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RE: Even the Raspberry Pi has a little friend

in #technology8 years ago (edited)

My first usable computer.

(I'd previously built an Elf)

The Trash 80, as it was not so affectionately called cost
$500...and did approximately nothing. It had a fricking audio casset player for external memory...It was not as powerful as the raspberry pi yet cost one hundred times as much.
The first useable computer I owned was the Amiga

which cost me $700. After a few years of using it I got my first hard drive.
ten megabytes for $2400. (15 gigabytes available free many places on the cloud today)
Ten thousand dollars worth of memory in 1980 is free today

and yet a house today cost ten times as much now as it did then.

Why the difference?


I know how you feel...

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