When Your Body Talks

in #food7 years ago


I woke up one morning feeling incredibly fatigued, as if I hadn't slept at all. I had so much to do that day and I already wasn't feeling it. As the day wore on, I started to develop a migraine and by that night, I was in pain from my head, to the muscles in my neck and shoulders and I felt sick to my stomach.

That night I barely slept and was in and out of dream state. In one particular dream, I went to a friend's house and noticed they had just been to the store and had a large bag of purple potatoes...random I know, but I suggested putting together a meal of purple potato mash, ramps and collard greens...again random...or was it? I think my body was speaking to me.

Before bed, I was googling my symptoms and trying to figure out why I felt so terrible and I found this article relating migraines and muscle pain to a deficiency in magnesium.


Aah how could I keep forgetting about this miracle mineral? Of course I was depleted, I know it, I've felt this way before. So before bed I took 800 mgs of magnesium which lead to the dream I mentioned.

When I woke up bright and early that morning, still not feeling entirely better..I set out to the Farmer's market with ramps on my mind. Ramps are an Appalachian delicacy that are all the rage in early spring and I was craving them in a big way!


After, finding some ramps at the farmers market as well as some fresh collard greens, rich in magnesium, I went to my local grocery and bought purple potatoes, fresh thyme and organic garlic and went hope excited to prepare a nourishing meal.

I washed my ramps and chopped some garlic...


Added them to my cast iron with olive oil and fresh thyme..


Prepared the collard greens...


Added those gorgeous purple potatoes to a pot of water with sea salt to boil...


Continued to sauté my greens...


And when it was all done, sat down and enjoyed a nourishing meal rich in vitamins and minerals and antioxidants.


Food is medicine and when our body talks, it's important to listen. I am so fortunate to live in these Appalachian mountains rich with everything I need!



Great message at the end and a beautiful place to live in!