Toy (Original Short Fiction)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Toy Car

"Daddy, I want this toy car?"

A five-year old child stopped in front of a toy store. He pointed to a toy car. The father saw the price tag that toy car. He was surprised.

"Son, I don't have enough money to buy it."

"How much is it, Dad?"

"50,000 IDR."

"How much money do you have?"

"20,000 IDR."

But the boy did not want to leave the store.

"Come on, Son. Tomorrow we go back again to this store. We will buy the car."

The father persuaded his son. But his son kept insisting.

"I want this car!"

"But we do not enough money to buy this car! What if we buy a toy car for 20,000 IDR?"

"No! I don’t want. I just want this car! " The son was still pointing the car he wanted.

The shopkeeper asked the father. "What’s wrong?"

"I'm sorry, my son really wanted to have this car. But I do not have enough money to buy it," replied the father with a feeling of sadness.

"Oh, excuse me, sir. You can’t have this car if you don’t have enough money. Come on, kid! Listen to your father!" Persuaded the shopkeeper to the child.

The child was crying. He felt very sad. He would like to have that car because a friend also has the same car.

At night, when the drizzle, someone knocked on the door. When the father opened the door, there was no one outside. However, he was shocked to find his front door there is a small box. Small box was addressed to his son (for your son).

The father called his son.

"Son, come here! There is a gift for you?" Said the father.

"From whom, Dad?" The son asked.

"I don’t know," replied the father.

Then his son opened the small box. And it would be happy when he saw the gift.

The father also was moved. He wondered, who is so generous was a gift to his son? Is it possible that the shopkeeper? Or maybe an angel? Or ...

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