Truth or Opinion, Either Way the Truth is the Truth While Opinion is Not The Truth

in #truth7 years ago

What if you had a story that you wanted to tell, and the only people that cared were people that you hardly know along with only a few friends.  What if you knew that your own family didn't care so much about what you have to say when it's nothing to do with government, the other things going on in the world, or the wars, or anything else other then your access to a better life or not?  What if you were not being allowed to live the life you wanted to live, due to the people that are employed and accepting money as payment for their own wrong-doing.

What I'm getting at here is how are we supposed to act like we are doing the right things using money when we are just playing into the roles of these rich elites just to pay for their wars and to continue going to work for the almighty dollar bill that doesn't truly get us anywhere in life.  I can't trust the system, and all I can do is speak out, hoping that people are willing to listen and strangers care more about my story then people within my own family and within my own youth.  People simply don't care about each other as much as they play out to.  People want to talk about wisdom and God and religion or non-religion, and people want to think that they know better then you do, when I thought it was stated that people should pay attention to the collective truth, rather then some television of some newsworthy place, and these people are listening to the war makers rather then listening to their own sons and daughters who are speaking out.

I don't care if you don't want to know the truth, I care to know the truth.  I don't care if you want me to change my topics, I won't stop caring about the topics that I've been finding to be of utmost respectable places to find real truth and real news and that is by studying it while everyone else falls asleep during mass and doesn't even pay attention to the words that are written in their Bibles, or stays tuned into a national television rather then paying attention to their own lives, their childrend lives and just how rotten that they've become!  I've been held away from having a family, and having a community that could care about me more, and I've been being stopped from all sides of this earth from getting my news out to the public.  I've contacted people from all sides of the news organizations and no one wants to hear it because all they see is nothing.  I see value in where other people see nothing.  I see something better where other people are all like, oh, it's already written so who am I to care about what's to come.  I've already lived my life, so go live yours.  And, go to work and do something else and stop paying attention to conspiracy theorists and things like that.  

Well, what if I can't!?  What if I was already conditioned into a world to care more then the average bear has got to hold, and I want to hope for a brighter future for myself and for others then just being led down a pathway that is strictly lying to the public at large and getting them to believe there is nothing going on.  The story goes all the way back into our movies, the production of them, your news, your games and your idiotic way of American life.  I get sick and tired of it to the point where I'm surprised that many of you are still buying up into the system as though they have some kind heart for you, and want you to have an outstanding life.  They don't care.  And, the only thing that they care for is more wars and more people dying and more people in jail because it feeds them appropriately and feeds their fat asses from ever having to do anything real for the public at large.  

Well, I can't take it anymore.  I've watched enough news media, read enough of the Bible, seen enough of the scholars that you thought I should have become, and you're not seeing the real me.  You're not seeing me through faith, and not seeing me as anything buy someone yelling at you about the ways that we are now living, and I've just about had enough of it.  I'm not an abusive person, and for you to call me that, is sick and sad that you would even think that way when I'm nothing more then scared, I'm upset about how things are going today, and I'm frightened that if I can't get my story out, then no one else will either, and everyone can go ahead and think that this is what God planned when it's not.  It's what mankind is planning and people have answers.  Whistle-blowers and truth-tellers all across the globe are coming forward with a truth so big, and so large that no one is willing to listen to it, including our own friends and families.  But, nevertheless, the truth is the truth no matter what you try to cover it up with, it's still going to be there.  So, I fight for the people, and I fight for my family and hell - I've fought to just have a family and I'm getting shit on by the American government in a way that people should recognize and want to fight for me and stand with me in the attempt of not allowing my life to get flushed for me speaking out about my rights, and even my own unpaid work hours, and my own right to not be dying inside of an infestation of an infested apartment and not allowing my mom and I's relationship to become so torn apart by a system that I'm considering it systematic ruin and not something that you should be allowing to happen by telling me to get off this subject and to start over.

How many times do I have to start over, losing everything, to make a life?  How many times do we have to try and fail, only to realize that we are being failed before we even have the chance to try.  There is meta data leaks and people trying to bring information out to the public before they are blinded by it, and I am no better, nor any worse then any of you in Gods eyes, so why are we?  Why would you think that you have more of the answer then I can, or that we can collectively have an answer to?  I believe in people, so why can't people believe in me?  I have faith in you, so why can't people have that same faith in each other?

