The Secret of Life: Who You Are Doesn't End Where The Edge of Your Skin Ends

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Most people were raised to believe that the edge of where our skin ends and where the outside world begins is where we as individuals end. The fact of the matter is, when babies are born, they have what Freud called the oceanic feeling, which is not knowing the difference between the inside world and the outside world. It's all the same thing to them, it's just one happening that's occurring. They don't understand that there is an I experiencing it all, there's just experience.

The process wherein babies and children are educated out of feeling that there is no difference between them and all other things they see in the outside world is absolutely necessary in order to socialize children. Otherwise, they would be intolerable members of society.

However, it is equally necessary, and this is the least known and least talked about part, that to regain this oceanic feeling in adulthood is extremely helpful in order to treat your fellow beings on this planet with compassion. There's a reason the golden rule in all religions is: treat your neighbor like you would like to be treated, and it's because you are your neighbor! It's also the reason we feel the need to dominate the planet, by deforesting it and submitting it to our will, and it's because we feel estranged from it, rather than that we came out of it.

Now if you can see that you came out of this universe the same way a wave comes out of an ocean, rather than the popular belief that you popped into this universe out of nowhere. And realize that this earth "peoples" just like trees grow fruit; the more you will feel a certain ecstasy, freedom and joy about existence and this planet, and not feel the need to make the environment submit to your will, but rather be kind to it.

Another fundamental thing to realize and can easily be done within 15 minutes of sitting quietly with your eyes closed and trying to stop your thoughts, is that you as the controller of your thoughts and actions and feelings, don't really exist. That there is no controller. Your thoughts arise like hiccups and you can't stop it. For further explanation on this you can read my other article where I go more in depth on this:, or I recommend just try it yourself.

In this world, there's one energy. Many people have tried many names for it like Brahman, or God, but in the west, the idea of God is so mixed up with the idea of God as the father and all that, so I'm going to call it the Tao. The famous philosopher Laozi (aka Lao Tzu) once wrote a poem on the matter and it goes like this:

Here is something blurred and indistict
Antedating (predating) heaven and earth
How indistinct! How blurred!
Yet within it are forms.
How dim! How confused!
Quiet, though ever functioning.
It does nothing, yet through it all things are done.
To its accomplishment it lays no credit.
It loves and nourishes all things,
but does not lord it over them.
I do not know its name,
I call it the Tao.
The Tao is formless and vague
It is hidden, mysterious and dark
It is the source of all things.
The great Tao flows everywhere,
to the left and to the right.
All things depend upon it to exist,
and it does not abandon them.
To its accomplishment it lays no claim.
It loves and nourishes all things,
But does not lord it over them.

You can find the rest of the poem if you'd like but for my point that's all that's required. The Christians have also found a name for it and called it the Holy Spirit.

But, really there's nothing you can do to attain this experience, because you don't exist. Either it comes to you, or it doesn't, and there's nothing that you can do about it. So you may wake up one day and look up at the stars, and realize that everything you see out there is you, waiting to experience all those experiences, except you can only do it one at a time, now as John Doe and later as Betty, later as a dinosaur and so on and so forth and it goes on forever and ever and ever.

And you're doing all this, and you've put yourself exactly where you are now. The game we play here on earth, that most people subscribe to, is that we're this little ego on a random rock ball floating around, and the absolutely astonishing part is that you can live all this and not even know that you're the one who did this. By that I mean, you both can play the game of being "it", and not even know you're "it".

Therefore, what you call the external world is as much you as your own body. And should you see people who are playing this game, you absolutely should not hate on them, because they are playing the greatest game in the universe.

If that isn't the most astonishing game that has ever been created, I don't know what is. I'll repeat that: The experience you're having everyday, of pretending you're not it, is the same thing as it!

You bring this universe to life with your eyes and ears and other senses. You see, light only exists in relation to your eyes, and the vibrations that we call sounds only exist because of your eardrum. Existence is relativity, and you're right in the middle of it all.

Sadness must exist, because it's only in relation to sadness that you know what happiness is. Pain and suffering must exist, because you wouldn't know the joys of the opposite end of the spectrum without it. And so, life only exists in relationship with death.

The real secret then is to be completely engaged in what you're doing now, because now is the only thing that really exists. When the past was occurring, it was now, and when the future happens, that'll be now too. So the skill lies in seeing that and experiencing now to its fullest, and instead of calling it work, realize that it is play.

