[DAY 3] Hashgranny misses Granddaughter's Theater Performance - M4H

in #art8 years ago


Same as every morning, this one started with a refreshing morning swim in the lake, and returning pfand worth hundreds of euros.


Our beach spot attracts more and more visitors each day.


We managed to assemble float our hexagonal shaped island base on the lake.



While some were assembling, others discovered themselves

Hashgranny's adventure

At first we thought the bright shining sun did not become her well but it turned out to be quite different...

While cleaning and setting up our improvised office one of our aged and beloved makers discovered a box with interesting insides.


"Great!", she thought and snacked one cookie before she went on with her work. Yet, the sweet taste of the cookie was missing and it felt little spiced up. Kinda like gingerbread.

Soon after the eating was done, distances were not what they used to be. Far became near and near became far.

The next thing she remembered was waking up on the lazarus bed of the German Red Cross, feeling quite strange.

"What's wrong with me? Did I get struck by the sun?" Our illusions girl asked
"No, you're high." The doctor responded

Turned out our aged companion managed to stumble upon and eat some beloved hash cookies.

That's what happens when you decide to attend a festival instead of watching your granddaughter's theater performance at the other end of Germany.

I guess one lesson is learned now: Never eat other people's stuff especially while attending a festival.

The festival has officially opened on yesterday's Friday.


With its lightshow including those gigantic relicts of the past used for coal mining.


Which looks particular marvelous at night.


The magic treehouse in the midst of the woods invites exhausted party people to chill out and relax.


At 11:30 pm K.I.Z, one of the main acts of splash!20 started their performance. I enjoyed mentioned for two minutes and then decided that the presented music does not quite fit my taste.

So I turned my back to the cheering crowd and made my way to our maker camp to prepare for my nightshift on the floating island. One of my favourite parts of the day.

Lying there with the naked sky above you and the possibility to take a morning dive straight from your bed never ceases to amaze me.


Das splash!20 ist gestern offiziell gestartet und ich hatte Mal die Möglichkeit des Nachts über das Festivalgelände zu schlendern.

Auch wenn es nicht so viele Kunstinstallationen wie letztes Jahr gibt, lädt auch dieses Jahr das Baumhaus im Uferwald zum Entspannen ausgelaugter Festivalgänger ein.

Die vorherschende Musik, die aus Hip Hop und Rap besteht ist zwar nicht so meins, die gigantischen Baukräne aus Braunkohlezeiten aus deren Spitzen Stichflammen auflodern hingegen sind faszinierend anzusehen.


Gestern hat sich auch endlich eine in-die-Annalen-eingehend-würdige Geschichte zugetragen.

Beim Aufräumen und Einrichten unseres improvisierten Büros ist ein Teammitglied, das schon ein paar mehr Jahre auf Erden gewandelt ist, auf eine Box mit ominösem Inhalt gestoßen. Kekse!

Rasch ist einer davon in ihrem Mund verschwunden, doch blieb der erwarte zuckrige Geschmack aus, oder wurde zumindest überdeckt. Pfeffrig soll er geschmeckt haben.

Und schon wurden Distanzen vage, aus nah wurde fern und der See war plötzlich in Timbuktu.

Diagnose: nicht Sonnenstich, wie erst vermutet. High! Ein Keks mit besonderem Inhalt. Was man alles so beim Aufräumen findet!

Hand auflegen hat dann auch nicht mehr viel geholfen.
Eigentlich wollte sie ja die Theatheraufführung ihrer Enkelin im Münsterland bestaunen.

Sowas passiert dann halt, wenn man sich entscheidet stattdessen ein Festival zu besuchen.

Lektion gelernt: Esse keine Nahrungsmittel anderer Menschen, vor allem wenn du auf einem Festival unterwegs bist.


Heute zieht die Küche, einer meiner Hauptaufenthaltsorte um, und kriegt ein neues Gewand. Das wird schön!


looks so funnnnn, jealousss, have fun :)

Thanks! This is my view today. We finally moved the kitchen :D

@rootingrobert I checked out your stuff and this is the result :)

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Wow, I am feeling really honoured to be nominated by you @chiefmappster. I'd love to share my stories with more Steemians.

It just took ages to find a proper hotspot but I will keep you guys updated!

ayyyyyyy heck yeah I appreciate you and your effort. Good luck and thank you again for making epic content.

Really captured the spirit and atmosphere of music festivals everywhere. There are so many. Must be something going right with the world. Love and Peace.

Haha yeah, music festivals and their unique spirit are simply marvelous! Sending a lot of Love & Peace to you too my friend. Thank you :)

Found this on OCD nomination great post thanks for sharing

Oh, wow! Thanks for being here @shellyduncan :)

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