Whites Playing Both Sides of Racial Issues

A huge reason we've been unable, up to this point in our history, to erradicate racism, is because of the role several white people play in it. While there are the ones that are easy to spot, there are plenty who 'hide' and pretend to be liberals. These are the white moderates Dr. King warned us about, more than 50 years ago.

Tariq gives Outstanding Commentary on this matter

Tariq Nasheed has been on it as of late. If you haven't, make sure you watch the commentary he is referring to. The shooter in Texas is a long line of white home grown terrorists. This talk on Cthulu & H.P. Lovecraft is worth Understanding. When you realize America still allows this nonsense to make money, when pulling Bill Cosby shows off the market, the clouds disappear. This nation, continues to support the literal, very evil, that has always been here.

White Moderates are always Looking The Other Way
Learning How It all works Matters So Much Right now

White supremacists are everywhere in our society, and are linking up globally. Meanwhile..... other white people continue to do nothing about it; Many object to anyone who's willing to do something about it. At some point, a wake up call must be placed. People fighting for the true freedom of humanity, and a better world, may have to realize who's truly on that mission, and who is standing in the way.

Flashback: To a discussion on Black Males Being Under Attack; Negative Agendas

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