✈️ Travel With The Honeys #8: Cruise With Us On the Most Royal Of All Cruise Ships!

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever won an all inclusive paid vacation? We DID! This was the most amazing trip of all. (It's always more fun when it's FREE!). We started by flying from Seattle to Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is absolutely GORGEOUS! When we got off the plane, the weather hit us in the chest like a lead weight. It felt like I couldn't breathe at first until I got used to it. We stayed at the Hilton right on the beach in the main part of town.

What really was interesting about it was, we flew in late at night, so, we didn't really see anything on the drive in. We get dropped off at this incredible hotel where water was $5 for a tiny little bottle. So, after a great dinner and some sleep, I was up at 5 am the next morning wanting water. So, I went down to the front lobby and asked if there was a little grocery store close by. They told me there was a Walgreens with in about 1 to 2 blocks from the hotel. So, I set out for water while Jamie was back at the hotel getting ready for the day. With in feet outside of the hotel it hit me! We are sheltered in this amazing hotel, and just outside, are homeless people. It was so sad to see. There was so much wealth and money in the hotel, and the contrast was startling. As I made my way in the early morning to Walgreens, I had my choice of the homeless people, or the really drunk non Spanish speaking American guys. I took my chances with the homeless.

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So, from Puerto Rico we boarded the most beautiful ship! It was HUGE, and a bit overwhelming. We were going to be onboard for 8 days, hitting Barbados (the island of the cute little green monkeys), St. Martins, St. Lucia (my favorite), St. Kitts, and St. Thomas. Not necessarily in that order. Once on the ship, we learned that we had to immediately get called in to learn the drills, this is after everyone seemed to be knocking back the booze. Since Jamie's and my choice of beverages to splurge on is chocolate milk, we were the only ones sober at this point on the beautiful Royal Caribbean cruise lines. The funny thing is, they have so many activities on board, including rock climbing, which we did do ........ but you have very little time on the ship. Basically, you board the ship, and it cruises overnight. (I loved this part because we had our doors opened for the nice sea air.). This was me every morning having tea at my favorite place, on a balcony!


Then, you land on an island around 7 am, and off the boat by 9 am. You have enough time to check out the island and then back on the boat. We were with a group of people that also won the cruise, so, the only person I knew at all was my husband. There were 14 couples. (Some just brought their friend). One the first day, we all decided to go to a beach someone knew about called Oriental Beach on St. Kitts. We had a cab take us there, and we were meeting Will a bit later. Will got dropped off at the opposite end of the beach. As he's walking up trying to find us, apparently, he got dropped off on the nude side of the beach. I'm not sure why the cab driver assumed that was where he was going, but, Will started getting a bit panicky. As he's walking through the nude people trying to find the rest of us, he's thinking, 'Am I going to walk up and see all of them naked? What kind of a cruise is this?'. He finally found us, and lucky for him, we weren't naked!

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So, at each island we got to do different things. We went on a hike in the rainforest, we swam with sea turtles. (OH MAN ARE THEY CUTE!). And we went on one of the scariest rides I'd ever been on! We hired this guy to take us to a beach, which, of course, the boats frown upon. They like you to use their guides, and we found out why! We each paid this guy $10 a piece, and he had a huge party bus! He went with us to the beach, and he was supposed to bring us back to the boat. He ended up staying with us at the beach, where there was a bar. He got SO drunk, that we had the scariest ride back! And we didn't think we were going to make the boat! Not sure what happens if the boat leaves with out you. But, we were so scared we were about to find out. Regardless, we did have fun on that trip! That was in Barbados where one of the green monkeys literally jumped up onto my lap. He was so cute, but, I heard they can bite, so, I was a little scared of him.

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That was the drunk driver! We tried to convince him to let Jamie drive, since we don't drink. But, when that didn't work, we gave him an e-shot hoping to get him more alert!!

I have so much more to talk about on this trip, and I will do another more in-depth post on the monkeys and the sea turtles! I have to find those pictures though!! But, I promise, I will bring them to you!!!

In the meantime, here are a few more pictures from the cruise and the islands!

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Swimming with Sea Turtles? I bet that was fun. Rode on sand sharks as a kid. Didn't get to the turtles. Awesome.

What are sand sharks??? Like... Exactly what they sound like!?!! I'm terrified!!!!

