World Museum Vienna Photoreport / Welt Museum Wien Fotoreport (6)

Knights / Ritter

After almost two hours on the first floor I came back to the starting point and see 3 horses on the second floor looking down on me. From the top, the interior of the building seems even more monumental, it is a jewel just like that! Half of the floor can not be walked on, so I let the knights finish this small series on the Welt Museum Wien.

Nach fast zwei Stunden im ersten Stock kam ich wieder zum Ausgangspunkt zurück und sehe 3 Pferde im zweiten Stock auf mich herabschauen. Von oben erscheint das Innere des Gebäudes noch gewaltiger, es ist ein Juwel sondersgleichen! Die Hälfte des Stockwerkes ist nicht begehbar und so lasse ich mit den Rittern diese kleine Reihe über das Welt Museum Wien ausklingen.












From the museum we go a little bit into the Hofburg and then have a well-deserved break in the "Kleine Cafe" to conclude this wonderful excursion.

Vom Museum gehen wir noch ein Stück in die Hofburg hinein um dann mit einer wohverdiente Pause im "Kleinen Cafe" diesen wunderbaren Ausflug zu beschließen.










End of the sixth and last part, all photos are in 4000x3000 pixel resolution. /
Ende des sechsten und letzten Teils, alle Fotos sind in 4000x3000 Pixel Auflösung.

Part 1 / Teil 1
Part 2 / Teil 2
Part 3 / Teil 3
Part 4 / Teil 4
Part 5 / Teil 5


See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Original content by

      Schaman Gerbert      IMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


Danke für diese schöne Serie über das Weltmusem in Wien! Sehr gut dokumentiert, da erspare ich mir direkt den Museumsbesuch ;-)

really you capture the beautiful photography about museum..............with exclusive collection........always i want to know different knowledgeable subject from your post....i feel very of luck........

Lovely photos of Vienna! That cafe is really small and warmth.
I will have to visit this museum one day!
They use lots of white marble and the design is very spacious! You must have spent a few days in this place!
The knight armour collection is really large! I am fascinated by those things! may be I was knight in one of my past lives!
You had such a good holiday in Vienna!!
With lots of wonderful memories to take home!!

Das Museum schaut recht edel aus. Ich gehe davon aus, dass viele der Rüstungen, originale sind. Wobei ich mich immer frage, wie diese Rüstungen, die Zeit überstanden haben.

Wonderful excursion indeed captain... thank you for taking us to places that we're only seeing on movies... are those knight armored suits heavy? How can they fight with those heavy thing? Hehehee just wondering captain... have a great day 😊😘

i am in love with this city it looks so beautiful and amazing wow :D

Tolles Museum! Bei uns in der Nähe gibt es regelmäßig ein Ritterfest auf einer Burg. Finde es sehr interessant einen Einblick in das Leben zu bekommen.

sehr interessante Reihe! Wenn ich wieder in Wien bin, schau ich auf jeden Fall vorbei!

Such a wonderful and interesting topic for posting by @schamangerbert sir...
The Weltmuseum Wien (World Museum Vienna), formerly known as Museum of Ethnology Vienna, is one of the most important of its kind worldwide. It developed out of the Anthropological-Ethnographical Department of the Natural History Museum, in 1928 becoming an independent museum located in the Hofburg Palace. Its oldest exhibits were acquired in the 16th century, and found their way via Ambras Castle in the Tyrol to the Imperial collection in Vienna. The collections of the Weltmuseum Wien comprise more than 200.000 ethnographic objects, 25.000 photographs, 136.000 printed works and over 300 kilometers of film on the history, culture, art and everyday life of predominantly non-European peoples...

this looks great and the shots are super nice wonderful place

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