Review Project TOQQN (A Blockchain Based Social Platform With Your Interests at Heart)

in #toqqn6 years ago

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This day I will introduce for you project toqqn

After is details

1/ Problem:
When we sign into social media now, our privacy is lost. But what’s even worse, we have also lost all expectation of privacy. Like lambs lead to the slaughter, we meekly accept that we will be exploited every time we log in.

Unfortunately, the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal involving Facebook is only the tip of the iceberg. Everyday there are new revelations of unethical ad practices.

We have handed over personal data to apps designed expressly to scrape not only our own data, but also the data of our contacts - all because we are eager for the dopamine hit we get from answering a silly quiz.

Apart from being subjected to scrapers disguised as quizzes and games, social media users are also bombarded with non-stop advertising. Despite users not expressing interest in particular goods or services, they may still be bombarded with ads in their newsfeeds as part of ‘lookalike audiences’ targeting. Even when users leave social media platforms, they have the unpleasant experience of being followed around the internet with retargeting campaigns.

Who knows what additional personal data is revealed when we register with social logins on websites ?

Social media platforms are free for users to join, which helps explain their popularity.

However, “free” platforms cost their owners billions in server and security costs, development expenses and more. In order to recoup costs, and deliver a healthy set of financials to their shareholders, owners ruthlessly sell their users’ personal data to advertisers.

What should frighten social media users above all is the centralization factor in social media. So much power is concentratedin the hands of just a few companies.

Facebook has acquired and merged with no less than 67 companies, including the highly popular social platforms WhatsApp and Instagram. Twitter has merged with and acquired more than 50 separate companies itself.

It is clear that a free, decentralized alternative platform that respects users’ privacy, and disallows advertising time has come. People can enjoy the benefits of

interacting with friends and family on social media, without fear they will be manipulated and exploited at every turn just to generate more ad dollars.
We believe that the solution to the problem of creating an ad-free social platform lies in the blockchain.

2/ TOQQN Vision & Challenges:


The expense of operating a social network is not insignificant; therefore, monetizing the social platform is necessary. While a subscription model is one way to monetize a social platform without advertising, it denies access to those without financial means. So we have come up the means to provide users with access to a free platform where security and privacy are of the utmost concern, yet makes the platform attractive for investors.

In order to fund the platform and attract investors, we have decided to issue a crypto token, toqqn. But this token will not only provide a way to fund our platform, it will also bring value to our users.

As part of our goal to bring crypto to the masses, interactions on the Toqqn platform will be rewarded with points which can be exchanged for our crypto token (toqqn.) This will ultimately increase the value of the token, as demand rises which will bring new investors.


Decentralization - The biggest challenge faced by the Toqqn team is how to completely decentralize our platform. Our ultimate goal is to eliminate any user data stored on our servers, thus completely decentralizing the platform, and ensuring that our users’ data is never sold or hacked for profit.

The first challenge is that current technology isn’t capable of creating a completely decentralized platform. So we will combine the best of conventional and blockchain technology to provide a secure platform that does not store user data on our servers.

As technology allows, we will fully integrate the platform with the blockchain to decentralize all user data. Our plan is to run DAPP to accomplish this as soon as the platform is stable.

Quality of Community Content: In order to grow any community, the content needs to be top-notch. So the challenge is to create a platform to attract a user-base that produces great content that other users value and engage with.

The ability to earn rewards in crypto is a powerful incentive for usersto stay engaged and contribute top-quality content. This ensures that useful, thought-provoking content is contributed to the platform,and at the same time, attracts a broad user-base. More users and content will also cause an increase in the amount of spam that gets added to the platform, we intend to overcome this by the ‘users aremoderators’ feature.

Withdrawals: Because of the cost involved per transaction, members will be permitted to withdraw the toqqns they’ve acquired once per week initially. As the technology gets better we intend to make daily withdrawals possible.
3/ Introduce Project Toqqn
What is Toqqn: The Toqqn platform is a small step towards a big mission to give users a privacy focused and ad-free social experience. As well, users are rewarded with crypto every day, through a new activity-based ecosystem.

What’s unique about Toqqn is that, it doesn’t intend to store any user data, it doesn’t track you, nor does it follow you everywhere with ads.

Why Toqqn: When every single major social platform misuses user data for evil purposes, the relevance of a platform that doesn’t store user data increases day by day.

At the same time, we want to reach the masses with crypto, because we feel it is the payment system of the future. So instead of exploiting users who contribute to our social platform, we reward them with crypto. This gives anyone, from anywhere, the ability toparticipate in the crypto economy without any financial barrier toentry.

Toqqn Platform Development: Toqqn is in development using the best of both conventional and web 3.0 technologies. Conventional systems are used to make Toqqn a user friendly platform. At the same time blockchain technology will be adopted to decentralize user data. We want to build a social media where no user data will be stored on our platform or servers.

This is to prevent any kind of misuse or exploitation of people’s privatedata.

Timeframe: Fundraising for the project’s development starts with a private sale on November 2018. Platform development is already in full-swing. We aim to launch the first version of our freelancers market place by the mid of next year and a have fully functional beta of the platform by the end of 2019.

Toqqn’s freelancers marketplace will enable people to buy and sell digital services across the globe without any restrictions. This adds enormous value to the native cryptocurrency TQN as a utility (which would be the primary payment method.)

According to Statistica1, an online statistics clearinghouse, the total number of social media users is projected to be approximately 2.77 billion people by 2019, a steady increase since 2010.

Because of the popularity of social media platforms they are highly attractive to advertisers. This is due to the enormous amount of available user data that enables their advertising targeting to be so effective.

