

My name is Daemon Rowanchilde. I am an artist who is best known for my transformational approach to tattooing. 10463862_489419574537900_7361171204073423504_n.jpg

I see tattooing primarily as a spiritual tool to facilitate a client's access to their inner resources for healing and personal transformation. I have built a substantial fan and client base because of my transpersonal approach. My conscious use of psychospiritual patterning and sacred geometry shapes that transmit a balancing and harmonizing effect on the human bioenergy field, coupled with my unique approach that I developed over 30 years of deep soul searching, spiritual discipline, and feedback from my clients, has reclaimed the tattoo process as a tool for vibrational healing.

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The healing comes as a result of the realignment of the client’s inherent blueprint for wholeness, or ‘soulprint’, with their physical body.

My practice began in the early 80s as an exploration of the contribution of tattooing to the aesthetics of the human body in motion. While I was a Fine Art student at the Ontario College of Art (now OCAD) in Toronto I proposed and completed a final-year independent study project on tattooing as art and design for the body. My project attracted the attention of local media who covered the story because it was the first time that a recognized art institute acknowledged tattooing as a legitimate art form.

Over the years that followed, I became increasingly aware of the spiritual dimensions of permanent body design and its potential to affect the human energy field. This led to my exploration and experimentation with the immediate environment (setting) where I tattooed my clients and witnessing the effect on the client’s mindset (set).

I specialize in tattoos and the practice tattooing that aligns with my first inspiration, tattoos done by ancient indigenous cultures. I have explored ancient hand poke techniques using bone, such as those on Otzi (the Iceman found in the Austrian Italian Alps). In 1991, I was invited to participate in an archaeology experiment to tattoo using replicas of the tools found on Otzi for the Discovery Channel.
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I tattoo primarily with dots for many reasons. First, for the aesthetics, as I liked the look of the textural effects that I got from the dots, whether by machine or hand poke.

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I also did it as a sign of respect for the indigenous ancestors of the ancient past who were my source of inspiration. Furthermore, I discovered that this tapping or dotting technique would facilitate one important aspect of the healing results that I was to discover and develop over the next 30 years.

The dotting technique, with and without my tattoo machine, is easier on the skin, less painful and allows faster healing. Dotwork also allows both me and my clients to easily enter the zone or flowzone experience — a euphoric feeling of presence and timelessness — and to stay there for most of the session. The controlled trauma of the dotting opens energy portals along meridians of the body that allows healing to occur.

I am continuing to develop my dotwork technique with both the machine and non machine hand poke methods and techniques.



Over the years, my tattoo art has garnered numerous national and international awards, media attention and film work, like the tattoo designs I created for Bulletproof Monk and the Nightcrawler in XMen2.
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My tattoo work has even brought A-listers into my studio.

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However, I am the most grateful for my clients who arrive at my doorstep, bringing with them their deepest and most vulnerable selves, allowing complete trust in me and the process. These are the divine beings who come bearing gifts of the soul and the ones whom I recognize as my soulkin. These are the clients who supported me on my mission to create the healing modality that I sometimes call TAT or Transformational Art Therapy. These are the brightest stars in my sky.
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Welcome consciousink !!!
So glad you started posting and joined steemit ! Can't wait to read more from you.

Welcome to Steemit! Woohoo!! Looking fwd to more awesome posts from you two! PS. I'm out here in BC now :)

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