Very docile bottom feeders, about 2-3 meters long. Brown skin color somewhat slow moving. They had a kids shark ride type thing when I was growing up at Ripley's believe it or not, and I was one of the few that dared get in the water with the sharks and divers. Was pretty awesome. Can read a little about them on National Geographic.

Sounds awesome!
But nope.
A whole lot of nope.

I nearly shot coke out my nose at the naked line.

The legal coke I should add.

I have not been on a cruise in years. So jealous.

And I nearly spat coffee when I read that :D

100% of the time I am hysterical half the time.

just like me then - I'm always laughing at myself sometimes :D

I make the best jokes. Talked to a lady the other day. My friend was telling her how she worked at a big cat rescue.
Lady asks if the tigers and lions are local.
I said. "Oh yes mam. Did you not know about the wild Florida Tigers? Very rare."

Lmao is that a football team???? Rare indeed

Actually one of the small farm towns has a team named the tigers... Kills the joke a little :p.

I thought it made it funnier :D - but I'm sure I'm funniest :P

i'm never not laughing at myself. except when i'm giggling.

You're funny even when you're trying to not be!

right?!?!?!?! when he was afraid to come back to everyone naked - i was dying LOLOLOL

I am so glad you guys found that funny!! We literally teased him the entire rest of the trip! We had so much fun!! :).

HILARITY!!!!! Me pirates will be thirstin' for some of yer drinks, to be sure! I hope they not be too distracted by the delicious spirits and be findin' the secret word ! Thank ye kindly for bein' a delightful chuckle of a port on me map this week!

So glad you chose me to be a part of this!! SO MUCH FUN!!!

It's a blast!!!! from me cannons! arghhhhhhhhh ;)

Wow oh my goodness what an amazing adventure, very jealous of all the pictures also, it looks so lovely and warm there I could use some nice sun right about now.
I have never been on a cruise not sure if this was your first cruise you did or have you done one before. I have been told that Royal Carribean are great ships.

I have too!!!! I've never been on royal Caribbean... Just carnival and Holland. But I hear royal is lovely! :)

It sounds like a fun trip. I am only sad you didn't catch any of those monkeys on photo :(

I've never been on a cruise before, always wanted to, and one day we will. Looks like you guys had a blast. I loved the pictures. Especially the one of him in the middle of all the beautiful women!! Lol How did y'all win an all inclusive paid cruise? I'm curious, I've never won anything like that! I can't wait to see the pictures of the sea turtles, and the monkeys!!

Didn't they all look so great!!!! The only thing better than a cruise is a FREE cruise hehehhee

We won it through our nutritional company. :).

Ground the word for @dreemsteem treasure :) I can't believe how lucky you are with a free holiday! Truly a paradise. I can only dream of one day getting a similar opportunity all be it I will more than likely end up paying...

mentioning treasure... and me name??? that sounds like a clever pirate to me.... here's a little tip! simple from me personal stash!

Congratulations!! Hopefully you got to join me on the journey a little bit!! Keep on steemin' pirate!! :).

I sure did loving the sunburnt nose photograph that's 100% me every time I go abroad!

hehehee i noticed that too! poor guy! :)

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Wow looks like an awesome trip - I have always wanted to go on a cruise but am scared that I'd be sick the whole time. Haha your driver looks like a hoot :)

a hoot! and an accident waiting to happen! LOL now i know why the cruise ships are like ummmmm not super recommended that you use the locals for transportation! hahahaha

He was a lot of fun! I was surprised, no sea sickness! Those boats can be steady for the most part! :)

Totally!!!! They're like a hotel on water!!!

What an amazing cruise. I’m jealous you got to swim with the sea turtles and all for free too. That’s hilarious your friend ended up on the nude side of the beach. Sounds like an excuse just to walk through 😉

LOL! What was funny was he was a young, good looking, muscle guy. So, the driver just ASSUMED that was where he was going. Oh man, we gave him so much crap about that!! So funny!!

oh my gosh -hahahahaha i would have been just as mortified as he was! LOLOL i probably would have fallen all over the place trying to keep my eyes averted hahahahaahaha

Those photos look so amazing that I really wish I was there. You seem like you had a lot of fun :)

I agree - hehehehe they all look like they're having a blast :)

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