Hello Steemians! I'm Richard, I travel the world and I write about it along the way...!


Hello Steemians!

My name is Richard, and I've been travelling the world for two years, finding unusual places to write about and photograph. I'm a travel writer who loves to get off the beaten track and I'm trying to inspire others to live an adventurous life too! I write travel blogs with a dash of journalism and take photographs along the way.


For some reason, I just can't stop visiting strange and unusual destinations

I left my job in the United Kingdom in October 2015, and since then I've been travelling full time and trying to make a living as a writer, mainly through my travel website Travel Tramp!

I've been on some crazy adventures since I left home. I travelled overland through Europe to Central Asia, getting off the beaten track and visiting places that tourists don't tend to go to. I explored the radioactive waste lands of Chernobyl, I visited the unrecognised Breakaway Republics of Transnistria and Abkhazia, crossed the Caspian Sea by cargo ship, and had a beach holiday in Kazakhstan.


I even visited North Korea, and I've seen the DMZ from both sides of the dividing line. I once had tea with the Ambassador to Indonesia while trying to find a way into East Timor and more recently I've spent weeks on the road driving around Outback Western Australia. It was dusty. Very dusty.


But Why Do I like Travelling Off The Beaten Track?

I want to show people that there are destinations that can still be discovered and incredible journeys that haven’t yet been made. There's still a lot out there just waiting to be found and waiting to be explored.

I like to get off the beaten track, to show that even countries or destinations you might not consider as a traditional tourist destination can be incredible places to visit. Some countries may have bad reputations, negative coverage in the media or simply just be unknown. I only judge a place once I've seen it first hand, and I've found that the most unexpected places can be the most interesting and rewarding.

My Blog and Photography!

I love writing and I love photography.

I travel full time and I work online to fund my nomadic lifestyle. I write for my own websites and for other online publications. It's not always an easy life, and I've worked more traditional jobs along the way too- and less traditional; I picked strawberries in Australia for a while to make a few dollars!- but it is rewarding. I get to the see world and to learn more about the world than I ever could from home.


My main website is Travel Tramp! and this is where I write about all my off the beaten track travels and post a lot of photographs.

I also edit a website called Travel Continuously (along with another fellow Steemian!) where we try to help people realise their dream of becoming full time travellers.

My Steemit Journey!

So a new journey has begun for me, like many of us here!

I'm not sure where my Steemit journey will take me, but it's really exciting to be part of this community. I know that I'm going to find some awesome content here, and I hope that I'll be able to add some interesting articles too for you all to read! More than anything I'm hoping that Steem inspires me and helps me to keep living my dream and travelling across the world.

I'll be posting stories from my adventures off the beaten track, and I'm hoping I'll inspire a few people out there to hit the road too, and to find somewhere unusual to visit!


Let me know if you have any questions! I'm looking forward to my Steemit adventure!



Welcome to Steemit @traveltramp :D

Thank you it's great to be here!

Hi! Nice to meet you.😍

Nice to meet you too!

Hi Richard... Nice to meet you... Welcome to Steemit..🌹.. This is a nice intro post... I hope you will do great over here as a steemian..😊.. Follow Me @onority
It will be great if you visit and read my blog and upvote them..!!!!!

Hi, thanks for reading, I'm happy to be on Steemit

It’s my pleasure… 😊

A really nice post.

I have a suggestion. If you have youtube videos about your travel, you can upload them too. Upvoted.

I'm more of a writer than a video maker but I'm working on a few travel videos at the moment which I'll post on here once finished

Welcome to Steemit, Richard! It's great to see that the traveler community here on Steemit is growing. Looking forward to reading your content! :)

I'm looking forward to reading content from the travel community, and meeting lots of travellers too.

Welcome to Steemit! Those are some awesome adventures! North Korea....I'm jealous. Look forward to the posts, future traveler here.

I'll have a few posts about my trip to North Korea up soon

Awesome bro! Welcome to the revolution

Thanks bro! Loving your vids!

Welcome to steemit, there are so many friends to made on here that travel the world, I love to watch you guys do it too! This blogging site has a lot to it and if you have questions let me know. You can reach me on here or via the minnow support group. i think you will find many like minded people there too. Hope to see you around!

Yes there's a lot going on, but I'm hoping to get the hang of all things steem related!

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