every corner. I have lost hope...more than ever before...because there is nothing that me nor anyone else can do. Life isn't some fairytale where everything works out in the just keep on stumbling along until you can't take it anymore and stop fighting the forces so set against you.

Can't you find the scammer and confront this person/company?

Image source

The scammer and company have long since been confronted and dealt with...and the matter has been 'made right' as much as I can reasonably expect. Just working through the emotional aftermath. I think it must have hit me so hard because of everything else going on. Too much on my plate so to speak.

Yeah it sucks being ripped-off specially, when you have a medical condition and you need medicin and you can not obtain it...

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