The Art Of The Deal By Alexis Tsipras

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Pictured above, the guy holding a tie, is Alexis Tsipras, current Greek prime minister. Two days ago he gave in to all the demands of Fyrom (see Macedonia naming dispute) and then some. In return, he got a nice red tie. He was negotiating from a way way superior position and all he managed to get is a tie, by Zoran Zaev, prime minister of Fyrom. Yep, a fucking tie. Not to mention that this is more of a mocking gift, since Alexis never wears ties so he has no use for it..  

Good job Alexis. You sold out the history and blood of your ancestors and in return you got an insult. And like the good little traitor you are you smile and laugh and say what a big victory this is for both countries. Don't forget though, one of your favorite words you used to describe your political foes just a couple years ago was "γερμανοτσολιάς".... Funny how your work gives new meaning to the word..

Which just reminded me of a great quote....

"If you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror."



Kανα στριγκακι (της περιστέρας) επρεπε να βαλει ο καλλιτεχνης :)

κι ενα δονητή μπας και γαμηθει και ξυπνήσει και ξεκουμπιστει......

Lmao!!! I didn't catch the edit right away!

Unfortunately, this was always part of Syriza''s program.
His party promises raises, lower unemployment, tax cuts. You name it. None of which he ever did.
National issues must be the front line. Not personal gains. This is what happens when people vote for their pocket, and their pocket alone.

People change after they have access to the trough. Politicians are also people :/

ζει την στιγμη, το απολαμβανει. Σου λεει μια φορα δν παιζει να ξαναβγω θα τα γαμησω ολα

έτσι ακριβώς XD

that is pathetic

it's beyond pathetic but you need to know the history and the political details to really understand how pathetic it is..... We are reaching levels of patheticness that shouldn't even be possible

το σιχαμα γελαει κιολας...το ενα το σιχαμα....
..τελικα οι αριστεροι καταφεραν ο,τι δεν καταφεραν οι κομμουνιστες μετα τον δευτερο παγκοσμιο... να πουλησουν τη Μακεδονια μας...
..κοιταξτε ενα σιχαμα ανθρωπου...ειναι και περηφανος ρε γαμωτο...τι να πω...
... @trumpman ....αν νομιζεις οτι η Περιστερα χρησιμοποιει στρινγκ κανεις μεγαλο λαθος....ξερεις εσυ καμμια κομμουνιστρια με στρινγκακι??...η τριχα καγκελο αδερφε και για εσωρουχο το βροχολαστιχο της γιαγιας...
...εδω εισαι στην καλυτερη.. 8.jpg

From the outside, I have to tell you that noone in Europe understands the problem. And now, seeing that Nationalists on both sides are fuming, this seems like a good compromise. Again: from the outside. But maybe you can explain it to me.

I would need hours and hours to explain you the problem. I don't know about the nationalists from the other side, but from our side all political parties, even the one in the coalition with the goverment party was against this agreement. Righties, leftists, communists, nationatilsts, libertarians everyone is saying this is a bad/wrong/whatever deal that we shouldn't have signed. True, they disagree on the whys but all agree it's a bad deal.

And that's the point. We were negotiating from a superior position. We held the key for FYROM to enter NATO and EU (since we can veto their candidacy). We are the superior economic & military force. Economically, they largely depend to Greece to make ends meet. But instead our prime minister gave in to most of their demands, heck the deal not only lets them steal our history and forces us to re-write our books , it even gives them access to thessaloniki's port and all other kinds of economic benefits... And what did we get? A tie. Regardless of which you side you are, if you look this from a neutral pov, this is not a fair compromise. This is submission.

Of course you, from the outside, won't care about the details. I understand that. All you care is about stability in the area. IMO, this deal will have the exact opposite result.

Well, I cannot speak for all foreigners, but I care about understanding the situation. And apperantly, the Greek government/society is not doing a good job explaining the problem to your European partners, because we honestly don't get all the fuss about a country's name.

Also, I don't care about the NATO... Austria is not part of it, and any military pact that includes the madman from Ankara is not something I would want to join, anyway. As for the EU, I think we have enough shitty countries in our organization already. We should focus on solving our internal problems (and there are lots of them, starting with the complete lack of democracy in our central institutions) first before admitting new members - especially members with mafia clan wars like the FYDOMor whatever they are called now.

politics is usually a game of chicanery, where they try to mock their opponents subtly, break and intimidate only to dominate their rival as well as a good sharp speech.

For example, the doming attitude of Trump against Kim, it was quite a spectacle to see the videos.

That is to say, he made an achievement and, in return, they gave him a gift with a tie, which is in bad taste. This phrase has a lot of logic "If you are looking for the guilty, you only need to look in a mirror". I think I will use it more often in my daily life. regards

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