
Please, do not use others content without their permission.
You should ask first for permission, then post it after it is confirmed. You are using their content to make a buck. You should pay them all Steem and SBD that you acquire from these posts.
Majority of users have no clue that you have used their posts as they do not use such service as mention bots to know that they have been tagged/their content used.

I thought about this as a way of making good articles visible again. Sometimes I read past articles, find them interesting but can't resteem them anymore. But I'll cancel the project for now, of course. Sorry but I thought that by adding the author's name and links I would directly show the post's owner. Beginner's naivity...

Forgot to answer... as you can see, I haven't made that much SBD on the posts, but I will find how to pay the authors back.

Juse keep SBD and don't do it in the future. Focus on writing original content rather than recycling others content (without ther permission).

You're right, it certainly won't happen again.

My friend @logic, go carefully. @helgapn made these posts with permission of the authors. Otherwise, the authors themselves would find it wrong and ask the @steemcleaners to act to stop it. Focus your efforts on finding those who actually commit abuses here. I do not see much of this project's cleaners to punishing some Steemit celebrities who commit abuses with the power and influence they have. Big hug.

If it were, it would not have been deleted...

Please focus your efforts on facts next time before preaching me :-)
This user used my content withour my permission.

Steemians content was used in variety of previous posts, which have all been deleted by the above user to cover up. They have earned bucks though.

I dfind your defence of this user quite peculiar. I presume there is some pesonal reason.

@logic There is no personal reason and his insinuations are ridiculous. @helgapn is part of our portuguese language community on Steemit and even though she is a newbie user, she has built great content and I, knowing her and knowing her work, do not really see any reason why she could use someone's content to take advantage.

She just needs to post more original content instead of recycling others content and she will be fine.
I hate when someone uses my content to profit without my knowledge, hence that report to SC.

I didn't understand, you reported to Steemit cleaners? You could have talked with me first. I came from an influence of 51 to 45. We could have talked to each other and come to an agreement. Sometimes why not trying to get to know the person behind the username first?

At steemcleaners, we have thousands of reports/posts to process weekly. We don't have time to go and commmunicate with everyone.
I went thru your blog and so many other similar posts so I concluded that it is a pattern, not just one off accident.

There are already too many accounts using similar recyclying of posts spam such as "highlights", "the top posts", "selection of posts". We usually do not chase and flag them unless some user reports that their content has been used withour permission.

I didn't know you were part of steemcleaners... Now I understand the whole context. Thanks for your explanation

Thank you for your support @jsantana. Now, I really hope all this mess has come to an end. Let's just move forward.

I'm really sorry for all this mess @logic! You are absolutely right, I should have asked permission to the authors. I thought I was sharing great content with the info of the authors, as I've already seen here on great projects or as I do on other social media. No one ever got upset, neither would I be if someone else mentions my posts with my name in it. I thought I was helping other authors getting noticed and as you can see from the deleted posts, I was only making few cents with them. So my initial goal really was sharing good content. I didn't delete the posts to cover anything up, I just didn't want any other author flagging me... But as I said before, lesson learned, it won't happen again.

The thing is that on Steemit when you use someone's content, even when tagging them, they have no idea that they have been tagged/mentioned or their content uses unless someone tells them or if they use special bots that alert them about mentions.

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