Why are you acting as though you can tell me how to live my life, and me go out and try to get that life over and over and over again, only to end up a failed attempt based on what other people are willing to do?  I believe in psychological harassment, and people defiling me from gaining any knowledge of it's existence, but I'm being denied my rights, I'm being denied fairness in my trials and I'm being denied law.  The law is not defending my rights, rather it's weakening my attempt to get that so-called life that you all think I should have had?  And, I just can't but into it.  I can't buy into American freedoms, I can't buy into your Christian all so good know it all attitudes, and I can't give into tithing with this thing you call money that isn't money being printed, rather it is a New World Order, or a Novus Ordo Seclorum, and we don't need to tithe in our churches with that kind of money.  

I guess, I read something very different in the Bible then what you all think you're doing is right.  I read something very different.  I guess, if all you can do is not talk about it, and I'm sorry if I'm boasting, but something has to be said where my rights are vanishing and I'm not even able to get validation towards the circumstances that I've been facing since I was a kid rather then just being lied to by the justice system, and by my own families concerns while they are treating me as though I should just trust the world.  I can't trust your world!  I can't trust democracy!  I can't trust this life has jobs for everyone and can treat people as equals!  I just can't!  And, furthermore, I won't!  

If I can't tithe with my walk, and my willingness to do more then these states and representatives are willing to do when they aren't representing me rather then being psychological actors on the playing field of the earth, I can't trust anything that comes from this world if it is not of my Father.  

Sorry, but I can't change.  I won't change and I will stand with my heart on such matters as I am being stopped from living a natural progression in my life, and you think this talk is all political, governmental when it's very much a spiritual matter, a religious matter and a matter of my faith in God!  So, don't act like you know me, judge me, and look to look away from me, when I am speaking of something that is truthful.  Don't act like I got my information from somewhere that isn't telling me something factual when it's just that I'm constantly being ripped off by this government and I know that it's crisis acting, I know that it's covert occultism and hard to prove, and I know that it's psycholoical warfare that is being played on [people] like myself, who are being trained to not care anymore, so they go and do stupid things and get themselves locked up...  But, I'm not trying to get locked up, and I'm trying to do the right thing, and I'm getting into trouble for it.  I've given up on your American games, and your ways of happiness, because if this is the kind of thing you need to be happy or create happiness, then I'm happy to disagree with you, because you're not getting the picture here.  You're getting a symbol a sign and your God is money, and MONEY is NOT GOD!  Love is! 

And, when you tell me that I can just easily ignore all the evil that is happening to me by players in this world while getting no right to protect myself or stand up, I fear that my destiny is being plotted by people, and not by my God, and not by the love that I first would have shared with my loved ones.  It's not my first plan!  It's more like I'm on my 3,000th plan and you all are too stupid and blinded to see it.  To see that I've been being betrayed, to see that my government is lying to me, and to you.  And, to see that I'm being played out.

You say Even Jesus had to go to jail, but that doesn't answer why I should have to.  You say that the righteous will live in heaven and all these people will go to hell, but I don't agree that I should have to live in fear of my own government, under the guise that we all have to live with some form of government?  What about not!?  What about my rights?  What about the life I was after, and what about being there for my own family?  What about my right to travel?  What about my right to bear arms?  What about my right to stand up, and under-stand for my right to protect my family, and to protect my freedoms, and to protect my life from BAD government.  What about my right to stop a bullet before it hits me in the head?  What about my right to try and silence the oppressors and the obvious fucks that are doing these things and getting away with their crimes over me, but as soon as I speak out I'm being harassed, stalked and covertly destroyed.  I'm being stopped from financial gain, from my own life!  I'm being stopped from having my own mind.  I'm being stopped from people that think it is better to run with the dictatorship of the government then to stand with their beliefs and I can't side with the people over side with God, I cannot side with the world over side with the things that are being posted up in my heart that people can all ignore.  I can't side with this world nor anything I can find off these roads.  Though I want to have mad faith in people, and faith that people would pull through for me, when times get so God awful that you just can't stand, all I see are people willing to falter and willing to fail me and let me fall.  Fall by the hands of these other players that are willing to subvert my rights.

