TIL: Of Joining the Steemit Blogchain & Schrödinger's Cryptocurrency Cat

in #til7 years ago

Watching the newbies piling into Steemit reminds me of the Gold rush last year.

When the $4 Steem was King.

Jeff Berwick and his Anarcho-Capitalist Vigilantes pointed the torch of Liberty at this Steemit thing and thousands piled in.

Including me.

I had a Google Blog where I updated the stuff I was writing and I had about one visitor a month.

Usually it was my brother or my sister or some poor chap that was lost on the Net and ended up on my page.

We are talking a Ghost Town of a blog.
With the electronic equivalent of tumbleweeds rolling on by.


Then the shout went up. There is Gold in Dem Dar Hills.

You get paid for Blogging.

That was enough for me I was sold.

Jeff Berwick came in with all his Anarcho-Capitalist Vigilantes.

And made $15000 for one post.

People went absolutely bonkers.

I ended up inside a bewildering world of Anarcho-Capitalists, Utopian dreamers,
College Kid Smart Asses, radical rights, radical lefts, cryptocurrency gurus,
cryptocurrency knobheads,
the tag taliban, Cheeteh the Plagiarism checking bot.
And shit, more speculators trying to turn a fast buck, quicker than you could say, Bitcoin is down again!

What saved it for me, was a great bunch of just normal people, (who are still here and still Posting.)

Then it went Batshit again with everybody started Posting about Flagging wars & Whales n Dolphins and Minnows.

Was it a Blog site I was on or F****** SeaWorld!

I plodded along, Posting my stuff and slowly getting involved in the sheer madness that was swirling around the site.

Steemit was going to change the world as we knew it.

It was,"Them," versus Us.

Who, "Them," were, was really never made crystal clear.

It seemed to be everybody not on Steemit.

The, "Us," just had to be,"Us?" on Steemit?


Well sometimes, by the flow of angry posts that flew around.

The,"Thems," were also on Steemit. "The Enemy is inside the Gates."

"Close the F**** Gates" "Its to F***** Late"

"Send in the Clowns, Don't bother, their here:"D~

Some of the New Deal visionaries who had jumped in at $4 a Steem,
where losing all hope, as the price of Steem started to plummet.

I just ignored it all and continued to Post my stories.

And give some encouraging words to a lot of the great Steemit crew.

There was a lot of very childish behavior on the platform.

But I can see now, it is the price you have to pay, to grow something great.

And Steemit kept growing and growing.

I woke up one day to discover, I actually knew a bit about Cryptocurrencies and the fantastic Blockchain.

Educated on Steemit like thousands of others.

Nowhere else on the web, is there a site like Steemit,
that is educating the great unwashed, into just exactly, what a Hard Fork really means.

I even started posting about, what it all meant to me.

Maybe it was all started as a scheme, to turn a fast buck.

But somewhere along the way, it has blossomed into a very vibrant Crypto Blogchain.

But it is also so much more.

Which is why I enjoy being here.

The sheer variety of topics is dazzling.

I never get tired reading and pondering about Satoshi Nakamoto.
The Man, the Myth, the T-Shirt.
A true Bitcoin Legend in his own brief Lunchtime.

Did he come from the future and create Bitcoin.
The Daddy of all the Alt-coins.
Or was it just a boring group of Nerds.
Who then, just disappeared up their own ego?

Where did he go?

Where did they go?

As a mystery, it's up there with, Bigfoot & Who Shot JFK.

Someday I would like to know.

But maybe that's the writer in me.

When I contemplate Cryptocurrencies, I cannot seem to get the image of, "Schrödinger's Cat," out of my mind.


If you invest in any of the Alt-coins, you are entering the,

Mathematical Mythical Magical World of the Blockchain Beasts.

Inside this,Mathematical Magical Box sits, Schrödinger's Cryptocurrency Cat.

And everything is possible while the box remains closed.

The currency goes up and up and down and down and up and down.

The, Quantum Crypto Wave, does not collapse, until you cash out.

So, your, Schrödinger's Cryptocurrency Cat is worth $$Zillions or nothing or both or everything or just a Dutch Tulip.

Until you make that final decision, to cash out and collapse it into, what ever the price is, outside the box.

I have never seen Steem as a buying currency, like Monero or even Dash.

But it will have a value.

Maybe even a great value.

I can see myself converting my Steem into Dash, to buy chocolate bars.

And into Bitcoin to buy a house. [Or pay Ransomeware:D) ]

But again, its only my opinion.

Everybody should have an opinion.

And not just blindly follow the herd.

That is why the Steemit Blogchain, is so successful.

So do yourself a favor.

Forget about the Steem payments for a moment and just Post something, that interest you.

Have an opinion. Make some noise.

If I like it, I'll up vote you.

If I don't like it.......

Well, I probably wasn't your target audience anyway;D~

Live Long and Prosper!

Images Courtesy of Pixabay & Youtube


What a high energy manifesto! Schroedinger's cat exists in all states at once, just like your crypto stash could make you a millionaire or it could lose you your shirt. The possibilities are endless until you click sell. Nicely done.

Thanks for taking the time to give it a read.

Just continue to have fun here. The $$ arenice but they are not the value of your posts. I follow ya now.

Thanks for the kind thoughts

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