The Future of Virtual and Augmented Reality

in #tech7 years ago (edited)

The concept of Virtual reality came in 1953 where a scientist described a set of goggles that could create visions , a vision of a world that was created as an incredible, beautiful and out of this world. Now, more than eighty years that vision has become a reality.

The concept of science fiction, which were only seen in movies has now become a reality and it became possible through technology, and the hardware to experience it is more affordable than ever.

VR and AR industry has got lot of potential and currently it's one of the booming industries. Researchers and experts are still divided as to how this technology can bring about a change in our daily life but one thing is for sure, when it comes to a 'change', that this technology can bring about, all experts are united e.g. the change this tech can bring on how we work, how we play, and how we interact with each other.

Is It Just Used by Gamers?

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Virtual and Augmented reality has got much more potential than just to be used by gamers and developers. Experts are of the view that there would be more demand in lot of other domains that are not much understandable now but would be more obvious in future.

This won't be just limited to game developers but for other areas as well like for instance, an understanding of virtual reality will be really important for architects because using virtual reality architects would be able to paint future, one that will have an immense impact on this industry and it’s not going away for sure.

Beyond the Bounds

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The future prospect which lies in VR and AR is restricted by our own creativity. The term 'virtual reality' used is usually underestimated to it's real potential.

Virtual reality offers a simulated reality which is different to the one we breath in now. It opens the new and exciting ways to work in a more advance way in the field of training, communicating , consulting etc.

The way VR and AR are booming, in near future it will surely improve our productivity and help find us new ways of working.

In addition to the gaming industry which is no doubt the booming force behind it's rapid development, virtual reality has a bright future in defense forces, flight simulator and in medical field.

Preserve Our Past

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Using Virtual Reality, past can be brought back to life. Scientists are now able to use virtual reality to make it possible to put our past in a new and exciting way.

What if you could visit ancient Rome?

Virtual Reality offers museum visitors a front-row seat to a gladiator match in the Roman Colosseum. We take you on a tour of one of the most significant pieces of architecture of the ancient world! As you wander through the structure and into the bloody battles on the Colosseum floor, you will learn about the history of this iconic building and some of the incredible feats of Roman engineering that made the stadium of 50, 000 possible

Here is the video


Just like Internet changed the way how we connect and interact with each other by overcoming the hurdles of distance, I believe in years to come we will see a how VR and AR will have a effect in our collective futures.


Thanks for your comment! Yes looks promising

VR is super cool, kind of mind-fuck but i love it. As the stoner gamer i am i just thought about the gaming aspects, taking a tour trough ancient Greece or Rome would be unbelievably awesome!

Interesting post dude, go in peace! :D

@conexus Thanks for your comment :) Indeed, there are much more uses of it in addition to gaming, Just last year VR market was about $1.6 billion and is expected to be $22 billion by 2020. If you add AR to it than estimated industry worth is around $120 billion by 2020 :) , that's hell lot of potential this tech has got

You seem to have a good grip on the market, you have a good look in VR companies as well i assume? Was looking at Nvidias new VR tech, they seem to be keeping along with the trends tech-wise, making it easier to develop VR applications for developers & more realistic. Could not find AMD doing anything similar.

Do you think there will be pure VR companies, or do you think the current tech companies will be able to keep up to speed?

Thanks for the response man! Much love from Sweden. =)

@conexus AMD has recently acquired Nitero to build the wireless VR set also this looks like an aggressive step from AMD in pursuit of VR tech. I think companies are waking up to the fact that VR has got immense potential in near future and as I shared some money figures which shows that some good chunk of money is spent on R&D which surely would boost the development, though there are companies developing the VR apps I don't think there is pure hardware development VR company out there .. most popular are FB/Oculus, Microsoft HoloLens, HTC Vive etc . I believe VR is one of the technologies that has been ahead of the current hardware tech capabilities hence it would take sometime to mature.

Thanks for such a detailed response. Did not know about the Nitero acquisition, gonna check that out! You have a good grasp on tech, and a good way of explaining yourself so i followed you mate, excited to see what content you post in the future!

regarding your comment

I believe VR is one of the technologies that has been ahead of the current hardware tech capabilities hence it would take sometime to mature.

I totally agree. Some maturation is always need for something as new as this and as you say, the hardware tech capabilities are finding it hard to keep up. Exciting to see who will be the victors of the VR-war!

Go in peace dude=)

Cheers and Thanks :)

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