Storytelling: How to create your blog step by step

in #storytelling5 years ago (edited)

The Art of Telling Stories

Since the beginning of time, the stories have been a key piece in our cultural development.

Do you remember how Steven Spielberg's Amazing Stories series began? Thousands of years ago, our ancestors were already gathered around the fire to share stories, often illustrated with rudimentary pigments in rocks and caves around the world.

Centuries later, those same stories were transmitted through papyrus sheets, manuscripts painstakingly decorated by monks of countless European abbeys, and finally through the printing of mobile types invented by Gutenberg thanks to which the stories reached the general public.

The Radio and later television gave new impetus to communication - and thus the transmission of stories - and in today 's digital age the vehicle for transmitting information and knowledge is Internet ; the network of networks.
Throughout history the straps of transmission of stories and stories have changed radically, not so much the messages.

The importance of storytelling

Many large commercial icons - from Nike to Disney, through Starbucks Coffee or Dunkin 'Donuts among thousands of well-known brands - depend crucially on “storytelling” or “the art of telling stories" to establish an emotional bond with the Consumer.

While this has become fashionable in recent times thanks in part to the rise of social networks and content marketing (maybe you sound like that of " inbound storytelling "), it's not really that innovative.

How can it be?

How is it possible that, with the incredible things that technology allows us to do today, the attractions that continue to generate endless waits in the Disney parks of three continents and captivate generation after generation of visitors, are not the fastest nor which give more returns but those that were inaugurated half a century ago with a rudimentary technology?

A good story Inspires

The mere information - a post on your blog, for example - rarely conveys passion. No matter how well written he is.
The information does not inspire the Reader to change his life. It reads, it may be more or less interesting, and then it is forgotten. We are too busy to keep too many things in our heads. But occasionally information can leave its mark, and in this sense stories play a crucial role.

No matter your niche market: whether your blog is about health tips , beauty tips or how to learn marketing online ( ahem ), if your goal is to bring value the only way to crystallize the value is getting your reader to do something to overcome a certain problem, frustration, restlessness, desire or need.

A good story establishes an emotional connection

If you look, many great brands like Nike or Starbucks Coffee are not limited to selling products or services, but experiences.

I am not going to extend too much at this point, because it is not something new and rivers of ink have been written about it, but very few Bloggers believe that it is possible to achieve a similar effect from a simple blog; and for that reason (even at the risk of offending more than one) I would dare to say that very few Bloggers provoke turbulence, are catalysts of change or have a real impact on the lives of others.

A good story has order and structure

In general I believe that there are no bad stories, but bad storytellers.

And the good story is characterized by three clearly differentiated acts: introduction, development and final outcome.
We know - because stories and popular stories have been analyzed for centuries - that the timeless stories (those that do not go out of style) have a predictable structure and flow in a logical order. At the end of the day the human being is a being of customs, rational, with habits and structures defined.

A good story has a personal switch

If you want to maximize the impact of your story, at some point it should stop being a simple story where the Reader is nothing more than a mere passive spectator to place him at the very center of the action.

This can be done more or less evident, sooner or later, but at some point you must press that switch that lights the spotlight on your Reader and turns it into a protagonist.

Do not kid yourself, dear Reader: after all, if you have done well, your audience will not visit your page because the logo is very beautiful or the WordPress plugins you have installed are fabulous; he will do it because he looks for something that directly affects him. Generally, something more than mere information. That anyone can do. For that we have the Wikipedia.


And so, without grief or glory, concludes today's article:)

We have reviewed the importance of “storytelling " or the art of telling stories, as well as four ingredients that you must take into account when applying the art of storytelling on your own blog to establish that emotional bond with your audience.

What do you think? Have you tried it yet? Do you think it's something worth trying?

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