And you want to call it government talk, and that no one cares about what I have to say!?  FUCK YOU!  I'm talking about a spiritual battle the same way St. Peter and Paul talked about in the Bible.  I'm talking about a spiritual warfare that is going on inside the minds of this whole world right now.  I'm talking about the facts, and people can't even hear me out!?  How wrong is it if life is being stopped from me from even being able to hold my jobs, carry my license, pay my child support and worse things - all in the favor of the state to do the things that they are willing to do?  What if it has nothing to do with government at all, and has to do with people?  What if it has to do with me knowing something that is far more powerful then what anyone else knows anything about!?  What if it has to deal with the truth?  Are you still going to stay there on your knee's or sit their idly by as you watch the system dismantle me for knowing things about them that I'd rather unlearn!?

At this point, I'd rather unlearn some of the truths that I've discovered, because the truth is going to bury me.  The truth that I know now is going to end up killing me.  And, I'm afraid for myself, I'm afraid for you all, and I'm afraid that we are in a war that is unlike no other, caused by the government of which is ruining our very traditions in life, and running to destroy all of mankind.  I fear that with the most scrutiny that I'm being subject to abuse carried out by the system and you all are just going to let it happen, because you don't know the things that I do know and I want to fight for the truth.  I can't flip on mainstream media and pretend as though these people know more then me.  I can't read the newspapers and pretend as though these writers care more about my life then I can.  I can't pretend that I don't care more about family, friends and true community everywhere then these people are willing to, because I've learned the truth about these people and you all are being ass holes to me, giving more credit to this world then to me, and giving more credit to the devil then you are your God.

Fucking hell with what you know then, because you might go to church and act as though you're a Christian, but when it really comes time for you to stand on your two feet, you fall!  And, you fall harder and harder every day to the whims of this world.  You're the trick that the devil was talking about that you'd fall to.  You're accepting lies, and not reading the truth.  You're all falling like sheep among the wolves.  And, you're even turning into the things that you first hated.  Saying that I'm yelling at you, when I'm just telling it to you.  I'm just not supposed to be scared, right.  Well, I am.  I am scared.  I'm scared that I have a bigger story then what people want to admit to even look at.  So fuck you!  Fuck all that you are trying to tell me to just soak up some other topic of this world when they topic I'm talking about isn't of government, rather it's about people and about a spiritual battle going on in my life.  And, fuck you for letting me fall while I'm just trying to learn the economics and environments of a worlds history that never gave a fuck about yours, or about mine, and you want to now side with them?  Fuck the control that Satan has on this world, because it's evil!  It's evil!  It's wrong!


Somebody certainly got your knickers in a knot :-)

Sure did. You're right. Some people that should get me don't and the ones that do are usually people that don't even know what I look like. Maybe my looks are getting to people more than that of my very own heart.

Just exactly what is it that you want? Or want to do?
Maybe you are becoming more aware of what is truly happening around you, and that is good for your own development. Each of us is on a journey of spiritual awareness, but we are not all at the same place. We don't all "see" the same thing.
Take the Bible for instance, as you have previously mentioned it....give 10 people the same passage to read. I can guarantee that if you were to ask each person what they think it is will get different interpretations. Who is right? Are they all right? Are they all wrong? The Bible isn't a book with a single message, it speaks to all at whatever level they are at.
We are all spiritual, not religious beings. I personally believe that religion is evil. It divides people and sets them against one another. How many hundreds of wars have been fought in the name of religion? Religion is a clever man-made institution, a way to control people, especially the vulnerable.
We are all connected spiritually, and "God" communicates with every one of us internally through intuition. The problem is that most people have grown up to believe that God is external, a separate entity and can only be reached through set words and religious leaders. So they have become blind to the truth...they only see what they are told to see.
As those of us who have evolved that bit further untie ourselves from these shackles, it is really more important to keep on evolving.
It is not up to us to look at others and judge them. Or to cloak ourselves in their negativity. Perhaps the only thing we are meant to do is live by example.
You can scream and shout, and get frustrated as hell, but if people aren't ready to listen, the only person that will suffer is you. You are not responsible for what anyone else feels or does or follows. When you live in the truth, others will notice. Some will understand, most won't. Some will change their ways, most will stay within their prison walls.
Stand by your convictions and you will make a difference.
I have seen, heard and found out so much through my journalistic endeavours. I cannot unlearn these things. At one time I felt so depressed about the world and where it is heading, but I learned that I am not responsible for it, and that by example only will I make a difference.

Thank you for the awesome input. I was a little bit on fire in this one. I just get sick of the people that should know me the most, and don't know me at all. And, the people that know me least - know me more than others. It just gets old is all. You think you know someone and you have better luck with complete strangers sometimes than that of our own friends and family members. It just gets old, and feels so wrong.

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