Dwarf Fortress - Enlisting Dwarfs for A Whole New World of Fun!

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever wanted to be a dwarf in a magical world of Fun? Do you have what it takes to break free from the safety of your Mountainhome to build a new settlement for the glory of your civilisation? Are you a short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry?

If you've answered yes to any of these questions please continue reading to find out how you can become a part of dwarf history!


If you don't know what Dwarf Fortress is, here's the Wikipedia article. But to sum it up in as quick a way as posible, Dwarf Fortress is a game all about Fun!

Ok, so I decided I'd start a new game of Dwarf Fortress and thought it would be fun to share my adventures here on steemit. And what better way to share an adventure than to have people join in? So, if you want to be a part of this journey just leave a comment on this post and I'll name a dwarf after you, if you want the dwarf to be named something other than your username you should let me know that in the comment, also, let me know if you'd prefer a particular gender of dwarf, you might not get your choice but I'll do what I can to accommodate. I'm going to share the progress of the fort here on steemit on a regular basis so you can see how your dwarf is doing.

Well I think it's time to tell you something about the world in which we find ourselves.

It is currently the year 250 in the age of myth in the world of Thur Nitem, or The Universe of Visions in the common tongue. "And what does Thur Nitem look like?" I hear you ask. Well, here's a map:

Beautiful, isn't she?

There are currently 36 civilisations still inhabiting this wonderful world of ours. And of those 36 there are seven proud civilisations of Dwarves. Perhaps we will speak more about that later, for now I think we should see who else we are sharing this world with. There are seven civilisations of Man, eight of Elves, seven more of filthy Goblins, and another seven of those pesky kobolds.

However, Thur Nitem has not always been kind to those who inhabit it. So now we take this time to pay our respects to the fallen civilisation of Dawrves known as The Arena of Denting, let us have a moment of silence please...

(Oh, um, the humans, goblins, and kobolds also lost a civilisation each, but who really cares about them? They're not dwarfs.)

Perhaps in a future update on this site we will go through the history of The Arena of Denting and see how it is they came to an end.

Anyway I'm going to wait for some comments here before I begin the process of embarking. I'm also going to try and find some interesting bits and pieces from the history of Thur Nitem to share with you guys in the next post.

Oh, and if you are going to play along at home, give me some ideas as to what you would like your dwarf to achieve, etc... And don't forget to follow me so you can easily see new updates when I post them. Also, if you are an experienced Dwarf Fortress player let me know because I'm somewhat inexperienced and would love some tips, tricks, and ideas to keep things Fun as we go along.

And remember: "Losing is Fun!"


I use to love playing this game despite having all my dwarves killed very early on every single time. Really fun game when you figure it out!

Also a fun read! Make sure you destroy all seven of those heretic elven civilizations ;)

Haha, I know all too well the pains of having your dwarves killed before they ever get the chance to reflect on the work they've done.

I'll do my best to rid the world of the elf scourge, but I think I'll worry about getting the fort set up first. Haha.

Can you name a male dwarf Thewalrus for me?

That shouldn't be a problem.

Sweet... I checked out the game and I think I'm going to download it too. It looks pretty cool.

It really is fantastic, although there is a bit of a learning curve that can be a little daunting at first, but once you keep at it and look at some tutorials it starts to become very fun very quick.

That continent in the top left looks promising!

I haven't played for a while but my last fortress came to a hilarious (if somewhat tragic) end.

One particular dwarf who had spent his life as a stone hauler was finally consumed by his creative urges. He killed the local craftsman and took over the work bench, screaming for more and more resources as he carved away furiously, intent on making the perfect stone cup.

Unfortunately the other citizens were too terrified of this mad dwarf to clear up the dead body, and this horrific sight slowly drove them all mad.

I eventually gave up on the fortress when the dwarves became completely ungovernable

Haha. When I first started playing the game I didn't know anything about their moods or how to stop them from going crazy. A dwarf in one of my forts was struck by a mood and I hadn't got either the materials or the workshop she needed so she slowly lost her mind until one day she decided she'd had enough, she stripped off her clothes and started murdering any dwarf she came across, I think she killed about four or five of them until somebody finally managed to kill her.

I also had a brand new fort be wiped out by a wererabbit. That was fun.

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