Canola Field Forever // Main-Main Di Ladang Orang

in #sublimesunday6 years ago (edited)

Hot, Hot, Hot!

Wasps getting crazier as the humidity getting higher, but lovely Summer we are having here, apart the wasps problem. For the next one week, it will be HOT as hell here. Yikes! I already have two little bare chest mini-me daily, I wonder what next week will look like then hahaha

Today we were out most of the day, soaking up (too much I should say) vitamin D and obviously took plenty pictures to share because today is.....#sublimesunday! A nice excuse when you would like to share of anything, hosted by the ever so lovely @c0ff33a, a witness from #thealliance

I live in a region where canola is one of the main crops and it is always such a wonderful scenery when they are blooming. Every where you turn are bright sunny yellow color greeting you.

One of the reasons I love living up-north, it's so beautiful up here I don't even want to bend (yeah, quoting Radiohead obviously haha)

Not just for the canola, when it's time to harvest the wheat, also such a view and definitely a great picture opportunity too

Not to mention when they land owner cut their grasses/hays. Almost as if alien came down the earth just to leave its mark lol

Lovely right?

So yeah, that's my contribution for #sublimesunday this week, hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed getting sunburnt today ;-)

Ah oh, meh, just as I started liking using #esteem, some html won't work, blah. So off it went to the trash bin. Back to Steemit it is!

Hai teman!

Pertama-tama, aku turut prihatin atas gempa bumi di Lombok, Bali, dan sekitarnya. Semoga teman-teman yang berlokasi di pulau-pulau tersebut baik-baik saja, terutama @ekavieka, belum dengar kabar dari dia nih, begitu juga semoga teman-teman @bennywb56 juga selamat dan baik-baik saja.

Hari ini aku sekeluarga putar-putar cari angin soalnya puanaaaaas banget. Super gerah deh. Seminggu kedepan cuaca akan panas selalu. Meski kita butuh vitamin D, kalau dah panas gini sering bikin khawatir, kebakaran hutan euy. Di tempat aku tinggal, setiap tahunnya pasti ada kebakaran hutan di musim panas gini, dan selalu harus siaga untuk menunggu pengumuman dari pemerintah lokal apa perlu mengungsi atau ga.

Kami sekeluarga tadi main-main ke ladang canola, tanaman yang bisa dijadikan minyak goreng kalau sudah di panen

Ladangnya orang sih hahaha

Ini merupakan unggahan partisipasiku untuk #sublimesunday, yang dicetuskan oleh @c0ff33a

Dengan tagar #sublimesunday ini, teman-teman bisa unggah mengenai APAPUN setiap hari Minggunya. Biasanya c0ff33a akan mengunjungi akun-akun yang menggunakan tagar ini dan meninggalkan upvote serta meresteem unggahan teman-teman yang menggunakan tagar ini. Sudah pernah ikutan?

Sepertinya aku tidak akan menggunakan #esteem-surfer lagi dikarenakan semenjak update ke versi terbaru, kode-kode html tertentu agak kacau, terutama kalau kita cek dari HP. Blog jadi ga rapi. Sayang sekali. Balik ke Steemit deh.

Oke deh, segini dulu berbagi cerita dari Kanada. Jangan lupa gunakan tagar #nusantara kalau mau aku kunjungi dan berbagi sedikit upvote :) Buat teman yang belum tau, aku saksi/witness Steemit. Seorang saksi memiliki server sistem untuk melancarkan jalannya Steemit, tanpa keberadaan saksi, Steemit tidak bisa berjalan. Untuk memilih aku sebagai saksi teman, silahkan ke, di kolom yang tersedia ketik thekitchenfairy dan klik VOTE.

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katanya... ladang orang selalu lebih hijau.
ternyata bisa juga lebih kuning.


Di Indonesia, walaupun cuaca panas tapi udaranya dingin banget

Apalagi di Dieng sempat salju katanya yah, pasti dingin

Tusroni pa kabar nya?

Embun paginya beku jadi es karena suhunya rendah banget.
Kabarnya baik banget
Dirimu kabarnya gimana @thekitchenfairy? Kapan mudik ke Indonesia

Steem masih teler, kalau dah $10, baru bisa balik ke Indo 🤣

Semoga saja sampai $10

howdy @thekitchenfairy! man I love those photos of the fields! enjoy the summer while it lasts, those winters up there last a long time! God bless you guys!

It's raining again in the UK now, we had our share of the hot weather - strange thing is wasps and flies have not really been around this year - which I can't work out since we have had the longest period of hot weather that we have had in a long time.

It's good to see you have been having fun in the sun, super photos of the fields of flowers, and the wheat crop with you all lost in the middle of it!

The straw bales are always amazing, we have black shrink wrapped round bales in the UK as well - they have grass wrapped in them which is stored for feeding the cattle in winter.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful day out Witness @thekitchenfairy , I throughly enjoyed your #SublimeSunday

#thealliance #witness

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