Cotton Swab means infection in the ear :(

in #health6 years ago

Speaking of Cotton Swab, the ears and the eyes of the ears were extinguished in the eyes of the eyes. Earlier, instead of Cotton Swab, different types of materials were used. They were used to clear ears.


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There was such an incident behind the discovery of Cotton Swab . In 1923, Leo Grstenzen, an American citizen of Polish descent, saw that his wife could not go to the toothpick to tie a cotton brief and clean it. This scene encourages him to make Cotton Swab as a means of cleaning the right size ears.

In 1926, he created and marketed Cottonbud in his own organization. The name of the Cottonbad brand is named Baby Gais.

The next time it was released in the market as 'Q-Tips'. In the name of the new brand, the English "Q" characterizes this quality as 'quality'. Initially, it was used extensively in the whole world to clean the ear and clear the ear. Although nose, ears and throat experts throughout the world are particularly discouraged from the use of Cotton Swab , its use did not slow down. Only the victims of the ear due to the use of it, except for the victims, are using the Cotton Swab as the same as before. The use of Cotton Swab is so widespread in society that many can not think of everyday life without it.

The people who use Cotton Swab, they all do the work of utmost devotion. Firstly, they think that cleaning ears is a part of healthcare. By doing this, they present themselves as health conscious. Almost all of them think that Cotton Swab is a very safe, clean, sterile and modern instrument for cleaning ears. At one time where the chicken feathers for hair hemorrhoids (feathers of pigeons considering sanctity, hair clips, pencil head, toothpick, pinch, cucumber etc.) could be found near the hands, so ears were heresy, Now the use of Cotton Swab is the blessing of science. For these reasons, Cotton Swab is a well-known and essential tool. However, this Cotton Swab does not seem to be doing any better than the work of ointment. Rather, the use of Cotton Swab is more in damages. Cotton Swab plays a role in the different types of ear discomfort and infection. For those who use Cotton Swab regularly, ears will always be heavy heavy. In addition, there will be no complaints of earache, ear pain, or ear biting etc. If no coughing or ear cautions are stopped in the ears. Those who are used to using Cotton Swab can not be easily discouraged from using them. Because, the use of Cotton Swab is a small amount of extracellular skin. It creates a kind of tension in the ear, The ear is always ticking and scratching. At this stage the ankle is in the ear. Many people can not even scratch their ears. For this reason, Cotton Swab users can not easily use Cotton Swab . In addition to using Cotton Swab, there are fungal or fungus in the ear. If you have ears in the ear, the ear is very irritated, the ear is stained with the ear, the ear ache, the ear is partially closed. According to the prevalence of fungal infection, the severity of the symptoms continues to increase. The fungus infections in the ears have intensified and exposed the external pathway. This is a very difficult situation. If this happens, there is acute pain in the ear. It hurts if you touch the ear. The only victims felt the pain. The use of Cotton Swab is the ear piercing holes. Exterior pathways may be injured. The children learn to use Cotton Swab to learn about the use of adults. The ear is partially closed. According to the prevalence of fungal infection, the severity of the symptoms continues to increase. The fungus infections in the ears have intensified and exposed the external pathway. This is a very difficult situation. If this happens, there is acute pain in the ear. It hurts if you touch the ear. The only victims felt the pain. The use of Cotton Swab is the ear piercing holes. Exterior pathways may be injured. The children learn to use Cotton Swab to learn about the use of adults.

Nose and throat experts around the world think that there is no need to clean ears. So why Cotton Swab is clean for cleaning ears, any materials that allow nose ear throat experts How can the ears be clear or how to clean ears? The answer to such a question is, the ear becomes clear by itself. During feeding and speaking, jaw movement moves into the outer ear of the wax or the ointment coming out and out. Using Cotton Swab for cleaning the ears, most of the wounds go into the ear. What comes out is very little. The pitcher who goes inside the Cotton Swab , can not come out of his own. The dirt has to be taken out of the shelter of these different processes.

Cotton Swab can be used to clean the ear, but its actual use can be found in laboratories and cosmetics. Cotton Swab sticks are about six inches long. Its sticks are made from a specimen of natural ingredients. In order to cultivate something in the laboratory, It is also used in various dressing including Lala samples collection for DNA testing. To make use of these things, it is made from natural ingredients. In order to sterilize the autoclave machine it can not be melted or destroyed. That is why the 'Cotton Swab' used in the lab is actually known as Cotton Swab. Meanwhile, the cottage made Buddha's plastic used for other purposes is made of plastic. It is used to make a paste or makeup with different cosmetics. The use of Cotton Swab in the examination of time has actually been recognized as acceptable. But against the purpose for which it was invented, there are sufficient scientific arguments. It is now being said that the use of Cotton Swab in the ear means that it is possible to invite the disease in ear.

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