TribeSteemUp's Weekly Gems

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

Hello beautiful people, it is the start of another week here on Steemit and I am here to share with you all, some great Articles that really embody what TribeSteemUp stands for.

The TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by and you can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post

I have 15 articles to share with you all today, articles that are all about inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives . For me life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

Provisional Self-Esteem


The concept of provisional self-esteem is something I was not aware of until a few years ago. I was on a podcast binge, consuming any material I found to be enlightening or eye-opening and was introduced to the work of former educator John Taylor Gatto.
Gatto was a two-time New York State teacher of the year, who accepted his second award by resigning from the field of education due to his belief that he was harming children more than he was helping them. His book, "Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling" is both edifying and disturbing, as it lays out to bare the true nature of modern schooling.

I'll be mourning on July 1st, not celebrating


Tomorrow is 'CANADA' 151 birthday and my alleged 51st anniversary as spiritual master of my vessel from the point where it started breathing air on it's own. While millions turn to celebration, I will be mourning as I stop and reflect on the violence and genocide that seems to slip peoples minds as the fire works are bursting in the air.
For most of my life I enjoyed watching fireworks on my special day. I was proud of the idea that I came into this world on the day people were celebrating the centennial. I was even given gifts and awards from the Province of Alberta and Government of Canada. Now that I've looked into what 'CANADA' actually is and discovered the violent, abusive and genocidal actions of it's members, I cannot in good conscience participate.

5 Things That Happen When You Consume Too Much Dairy


Is dairy a health food or is it toxic to the human body? Conventional wisdom says it is the former, while mounting research claims it is the latter. To answer this question, let's review the research.
To begin with, the majority of the populace is lactose intolerant. It’s true — between the ages of 2 and 3, over 60 percent of the populace loses its ability to produce lactase, which digests lactose. Lactose is a sugar which is not only hard to digest, but it is high in calories. The amount of sugar in lactose contributes to higher insulin levels (which leads to inflammation), as well as weight gain.Secondly, cow’s milk and cheese are proven to be highly addictive. This is because they contain the milk protein casein, which is a natural drug-like chemical found in milk. It has addictive properties, which is helpful for baby cows. But humans?

To Annunaki Or Not To Annunaki & Why That Is The Question We May All Soon Be Asking (A Leftfield Perspective)


I awoke a couple of weeks ago checked my emails and in the banner was an advert that stated "humanities greatest secret, the hidden origins of our past" the fact it popped up on a well known email provider is an irony that wasn't lost on me. The "greatest secret" turned out to be the Sumerian Annunaki creation myth and it's a subject that really been gathering some steam in the last few years.
Upon reflection, I thought I'd put my own unique spin on this story and incorperate my aforementioned polarised perspectives. Once I have argued the case for each opposing theory I’m going to let the reader know which side I fall on. Obviously, the ideas contained in this post are highly speculative but as the momentum appears to be building, I think it's valid to explore some alternative possibilities.

Uninstall Guide: Toxic Masculinity Part 1, The Low Down


Toxic masculinity is a maya matrix script which gets unconsciously downloaded when we are in a delicate imprinting phase. This is usually in adolescence but could be younger, it depends on development rates and the sensitivity of the individual. It affects both men and women, but is expressed more readily by men.
At the delicate imprinting stage when we are ramping up hormone production, it is our time to learn about sexual energy. We begin to create identities which are consistent with social groups and societies, we look for approval. Without the identities we won't fall for this script. Unfortunately most people don't reach this level of awareness by the time the imprinting has happened.

Conscious Relationship Check-ins: conscious communication in your love life


I have recently realized that a lack of clear communication was to blame for almost all of the problems in my relationships -- romantic, friendly, familial, and work relationships.
Over the past year or so, I have been very actively working to improve my communication skills, and in my last post I shared 6 tips for helping to create more conscious communication in your life to help you grow in your relationships.
For this post, I would share a set of 8 questions that I use specifically in my romantic relationship to help create more conscious and clear communication, so that we can continue to grow and deepen our understanding of each other.

The Power Of Weakness

power in weakness.jpeg


Sounds like oxymoron, right? Power and weakness - almost the perfect polar opposites. How could they ever create anything sensible and useful?
Well, sure. We are all naturally conditioned to associate power with strength and weakness with helplessness. And at a first glance there really seems to be a logical and inherent connection between those pairs. So, why would we ever think about looking for power inside of the weakness?
No, we wouldn't normally, no. But if we stop now for a minute and have a closer look, we’ll see there’s plenty of reasons to do so - there’s something of life-changing importance here just waiting to be discovered.

My Lucid Dreaming Journey | Pt. 1 - An Unlikely Proposition


Back in my TZM activism days I met a guy in his mid 50s at a chapter meeting who wanted to help the chapter grow and spread the message. At the meeting we were talking about many things related to our system and the issues to be tackled to overcome the matrix-structure of scarcity we were all born into.
However, the real impactful bit of information came after the meeting was done. Wilfried and I kept talking about things that went further than the core notions of the movement, and he casually threw out the question: "So, have you tried lucid dreaming yet? It's my favorite thing to do."

Translating Pain. You are an Alchemist.


From where I am today, I cannot help it but to be thankful to all the challenges I ever encountered in my life.
Abuse, sickness, suffering, despair, fear, pain, doubt, confusion, betrayal, feeling lost, etc.
This stuff does not give us the best time of our life, for sure. It sucks!
Here is another perspective though.
All these deeply unpleasant experiences inspire a whole range of unpleasant feelings, showing us the fullness of duality we all experience here. Not only we can decide to translate our pain into something else, we can also gain more clarity though it, we can find our true Self and find out what we are really made of, things like strength and wisdom, kindness and faith.



