Don't CHANGE... Practice ACCEPTANCE: Inverse Psychology to MOTIVATE your ass.

in #timeforachange8 years ago

Stay the same. It's how you were born. It's your parents fault you are this way today. That broken heart from years ago is still to blame all these years later. That's why you can't find lasting love. There's nothing you should do differently. You continue to get rejected because of those times in high school. Some people hurt you back then. Nothing you can do about it now. Be reasonable. There is no need or use in the world for your evolution. What you look like, your career, health, skills and personality are all fixed. What you see is what you get. Don't waste your energy trying to be someone you are not, someone you and everyone knows you cannot and never will be. Be realistic. You are and you will continue to be who you always were. If you are a smoker then you are a smoker. If you are a drinker then you are a drinker. It's foolish to think things can be any different or you can make a difference. Grow up already. Make peace with the idea you will never be your ideal weight. Just accept it. Face facts. Can't teach an old dog new tricks. In a few years you will be the same exact person, just older and more scared. This is normal. Not much ever changes. This is as good as it gets. It's OK. Watch TV. Try and laugh more. Buy a bigger entertainment package and distract yourself. It's all out of your control anyway. It's not your responsibility, it's circumstance. It's fate. It's out of your hands.

Everyone was right. They were right about you all along. They knew best after all, because those that gave you advice on how to live your life are happy and live the life you've always wanted, don't they?


haha I love this! good perspective!

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short and to the point.
yet, even with the intended inverse psychology, there's still wisdom in the direct - sometimes resistance is futile.

'tis a fine balance, between knowing what's within control to change - and when acceptance is actually called for...

Yeah, these kinds of posts are more to invoke some emotion and make people want to get up and do something. If that happens I would consider it having succeeded at its intended purpose.

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