
What are you smoking today? 😀

Red headed stranger

I am sure you won't find it so this is not a good guess to win any context but Jack Herer is the bomb! I was gifted a few grams (lasts me like a month ;) and it is soooo nice.

Enjoy Mile High. Maybe connect with @broncnutz while you are there!

@partytrout texted me that he has some Jack Herrer.. so I might better meeting up with him soon

2 good reasons to meet with him then. Taste some more sweet stuff and also to get him to start blogging "Looks like partytrout hasn't started blogging yet!"

I am on his ass about it

Thanks Dave! I'm going to say Blueberry Affgooey (probably spelled wrong) is going to be your next batch of weed you buy.

Bro I didn't even know weed had names. LOL

Anyways good luck to the people that would know!
I am sad I didn't manage to find scooby though:(

By the way I find it Ironic we recently just discussed Dlive and then they quit hard on us! Welcome to Dtube buddy!

i can't win if i don't find a way on Dtube..

Haha! You're welcome sweet morning bowl friend!! May as well.... guess again 🤞🤣 my guess for this next pick-up is... Red Headed Stranger!

Girl Scout Cookies and btw I thought about that yesterday as I typed hey you found scooby that I should have said I saw. LOL

Yeah. I couldn't believe both of you missed it lol

It wasn't that I missed it just over looked it as I had the thought lmao

Lets see you had red headed stranger.. so I'm guessing headband

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