A mysterious 'hell' unknown mysteries on the world! Where is that hell?

in #torture7 years ago


There is a hell in the world! Where one enters once and can not exit. Where people were not seen in the eyes of people, where all the terrible experiments were performed by using people, where maternal women were expelled from the stomach directly, the embryo was removed, or crushed with big boards, it was done in 8-9 months of pregnancy! Where the infertile children die in a rotten drown by eating a kidney pudding for food, where women were brutally raped and tortured. North Korea's Haengyong Concentration Camp is called Camp 22.

Here those people are pushed into the face of those who are political critics or political 'criminals'. Speaking more well, if the criticism or sedition against North Korea's Great Leader, the culprit himself will go to jail, along with his three generations had to be jailed, even the child born in prison would not be saved!
The location of this hell across the 225 square kilometer area of ​​Hoi John County in North Korea's north-eastern border. The camp surrounded by mountains surrounded by a fence of 3,300 volts of 10 feet wide. There are about 1,000 armed weapon-guided and trained dogs guard and 500-600 officers for strict security and camp management. After some distance, land mines and people have a secret trap to kill. About 50 thousand women were known to have been male and children. There is also such a terrible hell in North Korea.

Workers from these camps started from the cultivation of the camp. The industrialization of these camps is part of a large part of the North Korean economy. In the reader's mind, questions can arise - How do the people of the world know how these camps exist and how it works? Let's not know from the hell of those people who were once workers in this camp and some who fled.

North Korean dictator Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il created this camp to suppress their opponents. These prisoners have been created in all areas of the world and outside of the country, where the wretched offenders are wiped out with family and clans. There is very little evidence of such barbarism in the history of the world. But the tight security has easily penetrated the satellite. Let's see some of the pictures taken from the satellite. A human rights researcher, David Haq, conducted a comprehensive study of Camp 22. He took some interviews from some of the camp's former guards and prisoners escaped. After watching the pictures taken by Google Earth, a watchman named Maung Chay, described everything that was done from every building and from the work of those buildings.

The Detention Center said, "If one enters once, but it will die within three months. If he does not die, he will become vile for the whole life. "If the work of negligence or all-day work can not be completed by anybody, then his food is stopped for the first time. If he does the same thing for the third time, he is sent directly to the detention center. And detention center means death of meeting.

In showing Kim Tsang Institute, he said, "It is the movie hall of officers and the Guard Training Center." A garbage dump rubbish shows, "Two children died in this rotten pond, because the guard was in the jackfruit because they were scrambling with a small piece of noodles." At the time of the training of the guards, the camp prisoners were not human, they would have to behave like a dog cats. And if the guard wants to kill any prisoner whenever he wants. There will be no accountability in this regard. Sometimes it has happened that a prisoner has been slow to come to her after the call, or walking on the foot of weakness, the guard has killed the prisoner for this crime.

Death to the camp prisoners is very normal. Because every day someone dies before their eyes. But the number of children in the dead is more than that. Parents of unfortunate children can not know when their loved one's son is dead. There is also prohibition of deadlock. According to Maung Chal, more than 2,000 prisoners die each year. Sometimes, because of the guard's hand, sometimes due to excessive nutrition or abuse. The inmates of the prisoners were made to work in camps. In the field of farming, mine and factories had to work 15 hours a day for 7 days a week. To work from 5am to 8pm in the summer. The holiday is the first day of the year. Of course, after 2003, on the occasion of Kim John's birthday, the camps were announced for 4 days public holidays. Kim is so great!

In one room there were 100 prisoners. Everybody's toilet which was never cleaned. After the big work, they were cleansed with dry leaves. The prisoners who work well, sometimes get the opportunity to stay with the family. There is a small room allotted for the stay, which is said to be called a chair instead of the room. And for mealtime, 180 gm corn may be given twice a day.
The tongue of prisoners could not touch any kind of vegetables or meat. The prisoners, however, ate whatever meat they could find, such as mice, snakes and bun when they could find. But the guards would have to face the danger of being in trouble. So sometimes the rats of the rabbit will not eat meat or the skin, so that the guards can not see. The children are most affected by this. Many children died of nourishment before they were 10 years old.

If a woman gives birth to a child, the newborn baby is killed in the wall or mother is forced to kill her child. Pregnant women were forced to abort the abdomen and aborted. Sometimes they were asked to run with a heavy hand or to put a big plank on the abdominal stomach and pressed two people from two sides. The issue of abortion is so horrific that the prisoner could have died sometimes. The prisoners are most afraid of this torture process. The hand of the prisoners is tied with a hot water pipe at roughly 60 centimeters. In this situation, can not sit or sit, can not stand. Then the guard wandered, kicked or punched with a stick like a thick mug. In this way, after a few days of persistence, the body becomes paralyzed at one time and the joint with the chest opens.

Camp 22 is currently announced as closed. Camp 22 closed but his prisoners did not get released. About 8,000 prisoners have been sent to camp 25 for 20,000 prisoners. But there is no trace of the rest. It is assumed that due to the currency depreciation of 2009, the camp authority could not afford enough food and many of the prisoners died starving because the camp's own production was very low. In the satellite image of 2012, the Garda houses were broken down, on the way to the dismantling of some establishments. Source: Voice of the time


While North Korea gets lot of media attention but on the other hand nobody gives a dem about Myanmar.. the only reason? North Korea is enemy of USA while Myanmar licks the US government's butt

Hmmm 😑

Postingan bagus :)

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