Death can also be used to remember this fact, as in if you're told you're going to die tomorrow, I'm pretty sure you would really enjoy each moment you had left today, and in this way, experience life to its fullest. Death in most cultures in the world is hushed up and not talked about much out loud, if at all. But really the fact that you will die is your helper.

You should think about your death often, and rather than believe that when you die you're going to be locked up in a little box and undergo that experience, realize that there won't be any you to experience it. And, in the same way that you go to sleep and instantly wake up, it is likely that you will die, and instantly be born elsewhere. It is also productive to think about death because, once the magic of everything that we once knew in childhood ceases to be, we need to learn to relive each moment like it's the first time we're living it.

Credit: Philosopher Alan Watts and Laozi
Hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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Thanks for your time!


This is well written, I write and live from almost the same perspective. I would only change this by pointing out that it only takes ONE experience of one side of any polarity in order for the contrast necessary to experience it's opposite to be realized. Thus one can experience perpetual goodness in a tangible way in contrast to only the memory of a past negative. We can live in perpetual peace post chaos, with chaos only a memory and peace a continual reality.

Thank You for Being You!
Thank You for Being Me!

Definitely, I tried to imply that in my post. It only takes 1 experience once to realize it. I guess we have similar personality types, lol. My pleasure ;D

I loved this! Love, the emotion I felt when I saw (heard/read) myself :)

I want to share something profound that I discovered this week, that for some reason I was inspired to share here. The Shuman resonance (7.83 hz) has gone up dramatically to over 30 hz, our hearts and minds when we resonate at 7.83 hertz it gives us a feeling of calm and relaxation. (which is why we would typically be relaxed in natural environments). At over 30hz the mind is experiencing stress and anxiety and an increase in information. This is what I believe our world is experiencing, is this earths stress response.

However, above 30 hz around 60 hz we reach low gamma frequencies. These are associated with feelings of unity, superconsciousness, and hyper-awareness. This is more information delivered than the stressed response and relaxed response but in a balanced way. I believe our earth mother is transitioning frequencies and with that in a mutually supportive way humanity increases our frequency. Which may be responsible for the increasing consciousness seen in our world today, with more people being more aware of the whole!

Our world and all of humanity is transitioning into a new paradigm! We're going to have to go through some stressful, anxious times but we'll emerge through as a more connected and conscious whole meta-humanity!

Beautiful blog brother, I look forward to connecting with you more :) Some of your words are identical to mine.

"Hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it."

Keep playing brother.


To say that the Schumann frequency has "gone up drastically" is vague and has little foundation. It's like saying "the Didgeridoo frequency has gone up drastically". Earth ionosphere forms a cavity. A cavity has a fundamental resonant frequency, and a bunch of higher harmonics. Amplitude of harmonics can go up and down, depending on excitation (blow harder in you didgeridoo). The fundamental frequency and the spacing between harmonics can shift if the shape of the cavity changes.
Citing wikipedia's values : "Schumann resonances are the principal background in the part of the electromagnetic spectrum[1] from 3 Hz through 60 Hz,[2] and appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies (ELF) around 7.83 Hz (fundamental),[3] 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8 Hz.[1][4]"

Hi Sambkf. Thanks for elaborating! Seems a lot like the human condition which have principle conditions with distinct peaks. It is true to say "gone up drastically" is vague.

I was just quickly sharing a thought and didn't with to take the time to fully elaborate it on a comment. Assuming those who were intrigued by the idea would dig deeper :)

You've inspired me however. I will gather more research surrounding this idea and create a more founded idea. Given that my ideas on this are fairly immature as I was just told about this phenomenon. :)

Just something to think about. If

""the Didgeridoo frequency has gone up drastically"

It is the human 'playing' the digeridoo that is responsible for this increase...

My desire is to find out what is the source for these new peaks we're experiencing. Something that resonates with me :) Any suggestions?

Hahaha, I feel you. We probably have similar personality types I'm guessing, do you know about not the big five, but the myers briggs personality test? What you said about the frequencies is interesting, thanks for sharing. And thank youuu, people like you make me wanna keep at it <3

"wanna keep at it "

Please do :)

I have heard about the tests and am aware only slightly. You have peaked my interest and I'm going to go ahead and take it. Why not!

I'll let you know what I find!

