Let it Die - Game review (as a fan)

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Let me start by saying this is just the first review I will be doing about this game. I will have a lot of input as I continue to play the game. I am doing this general review to start. I have another in progress about some downfalls and some things in progress that include spread sheets that will be helpful to keep track of progress. Those to come in the future.

Let it Die. A free to play PS4 exclusive.


A game about controlling the dead inside a video game playing king of the mountain. Currently through 41 floors of game play until the next update. Your host Uncle Death! The cool skateboarding skeleton (Grim Reaper)with a collection of different style shade for all occasions. There are few minor characters in the game you react with like Meijin the game guru you get your tips from, the arcade attendant that is stuck in her phone but gives challenges and Tetsuo for raiding other player, the brothers that help you with gear and parts and the Mushroom Magistrate who is a stripper high on shrooms.

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There are robotic type enemies, humanoids, 3 mini mutation bosses and 4 main bosses so far. There are also the player sent hunters, a couple semi rare spawned enemies and the changing by challenge group. The super rare have big rewards. The challenge enemies have special gear. There is a group called jackals that are super over powered but have good drops if you can kill them. I currently can not.

The Tower is what the floors are to. The maps are fairly randomized in whole and each floor. There are some static floors but not many. Dead ends on maps tend to have rewards or the moving shops. You can travel up by escalator or elevator if you have unlocked it and if you use an 'express pass' you can travel using free elevator.

In game and out of game micro transactions. There is 3 forms of basic currency. 'Kill Coins', 'SPLithium' and 'Death Metals' are the primary currency in the game. 'Express pass' comes in 2 options. you can occasionally receive a free pass for 24 hours or you can purchase one that lasts 30 days for about $15 USD. The advantage to express pass's is free elevator rides, raids you can re-board the metro train right away rather than waiting, more rewards and increased Kill Coins. The micro transactions can include any of the listed currencies bundled or separate and some include materials, weapons and armor for in game.

I loved jumping in and starting off with a blood bath fighting game. I almost thought this was going to be a fighting RPG game. It has all the features needed find and build equipment and materials, experience and levels, and of course currencies. Well it sort of does. As soon as you think you topped out your levels a new challenge comes the star level and having to redo the work of leveling up. While this is happening and you are progressing and fighting in the tower you unlock new classes of fighters or raiding and unlocking different storage expansions for your waiting room where everything is centrally located.

In your waiting room you can do everything in your game except fighting your way up in the tower. you have the Mushroom stripper selling decals to strengthen some option on your character, a storage room for your fighters and another for the fighters you captured, your item storage, mail box for bonuses and reward, equipment store and eventually your mushroom special item dispenser.

The game starts out hard then gets easy then gets harder then easier then your get stuck. You will spend most of the time playing to gather resources and Kill Coins to further your journey to the top. Beware there is a lot of time leveling up multiple characters and gathering rare resources available through treasure trap rooms or defeating mini floor bosses. You will be doing this over and over again and again.

Now I have not gotten to the top floor yet. I am stuck at floor 28. I am trying to get my 4 star characters leveled up to protect my waiting room during raids. I am spending time doing 3-6 floor runs just to get materials I am in need of and still missing at least 4 weapons I so far haven't found patterns to create yet. I still enjoy playing but not equipped well enough to continue until I can finish upgrading my weapons and choice of armor/Pants good enough I am not one shot beaten and make the next floors.

I know I have left out some details but lets just say mini bosses come often and mushrooms are your friends and the little animals are great to eat raw or cooked.

I will say as advise or tips to playing:
Save reward Kill Coins and SPLithium until needed in reward box.
Run the first 3 floors to get Kill Coins fast and easy (10,000 average per run).
Use Death Metals to raise storage space fast you are going to want 300-500 inventory spaces.
Don't use Death Metals to continue at start of game or until you have a lot of storage space.
Unlock freezer space as fast as possible yours and for captured fighters.

Some screenshots added by request:

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Free to play? PS4? Sweet dude, sign me up.

Though I feel these sort of games are always short lived, at least for me personally.

I do agree that most of the time a free to play game does not have the lifespan of a good mainstream game. So far there have only been a couple of games that I continues to play that were free to play. This one has some longevity in my opinion. It also has the ability to flop the second time you get stuck.

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