Off grid solutions for keeping food cold, without breaking the (battery) bank!

in #offgrid6 years ago

For those thinking about off grid, here is some information on feeezers and refrigerators for off grid use. NOW some clairification on off grid filters I am using; and this is different for EVERY off grider! My off grid reqiurements are that for true off grid use, I must be able to run it, from energy sources I can make on the homestead. This reduces me to wood, wood gas, wood gas fired generators, HHO fired generators, magnetically fueled generators, and alternate sourced electricity (solar and wind).

THIS DOES NOT MEAN I will not have propane, but since I can't MAKE propane on my homestead; I will Not include it for a true off grid (SHTF) scenario!

The most reliable of these sources is electricity, and since I will be running 24 Vdc on my solar / wind system; that is my specific goal.

Here is a very nice freezer, which will probably end up on my homestead. It looks very promising!

Now here is a nice refrigerator that draws 72 watts; 10% of the power my current unit does. It IS smaller, but most of my existing refriderator is wasted space anyway. So it looks like Debbie gets a new refrigerator! That will not break her heart, LOL!


that thing is awesome, that's gonna be a good investment.

Yes, they say the compressor last many times more than standard units too!

I will spend about $5000 for added insulation at the new place, but I intend to run off of solar and wind including this kind of stuff, my water system, and AC and heating!

solar and wind will be powerful enough to charge batteries and run and air conditioner?

Yes, I have located an air conditioner that draws 900 watts. I will need two, but I have enough solar panel wattage for both, and when the AC turns off, the battery charge resumes (will be charging some all the time). once the wind is up, it will be charging well all the time.

This is also why I am adding all the insulation.... :)

exactly. what do you use for the wind, a big windmill?

There is a company up in Mo. that make wind generators. They have one rated at 1700 watts for under $500 on ebay; that in our average wind velocity here will generate about 500 watts at 24 volts. It is also a 3 phase AC system, so I can use smaller wire to the rectifier, which I can then place close to the batteries. Less loss that way, better efficiency. 12,000 extra watt hours a day from wind, will help keep my batteries charged! :)

On stormy days, when the solar panels will not make much, it will do a lot better (in the 1000 watt area) to relieve some of the battery draw. It also generates at night. When I add the wind generator, I will need to make a dump load to avoid overcharging. :)

wow that's super cool. so you are going to have more than enough juice. what is the avg wind mph there?

Nine MPH, but the wind generators never produce what people expect. They don't understand the rating is at tornado wind speeds. But they are still useful. :)

I would like to sell about half of what I generate back to the utilities.

Great find! I currently use a 12/24v fridge freezer - I'm in U.K. and run off a small solar array - been using it for 8 years and still going strong...
I know how you feel - its a great feeling running your fridge/freezer from Off-The-Grid....

This is an impressive freezer! It will save me from having to build one, so I am glad to see it! :)

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