Hi Steemit Community

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Just got on steemit, allow me to introduce myself.

I like to write short stories, funny posts, and stuff like that. I may start an audio podcast when the ambition fairy hits me in the noggin with some kind of wand. I work in the world of technology. My day job is to help people make their jobs easier through the use of cloud based tools like Office 365, SharePoint, etc.. I help people get organized, automate, innovate, and embrace change. I focus as much on the people as I do the tech. I am not a big fan of social media, I rarely tweet, I post on facebook infrequently, and don't use other things like instagram, etc.. When I do post, I try to make it interesting, but I have found the responsiveness to my posts to be disproportionately low as compared to the quality. I get a few great comments, a couple likes, and that is it. So it can be disheartening when a picture of someone's waffles has 1000 likes and 300 comments.

Maybe I just do not get people.

My favorite place to be is at home. I am not big on travel. Whenever I go anywhere, I just want to leave. Not sure why. I have a dog who is getting old, I have changed his name from Henry to "impending tragedy". No, that is a lie.

I characterize myself as an honest person who stands up and says what needs to be said. I have left jobs on principle alone, with the only safety net being a skill set that is in demand and good interview skills. So no great feat. I have designed my life to be as simple as possible to maximize the time I have to do whatever i want. When people ask me if I am keeping busy, I laugh and say "why would I?".

I have little sympathy for people that take on many necessary life projects, and complain about their lack of time to enjoy themselves. A trait I see in the baby boomer generation. "Tomorrow I am going to move that boulder across the yard for no reason, will you come and help me? ". No. No I will not help you. If you are going to create a giant list of projects for yourself every day, don't suck me down into your private hell. "My roof got hit by hail and the insurance wont cover it, can you help me replace some shingles?". Yes. Yes I will do that. I will share that burden.

I enjoy life and people. I believe in giving folks the benefit of the doubt, letting people make their own first impressions, second chances, and what is right, true and good.

I believe we treat people with felonies like shit for life. I believe our system is broken and what is broken about it, is that it cannot be fixed. It can only collapse in on itself and be rebuilt. I know that is cynical. We will see who is right, in the long run.

I don't believe in a God. I am an atheist, but I don't really want to be all about being an atheist. It is just a matter of fact. I don't advertise it. Even though I just did. I am a lover of science and think the scientific method is our best way of understanding reality.

My politics lean left of center and I do not affiliate with any political party. I vote based on issues and character. I think voting is important, but I think it is mostly an illusion of democracy, when the popular vote does not count for anything.

I do not like Donald Trump. I think he is horrible. But I do not want to get into a big debate about it.

I am a dog person, not a cat person.

I believe as humans, the best we can do is to be in a process of continual improvement. Making our current selves better than our past selves and leaving everyone else out of it. Unless it is in a competitive setting. Like a sport.

I believe most people are good but flawed, some more deeply than others. I think the world can be better by doing two things. I think the best education is life long self learning. I do not have a college degree, but i have a good career because I learn on my own and continually seek wisdom. I am fascinated by my shortcomings and imperfections. I am great at starting, horrible at finishing. I am big on ideas and paint in broad strokes, but miss the finer details. I am a classic blunderer that will jump into things to quickly without thinking them through.

I am happily lazy and live amongst clutter. Even though I recognize that my life would be better if I put away all the junk on my floor instead of having to step over it every day.

I have a hard time convincing myself to the extent I would actually pick up the junk. Basically I lack discipline, and the ability to delay gratification. But I have the wisdom to recognize it. It is a puzzle I have tried to solve and will, when the solution is not just getting off my ass.

I dislike shame and shamers. I dislike people that undermine the confidence of others. I dislike people who are more takers than givers. I believe in a simple philosophy of leaving your campsite better than you found it.

I am a comedian in life. I like living alone and being alone, because I wear myself out being around people and acting on the undeniable urge to make them laugh. I feel my purpose in life is to make the lives of others better for knowing me. I believe in making work fun. I am creative and witty and love a good debate. My myers briggs is ENTP for whatever that is worth. My IQ is high, but I am not a genius or really believe that any IQ test that has math problems could possible be accurate. Which means, I suck at math. I have to pretend to write something in the air in order to tell my right hand from my left. My strength finder 5 strengths are ideation, individualization, strategic, activator, adaptability. in that order.

I love public speaking, teaching, training, helping, mentoring and anything that allows me to be creative.

I play guitar ok but not great, I sing ok but not great. I gauge this on the frequency people ask me to play them a song, which is rarely.

I do not pursue women, but have not ruled out that I will meet the right one some day.

What else? That is probably more than enough. I am sure the comments, if there are any will contain the letters TLDR.

What about you? How are you doing? I hope your life is going well and that you have a minimal amount of suffering going on. Goodbye.


Welcome to Steem @kylomon I have upvoted and sent you a tip

welcome to steemit

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One fat upvote for you my friend. Welcome to the community......;-)

Nice to meet you! Thanks for the laughs, and for sharing your views. I jive with much of what you've said: feeling ambivalent about the popular social media, preferring not to be too busy, seeing meltdown as the eventual outcome of our current way of life, playing guitar and singing, but I'm actually pretty good at math.

I'll look forward to reading more from you.

Nice to meet you too!

Welcome..... to the new world. Cheers.

Welcome to Steemit! Nice intro, glad you found steemit to share the stories and whatever else ya like. Like is going great here! Look forward to more posts, feel free to follow or contact me if you need anything, great community!

Welcome to steemit :)

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