Modern Materialistic Science is based on False Premises. Time for Truth & Facts.

in #tesla6 years ago (edited)


Michelson and Morley try to measure wave activity with their interferometer.

It can be said that all of modern materialistic science rests on two theories.

  1. The theory of gravity being a property of mass
  2. The theory that the aether doesn't exist.

The vaunted theory of relativity had to be thought up just to, and only to, explain the discrepancies that these two theories cause.

So, what happens to modern materialistic science if these two theories are wrong?

The theory of gravity was penned by Newton, and supposedly proved with experiment by Cavendish. Unfortunately Cavendish was insanely rich, and insane. It is said that he had giant gold balls. You need giant spheres to perform the experiment, which he did in a barn, and supposedly measured with a telescope.

Unfortunately, no one has ever repeated his experiments. Further, the electric universe model completely debunks the entire theory. So, well, that kinda puts a crimp in modern science.

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Then comes the most poorly conducted experiment ever in the history of science.
The Michelson-Morley experiment.

The list of failures of this experiment is long, some of them i will list here. (why isn't this list in every science book?)

  • Michelson-Morley found something and called it nothing. Really, they found a phase shift, but it wasn't as much as they thought, and so concluded that it must be measurement error.
  • Michelson-Morely did the bare minimum number of repeated observations to be called an experiment.
  • Michelson-Morely experiment, if it was accurate, only disproves a tenth of the aether theories. There are many theories that are quite valid, even if the experiment was done correctly.

There are many theories about the aether that the M-M experiment wouldn't show. Such as:

  • What if we were on a stationary planet?
  • What if the direction of aether was straight down. Several theories have the aether movement as what holds us down on earth.
  • What if the local aether doesn't move? Boundary layers exist in all of the physics we study. Such as, the layer of air molecules surrounding the car doesn't move, even as the car is flying down the road. So, the aether around the planet doesn't move as the earth moves about in space.
  • What if aether movement does not affect the movement of light?

Further, later experiments showed different measurements at different elevations and at different times of the day. Some of the most important information to help us really understand the world we live in... swept under the rug to maintain our precious modern materialistic science.

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Nikola Tesla Image

“Only the existence of a field of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena. My second discovery was of a physical truth of the greatest importance. As I have searched the entire scientific records in more than a half dozen languages for a long time without finding the least anticipation, I consider myself the original discoverer of this truth, which can be expressed by the statement: There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment.” – Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla believed that the aether had to exist, and by utilizing it, he was able to perform great feats of electricity. Many performed in front of crowds of newspaper reporters, and not duplicated to this day.

The reason they are not duplicated is that modern materialistic science excludes the study of the principals and foundations within which the energy flowed. The aether. Or, as Russians describe it, the physical vacuum.

Modern materialistic science can't even explain magnetism without having to contrive special, magical, "unicorn particles".
Their theories should be relegated to where they belong. Door stops and dust bins.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.
Image of Nikola Tesla - creative commons


This for me is likely why gravity is shoved down our throats as the answer. Not because the Earth is flat, but because it is likely a form of electromagnetism that governs the universe, and if people knew, then perhaps it would be so simple to understand that half of us would be inventors and flying about in our homemade levitating bathtubs and enjoying free energy and probably even exceptional health.

So instead they teach us a fucked up truth that doesn't really make sense- but the math works, so we believe it. But, we'll never invent anything anti-gravity if gravity doesn't exist. We won't invent much at all if we do not even understand basic science, and are instead learning theoretical bullshit.

Tesla described Condensers (what we call capacitors) as natures motive force.
A long time later, a scientist made a super-duper-strong capacitor and charged it to a million volts. It floated. (well, not the first one, it only lost weight)
So, evidence that should be taught to every scientist.
But, it flies in the face of gravity being a result of mass.

Very good content on the evolution and changes of science dear friend.Greetings

Thanks for visiting and reading.

Modern Science curriculum is designed to keep people feeling dumb, powerless, small & sick. Problem is the vast majority of people have been bred & strongly conditioned to go with the herd irregardless of herd direction

It is indeed our social desire to be with the herd, or clan.
However, scientist love to say how they are being scientifically minded, how they are searching for the truth.
And then you come to find out that its all window dressing.
You were sold a sack of shit, disguised as a 4 year degree.

I know nothing of this subject, but since everything is purposefully ass-backwards so power-mongers can feel good about themselves at everyone else’s expense, it seems like enough. Plus, I’m always glad to hear heresy so plainly spoken. Way t’ be.

Thanks. I would like to discuss the truth. But, all i can do right now is poke holes in the edifice that is "modern science".

That’ll do nicely, since it’s totally taboo. Coming from a person who’s not simultaneously suggesting something ludicrous will go a long way toward getting the objection on the table.

Hang on, didn't the Sagnac experiment prove the existence of the aether? Or at least prove that Einsteins removal of it for relativity may have been somewhat hasty. Apperently physicists are never taught about Sagnac. My brother in law is a physicist but I keep forgetting to ask him. Any physicists in the house?

Sagnac is not in any "approved" science books that i know of.
And, even if the aether wasn't proved to exist, it makes so much sense and explains so many electrical interactions, that it may as well exist.

The M-M experiment proved something was there. But, they called it nothing. Later M-M experiments, showed changes with elevation and time of day. These are important pieces of data... which was ignored, hushed, verboten.

Yes, as I understand it, M & M could only account for the lack of expected interference, on a moving, rotating planet, by suggesting that the aether doesn't exist. They thought it to be a 'Null result.' The scientific community attempted to account for this with the Fitzgerald Lorenz Contraction but ultimately concluded that the aether doesn't exist, as a result.

Einstein accepted this and special relativity was based upon that assumption, ie. the absence of the aether. But the Sagnac experiment appeared to demonstrate that the aether does exist, suggesting the possibility both that Einstein (relativity) may have been wrong and that, rather than discount the aether, given its apparent proof by Sagnac, what M&M actually suggests is the possibility of discounting the motion (the Earth's motion through space.)

I think the absence of the Sagnac experiment in any 'approved' physics texts illustrates the point that it is not to be discussed and is indeed verboten, as you say. The Sagnac effect, which experimentally proves the existence of the aether, is used the world over in advanced gyroscopes. Yet, as you say, what it demonstrates (the apparent existence of the aether) is never discussed nor taught to physicists. I'm seeing my brother in law this weekend, a physicist, and I will remember to ask ask him about it.

I've checked out the basic facts in the Bowden video I've shared with you here and he does appear to be correct. I see no reason at all why this should be interpreted as indicating a flat earth, as suggested by many, but does suggest both the existence of the aether and a possibly geocentric model of the known universe. The recent analysis of the Planck satellite measurement of cosmic microwave background radiation readings (the so called Axis of Evil) seems to add further evidence to suggest the possibility of geocentricity.

Something is wrong with our accepted understanding, in my view. I do not agree that this necessarily has any religious significance but do think our understanding of physics needs a lot of work. It also suggests Tesla was on to something and all the 'conspiracy theories' about suppressed technology have more weight as a consequence.

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