Space Invaders: New Art invading the World 👾

in #art7 years ago

A French artist, who has not revealed his identity, has been installing 29 mosaics all around the Spanish city of Málaga (Andalusia).


Un artista francés, que todavía no ha revelado su identidad, ha estado instalando 29 mosaicos por toda la ciudad española de Málaga (Andalucía).


The artist has been 'invading the world' with his art since the 90s, using original designs based in the 80s classic arcade SPACE INVADERS. According to what he explains in his web, the reason why he's doing this type of art is because of the access difficulties to galleries and museums.

El artista lleva 'invadiendo el mundo' con sus obras desde los años 90, utilizando originales diseños basados en el clásico arcade de los 80, SPACE INVADERS. Según explica su web, la razón por la que hace este tipo de arte es por las dificultades de acceso a galerías y museos.




But that isn't all, Invader has an app: 'Flash Invaders', and using it you can win points everytime we take a picture of one of his works, like 'Pokemon Go', so we have the chance of competing with other users. The 29 mosaics that there are around the capital of 'La Costa del Sol' can give the users a total of 1020 points... AMAZING IDEA!!!

Pero no se queda ahí, Invader tiene una app: 'Flash Invaders', con la que podemos ganar puntos cada vez que saca una foto a una de sus obras, tipo 'Pokemon Go', que hace que podamos acumular puntos y competir entre nosotros. Los 29 mosaicos que hay en la capital de la 'Costa del Sol' dan a los usuarios un total de 1.020 puntos. ¡¡¡ALUCINANTE LA IDEA!!!









If you want to start making points in Málaga here you have a street map of all the mosaics in the city and their exact location.

Si quieres empezar a conseguir puntos aquí tienes un callejero con los mosaicos que hay en la ciudad y su localización exacta.


Malaga is just one of 71 cities all around the word to receive his mosaics, which globally total close to 3500. Here you have a map of Europe and a World one, with all 'invaded' the cities till now.

Málaga es sólo una de las 71 ciudades alrededor del mundo en recibir sus mosaicos, con un total de unos 3500. Aquí tenéis un mapa de Europa y otra del mundo, con todas las ciudades 'invadidas' hasta la fecha.



In my opinion an amazing idea that gives a special and different touch to great cities all over the world.

En mi opinión es una increíble idea que da un toque especial y diferente a grandes ciudades alrededor del mundo.




An artist with an app that does such great art - he sounds like an amazingly cool person. Thanks for sharing this news, it goes to shows that some times talent finds it difficult to get recognized and needs to find it's own way.

It's being quite famous in the city and that's not easy with such great museums like Picasso Museum or the Pompidou, so amazing job!!! Thanks for reading @jznsamuel :)

true, and hope the artist reveals himself soon :)

Yo he jugado a ese juego. Y no conocía la iniciativa que muestras. Está genial y muy "ochentero" 😊

Juego simple, pero anda que no he echado yo horas... Gracias por comentar @teseo!!!

since the 90s??? wow
i never heard about it, what a lovely idea, i like this kind of art
thx for sharing
next time when i'm in bangkok i will have a look for that

Genial, jaja. de aquí a unos 20 años más ya toda Europa estará llena de eso.

A ver qué ciudad es la próxima :)

This is a fascinating offshoot of street art. I would imagine that some property owners love it, while some hate it.

They're having serious problems with one of the mosaics that is in a Church property... so, I don't think it ends well for the artist. Thanks for reading joechiappetta :)

Very cool! The world could use more 8 bit eye candy.

Aww I love it! Hadn't seen this yet :-)

It's great, isn't it? Thanks for the comment @playfulfoodie :)

It is! I think it puts a smile on the faces of random people passing by. That's a good effect I'd say :-)

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