Story of Mystical Genesis Strange at Home saiful | 27 December 2017.

in #story7 years ago

It took me a long time to consider writing this story. Because I do not want people to say I'm crazy, or it can not happen, or I think too much. But yes never mind, I will post this story anonymously for you to read. Okay, it happened Saturday night. I was alone at home. Looks like it's 11 o'clock. My parents and sister are not home. The sister stay at a friend's house. Father or mother went to the event. Even though I am 18 years old, honestly I am still afraid of the name of the ghost. And I feel this house is indeed there penunggunya. For example, I sometimes always feel watched. Like someone standing outside the house watching the house through the window. I never dared tell parents about it. That night, I video conference with my friend via Skype. My position is in the living room, on the 1st floor. I am scary all alone upstairs. While talking to my friend, the doorbell rang. Usually there are people from football clubs who visit the night. Understandably to discuss some things with my father. Because he is one of the club's core managers. Just in case, I peeked through the doorway to make sure it was someone I knew. (I know everyone from the club). And there was no one standing there! My skype friend laughs. We continue to chat again. Not long after, the doorbell rang again. I peeked again, and again no one was there. I thought maybe the kids were a fun complex. I'm now trying to stand behind the door guard. Just in case he rang again. I looked closely but there was no one there (someone's position must have looked if he wanted to ring the bell). The frequency of the bell rang is also higher. Screaming also midnight bell rings continuously. I thought this might be the bell that was broken. So I decided to remove the battery from the bell. But his voice does not stop! So I asked my friend how to solve it, because he usually knows a lot about technology. He himself does not understand. I tried several ways to stop his voice, but still failed. At the same time the TV I let go on also start getting weird, it suddenly becomes static. Suddenly, my friend is cursed, if anyone is standing outside the house. Just info, I sat back to the back door of the house. My laptop is facing it. There was a house ban, not accessible except through the front door, so there was no way anyone could be there. I say do not joke. But some time he sent the image file printscreen monitor him to me. And indeed even vaguely, I can see ...
There are shadows of people! I hurriedly turned to look. Then try looking at it. No one. The back door of the house was still locked. I was celingak through the window, also did not see anyone. But the image file is a screenshot there are people. I hastily deleted the file, because I was so scared. Finally after it sounded somehow the bell stopped ringing itself. And soon my parents have come home too. I told him about the bell. But I did not mention the shadow at all. Fear would be said weird again. I had a story with another friend. They say maybe the bell is a problem, and my skype friend is photoshop to photos (because he is good at computer and Photoshop too). But I personally do not believe it. I've already confirmed to him directly. He is serious and does not play games. The photo he sent was instantly sent unedited. Moreover he did it quickly. It is impossible to edit. So far I've never been directly disturbed anyway, so I'm finally silent-guaranteed. You guys might have an opinion? Is it possible that the bell was a problematic? Could my friend be nosy?

So many stories in my house, it's up to believe what baseball.
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Thank you very much..

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