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really.. i never knew that.. it's a great news..

but does it prevent it. What is the effect on cannabis on a healthy person?

maybe keep your health ahead ;)

Great article, cannabis (cbc, thc, cbn, with apropriate terpene) can cure and help with so many deseases !! I follow you right now !

Another thing good for Parkinson's disease is caffeic acid. Also it stimmulates collagen production and wound healing. It is in some food and spices. Caffeic acid up-regulates longevity genes. Recently Ive become interested things found in food and herbs that up-regulate longevity genes. Some berry and seed extracts have increased the lifespan of laboratory animals 28%. Ive started writing about what I'm finding so if you are interested here are the link.

that are great informations @tombot :)

THC (tetrahidrocannabinol) is an quimic that have a lot of medicinal uses... thanks for sharing

drug.can n't use for health.merijuana

todays medicine use substances which are found in drugs or in plants which are classified as drugs... ask your doc ;)

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