Waiting for MIRA development + Weiss Rating advice: STEEM is in the 12 cryptocurrencies they recommend.

in #exyle5 years ago (edited)


When it comes to Steem, we are waiting for more news surrounding MIRA obviously.

You can follow the development here: https://github.com/steemit/steem/branches/active

Screenshot 2019-01-07 at 10.54.56.png

Admittedly, it's been a bit quiet on there, maybe due to the holidays.

I'm hoping for more news soon.

For now I'm just going with this Roadmap posted by Ned not too long ago.

When it come to community effort I'm continued to be impressed.

The onboarding ramp @oracle-D build called Steem-ninja will help us tremendously in the future to easily create new Steemians for FIAT with some delegation.

We have been added to stateofthedapps.com and now also dapp.com giving us more exposure. (This could not have been done without the witnesses @yabapmatt and @therealwolf. Pleas vote for them. Matt is already top 20, but the @therealwolf deserve to be.)

This morning 6 out of the top 10 Dapps were Steem based!

Screenshot 2019-01-07 at 11.22.42.png

And of course, other frontends and apps continued to be developed and improved on the Steem blockchain.

Now we just have to wait for the markets to turn :)

I can't wait for this, but I'm realistic enough it might be a while longer.

Weiss Rating:

I'm still a member of the Weiss Rating report. They advice investors which tokens to have and what to do with them.

I'm happy to report that STEEM is on the list of the 12 cryptocurrencies they recommend with a 3% portfolio value.

They also recommend to have 45% in Cash until it becomes more clear wether the bear market is over or not and to not add more to your position but HOLD what you have.

I think that's decent advice.

Personally, I have a lot more than 3% of my portfolio in STEEM. But I obviously use it a lot more than any investor would.

I am part of witness @blockbrothers.

Please consider us for your witness vote if you think we deserve it here:

Vote for @blockbrothers via SteemConnect
Set blockbrothers as your proxy via SteemConnect

We are the creators of Steemify a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.

Get it Here:


They also recommend to have 45% in Cash .....

Lol! Just buy in every month and you will be fine.

Hey @exyle, sorry to bother you. Im very happy with the
advances regarding more decentralization and with the community projects. But do you know whats going on with @ned, he is acting really sketchy and I think this raises concerns for the community.

Captura de Tela 2019-01-08 às 00.46.53.png

He can do with his own STEEM whatever he wants. He even gives a reasoning for moving it which he didn't have to do.

@anomadsoul is also working on a project that will help onboard new users so that is really awesome as well. Things have definitely slowed down and the more users we can get back on the platform the better. I am really excited to see what 2019 has in store for us as well!

I have also been spending time on Dapp.com to support DApps that I use and write reviews. It is great to see the attention they are gathering outside of the ecosystem which I expect to lead to more developer and investor interest.

Posted using Partiko iOS

still in the harsh time around in crytpo steem is doing a nice job it may be not as good but still lots of development is happening

This is awesome news! Thank you ! I can’t wait to see where Steemit takes us!

It´s funny to see how Weiss Rating report has been developing in terms of their advice. It seems that they are getting more knowledgeable about crypto and starting to make even more correct decisions.

Wasn`t steem higher at one point?

Steem is also still in the plam beach report which is nice and they give out a buy recomnadation up to 2$ if I remember right. To put taht a bit into perspective they say buy btc up to 10k if I recall right

The highest Rating we had was B-. It's been as low as C but it's back to C+ now.

When Steem is 10 USD they will give it an A+... like always...

Can you list the other crypto Weiss recommend?

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes ... we must hold or buy more up :)
We soon see what next 3 months make when summer starts :)

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