Well, quick to results, steady with meaning. I'm "CAMPAIGNER PERSONALITY (ENFP, -A/-T)". Now, off to go find out what that means...


I enjoyed your essay. :)

I consider non-duality as an incomplete concept - of the Infinite undivided and unable to know itself. I consider it as extreme positive, opposed to extreme negative - identification with a separated ego-mind. Ego-mind doesn't exist apart from the Creation, but I exist because I've read what you just wrote there. It is actually the only thing that you can be sure of - that you exist.

Non-duality also seems a little plagued by exclusive/pure-human perspective, because the Universe is very much inclusive and integrative, so I would be more willing to state that You exist and You don't exist - simultaneously on many different levels.

Other than that, ego-disidentification is something that humanity, as a collective, is more aware of from moment to moment, so keep up a good work shining your light on the subject. :)

One I can state for sure - our Truth lies beyond even the concept of existing and non-existing. It is ineffable.

Very good job with the post. Upvoted and followed.
Much love, my Friend. :)

I think I know what you're trying to get at when you say that you exist and you don't exist simultaneously on different levels. It boils down to the idea that words are limited. At the end of the day words are symbols of reality and not reality itself, we can only analyze so much and eventually all you're left with is the experience you're having right now. The same way money is a symbol of wealth and not actual wealth, so is the relationship between words and reality. We can analyze forever, but it all comes down to what is left in our field of consciousness. Thank you, I appreciate it. <3

This is what every Steemit writer should aspire to. I've also submitted this post to Curie through Steemian. Deserving!

I'm flattered, thank you. <3

its great upvoted you

This post has been resteemed by @minnowsupport courtesy of @creativesoul from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

Thank youuu, I really appreciate it. <3

how can i get my post resteemed by minnowsupport because am new here and i made a post about luch but i didn't get attention

Chill, lol, you only need to comment once for me to see it. I'd say work on the formatting of your posts. I took a look at them and you could use some work in that department. Make sure the beginning of every word in the title is Capitalized, except for words like of, and and. Space the text out with pictures and enters. And also maybe have a friend check your grammar and English for you. Best of luck with everything <3

thank's man

*Thanks, man.


It feels like we're getting close to the return to nature by the technological advancements in information sharing. When all we see are commercials for drugs to keep us sick we have no choice but to believe in their false cures. Because we can now choose the information we take in, we have a choice to return within and let the subconscious do the work it was meant for. We can stop medicating the life out of ourselves and work together to achieve total mind, body and spiritual harmony

I think so too, Terence Mckenna once said this " We have gone very, very sick. And the body politic, like any body, when it feels itself to be sick, it begins to produce antibodies, or strategies for overcoming the condition of dis-ease. And the 20th century is an enormous effort at self-healing.

Phenomena as diverse as surrealism, body piercing, psychedelic drug use, sexual permissiveness, jazz, experimental dance, rave culture, tattooing, the list is endless. What do all these things have in common? They represent various styles of rejection of linear values. The society is trying to cure itself by an archaic revival, by a reversion to archaic values. So when I see people manifesting sexual ambiguity, or scarifying themselves, or showing a lot of flesh, or dancing to syncopated music, or getting loaded, or violating ordinary canons of sexual behavior, I applaud all of this; because it’s an impulse to return to what is felt by the body – what is authentic, what is archaic – and when you tease apart these archaic impulses, at the very center of all these impulses is the desire to return to a world of magical empowerment of feeling." I agree with it and I think your statement is along the same lines

Fantastic writting this post, well sums everything up in a unerstandably exciting way, good on you. So well writen as a lot of post like this are not easy reading at all, this you can just slide through and recognise your own teaching. An then realise you slipping of course a little a know where to correct :)

I love the Lao Tzu poem; i really need to read his book. My reiki master told me years about about him an people on here keep mentioning him. Where canI get his book :)

Keep this up it cracking piece of writting.

Thank youu, I appreciate it a lot. You can probably find lao tzu's work online btw. Thanks again

The Tao is the thing that I call the Force. It is That Which Is. No other explanation is possible within the limited understanding of a human being.

I agree, words are very limited in what they can convey, at the end of the day the field of consciousness is beyond words

Everything is one. 🙏🏽 Loved this post.

Fantastic post @entity401! I like ur point of view. I recommend you to look for Osho "The danger of truth", maybe it will complement or give you more options to think of. Greetings!

Couldn't find it in English :/. Thank youu

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