The result is users are constantly bombarded with ads, both on-and-off social platforms. They are subject to behavioral and demographic advertising and remarketing campaigns that hound them across the internet.

One reason user data is so readily available is because developers have given too much leeway in integrating social platforms their apps in the past. This allowed them almost carte-blanche access not only to user information, but also to the data of user’s contacts, with far-reaching implications.

For users who want relief from relentless advertising targeting the solution is to move a social media platform that forbids advertising.

However, the expense of operating a social network is not insignificant.

This means that some other model of monetization besides advertising is necessary. While a subscription model is one apparent way to monetize a social platform without advertising ( is an example), this model denies access to those without financial means.

Now there is an alternative for social users who crave privacy and the reassurance their data won’t be sold to the highest bidder.

Toqqn, a 100% ad-free social platform, powered by blockchain

The Toqqn social platform gives users the free social community they want without giving up their security and privacy.

Blockchain integration means that no user information will be stored on our or any servers.

Users are rewarded with crypto, through a new activity-based ecosystem

50% of the total supply of TQN (toqqn’s native crypto currency) is reserved to reward users for their daily activities. Making one’s social activities the new crypto mining.

As part of Toqqn’s mandate to bring crypto to the masses, interactions on the platform (such as posting, content shares and other activities like commenting, moderating), is rewarded with our crypto, which is also named toqqn. The overarching goal of our reward program is to help bring crypto to people who could not otherwise access it.

According to their activities, toqqn will be deposited to all user accounts every day. Users can track their earnings via their personal dashboard, which can be withdrawn to their wallets once in a week.

Plans are also in place to create a services marketplace where users can provide digital services to earn additional toqqn and spend what they’ve acquired already for good. This provides true utility to our crypto token. Rewarding our users with crypto aids the adoption of cryptocurrency as a cross-border payment method that eliminates unnecessary third parties.

The Toqqn Team

Our Team has decades of combined experience building and marketing complex web applications and SaaS projects. This experience and problem-solving skills brings strength and credibility to the project.

Team members also have extensive expertise and experience with blockchain development. This Team has been handpicked by our CEO, Mervik Haums, to ensure the Toqqn platform is user-friendly, stable and secure.

Mervik Haums (Founder, CEO)

Our CEO is a cutting-edge developer and marketing strategist - with aMaster’s degree in Computer Science. He has over 10 years experience in building and marketing innovative software projects.

Starting his journey as a developer with IM projects, he launched a number of revolutionary SaaS projects for the E-commerce industry in the recent past.

Mervik has also trained hundreds of aspiring marketers and developers through marketing masterminds. He was an early adopter of crypto and very active in the crypto world since 2013. Mervik leads Toqqn’s project development as well asthe branding and marketing teams behind Toqqn.

Sujathan R (CTO)

Sujathan R, Chief Technology Officer, a highly-regarded computer engineer with over seven years of experience spearheads development of the Toqqn platform and blockchain integration.

He started his career as a PHP developer and moved to various front-end technologies according to industry demand. He spent 3 years working as a UI developer for mediaapplications.

His immense experience in both server side and client side technologies, makes him skilled and

reliable in all phases of a project. Sujathan has served as a senior software engineer in the IT industry building SaaS projects, high level web architecture and
co-ordinating development and has long term association with Mervik.

Shiju TV (Chief Architect)

Shiju is an IT specialist with 12+ years of professional experience in web and hybrid application development. Shiju served as an application architect & associated with Yahoo Media as a lead developer in 2012.

He is an expert in a wide variety of progressive technologies such as Python, Nodejs, Python, AngularJs, ViewJs; Mysql and Postgrey SQl, and with application scaling using Solr, Redis and AWS SQS.

His experience with hybrid application development is essential to the development of the Toqqn platform.

He Yaohui (Senior Partner, Marketing)

Marketing expert, investor, and legal advisor, He Yaohui has worked in the ecommerce industry for 9+ years.

In addition, he created successful marketing strategies across various industries including crypto, e-commerce. He also serves as IM legal advisor to several leading firms in China and Hong Kong.

He Yaohui has a long term marketing relationship with Mervik and has been an active collaborator on Mervik’s earlier projects as well.

Amr Gawish (Blockchain Developer)

DLT / Blockchain Fullstack developer, software programmer, gamification advocate, Amr brings his previous experience as a Middleware Consultant to Toqqn.

He holds a Bachelor degree in Maths and Computer Sciences from Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. Amr has created incredible software applications using many different technologies and infrastructures. Impressively, Amr has developed qualified applications to multinational corporations such as Vodafone, Oracle and more.

Norma Rickman (Copywriter/Marketing Strategist)

Norma holds a Bachelor’s degree from Gonzaga University in Spokane, USA and has 7 years experience as a copywriter and marketing strategist.

Her copy has featured prominently in a number of 7-figure product launches, primarily in the software/SaaS industry. She recently completed her first crypto project.

She believes in the promise ofblockchain to build a better future for humanity - as does the rest of the Toqqn team.

As expected, Toqqns will expand its scope of operations outside the world. I believe that with its potential, transparency, security and advantages, Toqqns will have a firm foothold in the exchanges in general and crypto circles in particular.
Personally, I rate this project very high. I think I should invest in it. With high liquidity in the market, it will automatically raise prices, this is a very favorable sign for investors to buy these codes in the early days of ICO, the price is still cheap. Toqqns Token can be accepted in most leading trading markets, which brings a relatively large discount in transactions.
If you want to invest in Toqqns, this is a good time to invest. Join now, go to for more details, and remember to buy immediately before all tokens are sold.
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