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RE: The Most Bad-Ass TV Show Of The Century: Who Is MR. ROBOT???

in #tv8 years ago

there's certainly a darkness to it - and while I'm not usually a fan of such shows with a more depressing tone, I found a brilliance in the REALNESS of it.

maybe it's party because I've been highly extroverted most of my life and have gone through swings of intense withdrawal and depression, that I could relate to the humanity of Elliot's character (minus the schizophrenia).

there are themes running DEEP throughout the storyline that reflect the shadows of our society - the power of the corporation, people's tendencies to develop closer relationships with people via digital means while struggling to connect in person, a rebellious revolutionary spirit to bring change to the corrupt global economic system.

I'd disagree that it's low energy - with the clarification that the high energy in it is not in the surface-level plot, but the depth of artistic genius that's gone into crafting the work of art that's so powerfully captured some of the darkest, most depressing parts of our culture that many overlook (while distracting ourselves with "positive," "light" illusions of the matrix that undermine the significance of the darker elements that inhibit our progression without being resolved, which hold great wisdom required to move forward in developing positive alternative outcomes, if extracted).

like it or not, there are very dark, depressing, low energy aspects to our world. that's an inescapable reality. I felt the HIGH vibe and inspiration in the show as the light it shines on those dark aspects - calling them out, presenting a highly-human character that many can relate to (probably especially in the world of those in cryptocurrencies and computer tech) through which to reflect upon such aspects in our society.

and granted, each has their own tastes when it comes to movies & TVs. the same (above) could probably be said about other shows that I don't particularly resonate with, whereas others might find them brilliant. sometimes we have different perceptions based on where we're at, and find different inspirations in different places.

thank you for you comment, to draw all this extra depth out of why the show has been inspiring for me - much more value in it than the original share, drawing out the gold... :-)


I couldn't agree more with your enthusiasm and assessment of the show.

You're right about the very dark tone it has, but for me it's easy to see how that dark tone relates to reality in so many ways. Some are biased towards seeing the good in this world and others the bad.

Reality is a mixture that challenges us to see it all. Unfortunately it's rare to find people who see it more as a balance between the two, or a rational perspective based on empirical reality rather than cultural / institutional / childhood conditioning based on emotions.

The series opens with the premise that the world is managed by an elite group of conspirators. I believe it's more accurate to say it's run by many independent conspiracies, some collaborative and others independent and at odds with each other.

keep writing, mate.

I like your insights. and your presentation/delivery - editing, formatting, grammar - on point too. I think you may have alot of value to contribute to the community... ;-)

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