Three Surprising Insights about Success and Happiness

in #subir436 years ago

Sometimes, findings from the research on well-being seem a bit obvious: Gratitude will make you happier; mindfulness reduces your stress; it feels good to be kind.

But the findings of other studies are much more counterintuitive. This kind of research challenges how we think the world works; if we’re open to it, it can drastically change our day-to-day lives and our communities.

At the International Positive Psychology Association’s 5th World Congress—a four-day conference held earlier this month with more than 1,300 attendees—I heard three insights that challenged my assumptions. They offered new ways to think about the things we want most in life—including health, success, and happines
1.You don’t have to be charismatic to succeed
2.We stink at motivating people to be healthy
3.Your life may be more meaningful than you thinkPath_with_fall_trees.png

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