in #sundaylaw5 years ago

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The climate agenda has gained such a strong momentum and backing now around the world, that this thing isn't going to stop, unless God Himself brings it to a halt. A prominent international relations professor at the University of Copenhagen stated the following in a recent interview:

"At some point this whole climate debate is going to tip over ... The United Nations Security Council could, in principle, tomorrow decide that climate change is a threat to international peace and security ... If there was something that was decided internationally by some more centralised procedure and every country was told 'this is your emission target, it's not negotiable, we can actually take military measures if you don't fulfil it', then you would basically have to get that down the throat of your population, whether they like it or not." (source).

The interesting point regarding this, is that the scientists and leaders have now given a 'deadline' to act regarding climate change. Back in 2018, leaders decided to announce that we have only 12 years to act and stop a catastrophe - (source). So as the clock ticks down, the reaction is going to get stronger, just as the professor in the news article above said ... "The longer we wait, the more abrupt the change has to be."

And who is the one who pushed this climate agenda to the forefront around the world? The Pope! And what does he and the Roman Catholic Church want enforced around the world? A Sunday rest law! And that Papal 'beast' will have it's way, just as Revelation 13 said!

We are now also seeing the central banks being restructured to push climate change to the forefront of financial policy making. Look at the following news article regarding the plans that Christine Lagarde, the President of the European Central Bank has:

"Christine Lagarde is pushing for climate change to be part of a strategic review of the European Central Bank's purpose, spearheading a global drive to make the environment an essential part of monetary policymaking. The plan underlines Ms Lagarde's declared goal as president to make climate change a 'mission-critical' priority for the central bank." (source).

And where will central bank policies filter down to? Our local banks where our money is kept:

Revelation 13:17 ...'And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.'

Yes, America is yet to take a major part in this. As Revelation 13 says that it's the second beast (America) who 'causes the world to worship the beast and take it's mark.' But don't be fooled by the 'play acting' you see on mainstream news and media. What we see is merely a 'front.' What we don't see is what is going on in the background. So keep watching! But more importantly, keep looking to Jesus, and keep growing in faith, as time is short!

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