Half of the hacker attacks are aimed at small businesses. I'll try to explain!

in #life7 years ago

Small business owners think that they are not interested in hackers. "Is my information needed by an attacker?" They reason. It is mistaken: almost half of modern cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses.

Since small business owners hear only about major hacking, like Yahoo, they come to the wrong conclusion that hackers are only interested in companies that own huge amounts of valuable data.

Meanwhile, the number of attacks on small companies is growing. If in 2011 among the victims of cybercrimes the share of small business was 20%, today - almost 50%. This trend is likely to continue: small business has become more attractive for hackers than large companies. And that's why:

Small business owners pay ransom

The databases necessary for daily work are almost all small companies. But a few of them are capable of giving a rebuff to the cybercriminal blocking access to these data. Most likely, small business owners simply pay a ransom to the hacker.

Small business owns valuable information

Most small companies keep financial and personal data - the information that criminals need for fraudulent purposes.

Small business opens hackers access to larger companies

Small business provides its goods and services to large organizations. In the database of a small company, a hacker can extract information that will help to get close to the main goal.

A small company can open hackers access to other small companies

Small businesses often use the services of other small companies. If small competing companies use the same service of the same provider, this leads to greater risks.

Small business data are usually poorly protected

Small business rarely protects its information as carefully as large. At hacking the data of a small company, the hacker will earn less than hacking the system of a large corporation, but the probability of earning considerably increases: it is much easier to hack a small company than a large company.

While making a cyberattack on a small company, a hacker usually does not take any chances

Small business owners are unlikely to keep security specialists on staff and often do not have the technology to monitor threats. Small companies, as a rule, do not retain the data necessary for the analysis of cyberattacks and serve as evidence in court. Criminals know that a hacker attacking a small business is unlikely to be arrested. Those who would never venture to attack Amazon.com can safely hack a private store. Large companies have political influence and connections with law enforcement agencies, which for a hacker increases the likelihood of being caught and punished by law. A small business can not withstand a hacker attack and fall apart. Its owners will not have the time and energy to turn to justice - one must think how to make a living.

If it concerns you - you own a small business, manage it or work for hire in a small company - be more careful.


Very true. Small business owners don't care about preventative cybersecurity while taking immense losses and crying about it later.

Especially when their business getting bigger.

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