In the Shamanic tradition, one of the most important healing process is called Soul Retrieval.
The Shamans believe that sometimes, a person can leave a fragment of their soul in a place of the Non Ordinary reality, that is not Now.
It leaves a feeling of uncompletedness, of not being whole.
When a person feels lost all the time, when there is no clear sense of life purpose, when someone feel s they never belong here, when we are stuck with the memories of past trauma, when we lost our power, it may indicate that we are missing a part of our soul.

3 ways I developed my intuition... and how you can too..


“When I let go of who I am, I become what I might be.” ~ Lao Tzu
It was during my late teens and early twenties that I began practicing and experimenting with many techniques to enhance intuition and my ability to find more “flow” in my life. I was continuously blown away by the synchronicities during these early years and it wasn’t till later on when I began traveling to other cities and countries that I felt like I began to lose this ability.
For many years this puzzled me because it didn’t seem to make sense. To me at the time, I thought I had more understanding and knowledge on how things worked and operated in the universe, yet I was becoming more lost in my own personal life.

Science, Religion, and the Limits of Testability


Can science and religion coexist? It's a frequent topic of discussion in all sorts of circles, especially in certain contentious internet based ones. Flame wars between fundamentalists and atheists are a dime a dozen on the internet. Our society does seem to be becoming increasingly secular. So can the two continue to coexist in the long term? Yes, absolutely. It's not going to be friction-free or simple, but it will happen- just as it has for at least half a millennium so far, depending on what you assign the start date of science as- I personally put the start date back considerably farther than that.

DAPL Oil Company Exposed as Lobbying Group Behind Law to Criminalize Protesting


The company behind for the Dakota Access Pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners (ETP), is now being accused of lobbying for laws that would criminalize protesting and restrict freedom of speech and assembly. According to a new report from Greenpeace, ETP worked with the corporate lobby group, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to push for measures to increase the length of sentences for protests related to “critical infrastructure,” which would, of course, imply pipelines.

Little Things Can Bring About BIG Changes



I've recently been involved in the environmental exhibition on the island where I live. On Sunday June 24th we held an event to raise awareness about ocean pollution and offer solutions to the public.
The day began at 11am but we have been preparing for this for a number of weeks. My friend is excellent at crafts so she made a frame of a Pilot Whale from wicker. The idea was to use plastic found around the island from the trash walks to decorate the whale.We added some material which I can only describe as shredded cardboard. This was donated by one of the organisers of the exhibition. She recently had some building materials delivered and this cardboard made up part of the protective packaging.

Educating Conformity



Where Are We Going Wrong?
How did we end up here, in this place, in this country where the government thinks expanding our military to include such horrors as geoengineering is more important than educating our children? Our educational system is corrupt and dangerous, and I say that from the point of view of a mother of four. I have one adult child and three little ones, and I have witnessed the education system for 18 years. Sometimes you'll be lucky enough to send your kids to a school where teachers and staff actually care about your kids but they are all still force feeding our babies information on how to become good conformists.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.



Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.


Amazing work - thanks to all...

Thanks for sharing. Upvoted and Resteemed.

This is one hell of a post; one could spend all day on it

it sure is @wales, they are all really great articles, enjoy xx

Hope that one day my name can join the list :)

Hi @doodleman the tribe is not really something you can just join, you have to be recommended and then approved, all members write really good content that really embodies what the tribe stands for. All the info is above and there are regular updates also that talk about this also. thanks for taking the time to drop by.

A great collection of great posts. People sure write and share amazing things. That you for presenting this to all of us 💚

you are very welcome @zen-art xxx

@trucklife-family and @tribesteemup, it was nice stumbling at this post. I was captured by the initiative of @tribesteemup to be honest. I mean, your curation are all meaningfull to create a clean world starting up through curating such wonderfull posts, especially the non-violence and original music.

curating is the less thing I do here in steemit, and with my little SP tha is continuously growing, I want to mk use of it through curating. But being in a corporate world, I don't have plenty of time to do so, therefore I decided to delegate some of it. Probably 50-75SP, just to make use of its purpose. And with @tribesteemup initiatives, I have chosen @tribesteemup.

I've been looking for discord group maybe of @tribesteemup but I find none. I just want to inform the tribe of my this goal of delagating some SP. Not that big, but can do its purpose. I don't want to be hipocrite, or course, the return us much appreciated, but the main goal of this is to "make us of the purpose of SP" to continually and positively grow Steemit.

My discord name is @davinsh#1951, please give me a go signal to delegate. Thank you.

Hi @davinsh thank you for your comment. As you do not have a lot of SP I would recommend joining the tribesteemup curation trail rather than delegate, there is a link above that tells you how to do that. Thanks for your support.

Thank you for response @trucklife-family, aside from delegating, I am also planning to do a curation trail through steemauto.

Do @tribesteemup also have a discord group where we can interact with the rest. I want to see and learn more.

thank you for searching what I want to read for me :)

I hope to become ever better at writing and be useful like these beautiful people, including you ;)

stay awesome!

thanks @evolutionnow, we are all useful x

Amazing collection of articles. Kudo's to you and all the authors. Thank you for sharing my work as well. Peace to you.

you are very welcome @wwf your articles are always so inspiring and speak such truth xx

I've been offline for a few days so I've only just noticed this post but thank you .. I'm humbled to have my work included amongst such esteemed writers and I look forward to catching up with these posts. Of course, upvoted and resteemed!

you're very welcome @perceptualflaws, enjoy x

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