Filming Myself Everyday for 15 years, paid in STEEM & Bitcoin! The Future is here.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Imagine writing a daily diary, except what we have here is a daily-video-diary. All the people, places & pandaemonium in my life are recorded, and edited for my online-viewers.

I've been filming my every move for over 15 years. I was vlogging before it was called a Vlog, I've been using a selfie-stick since before the "Selfie" had been invented. Before Facebook, around the golden age of MySpace; during the early days of YouTube... I was there, uploading, uploading, uploading my daily videos.

Let's talk about making money online. Money is Energy. Our attitude about money will attract more, or subtract less. It all seems to hinge on DESIRE; we'll achieve whatever we WANT. The key thing is; we must want with burning desire. Merely wishing we had a bit more money wont cut it. The Universe wants to know HOW MUCH, and WHY.......? The eventual manifestation (HOW) will take care of itself, that's not up to you! HOW is not your job. Enjoy HOW whenever it arrives from where you least expected it.

You've joined me at a crucial crossroads. My home has been Hollywood for the past 75 days of my 90 day US Visitor Visa. I have 15 days left. I am comfortable here, but curtains nor cushions are my goal. With the visa clock running out, there is a decision to make (I feel it's been made already).

Route.1 -- Boredom. "Play it safe" and wait for my trip to safely expire before boarding my pre-booked flight home to England. Boredom is the enemy, the goal is excitement. Once again I ask myself the same question; "what excites me?"

Route 2. -- The Sun has got his hat on, hip-hiphip-hooray, the-Sun-has-got-his-hat-on-and-he's-coming-out-to-play. Whenever I ask myself what excites me, I get the same answer; the open road, exploring the unknown.

It'll be me, my camera, and this bike I'd bought for $100 earlier in the trip. I don't have money, or a plan. Seems we don't use synchronicity anymore, instead of God, we have credit cards. I'll invest some of my faith in divine synchronicity. Let's see what happens to my Life enjoyment credit. No cards, No Cash. It's exciting, and a little scary, but it beats being boring.

When I explain my Journey idea to the Los Angeles locals, they all have identical reactions; laughter, and the kind of look that questions my sanity & my map reading skills. Some people suggest I just fake a road trip, catch a bus, or film a few roads, edit something together "as if it were real". -Sigh- These people have missed the point. What makes it exciting for me is the real challenge! I don't want to edit a pretend trip on my laptop in my bedroom; I want to experience REAL LIFE.

-- YES #STEEMIT I am REALLY doing this impossible mission!
[ That's the point. ; ]
FULL #STEEM AHEAD I dont know how, and I dont know why --yet.

"Hey, Im on a hammock." Meet my friend Doug... and his dog. Doug-and-his-dog live at the local shopping mall, amongst some cardboard boxes. I figure he'd be a good guy to chat with about "Survival Skills". Doug seems happy to meet all people living inside my camera, and shares his Street Wise suggestions with us.

Where there's a will, there's a way.
I know this seems unrealistic, they're the best kind of goals to have.
I know I have left this impossibly late, no need to remind me of the obvious.
I know that I have 1000miles ahead; equivalent 40 days cycling... in 14 days!!
WAIT... according to the map I have only moved about 3 inches.

Sharing thru Steemit has returned more money, more instantaneously than YouTube ever has. In one week I've made more with Steemit than I ever made on YouTube in 8 years. With STEEM Power to fund and fuel my adventures the option of making a living life is a possibility. All I need is plugs (for electricity) and wifi (to upload).

Ok, It's too late to leave, so I haven't left yet. I will leave tomorrow. Tonight I am practicing being outside. And I have strapped a monopod to my bike create what is possibly the first ever BIKE CAM exclusive to SebCam! Bright & early the next morning; is my official TRAINING DAY. I figure before riding 100's of miles, I should probably check my kit works on a 10 mile test ride, first! Lets' see if I can realistically edit & upload-video-from-the-road? Im learning on the move. I have a pre-paid WiFi pass for any Starbucks, so finally we're FULL #STEEM AHEAD!!! Unplanned & Unscripted is my middle name.

Honestly, a huge Thanks to my all my new Steemit followers for your love & support watching and joining me on this epic journey. We're in it together!! Without you I'd totally run outta STEEM, literally! Your encouragements keep me motivated to press forwards.

The Following Questions Remain Unanswered;
How will I survive?!
Where will I sleep?
What will I eat?
Will I make it to Oregon to meet my Online Steemit Friends?
Or will I get deported when my US Visa Expires?!

Follow my Steemit Adventure, in real time. I will edit & upload a new Steemit Story from every Starbucks stop in California! Expect daily updates, and expect the unexpected. Hold on to your seats, this maybe a rollercoaster ride!

Step 1. Do what u LOVE. Do what EXCITES you.
Step 2. Share with #Steemit to enable monetization of Dreams.
Step 3. Remember BOREDOM is the Enemy.
(NOT some abstract "failure")


Very cool idea

Ideas = 1 point. Writing a Plan = 9 points. Doing-The-Thing = 90 points! ;]

That sounds right :)

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