SHADOWING FUNDSsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Freewriters4 years ago


One o'clock in the morning Outside, a barrage of rain fell from the roof. In one of the windows, in that room there was a woman who was still awake. Already a few hours ago he tried to sleep but still could not. In fact, when it's raining outside, people will sleep more comfortably, more soundly.

It's raining heavily outside. He is still lying down. The woman plays her hand. He likes to move his fingers because the light coming from his sleep lamp gives a black shadow to the wall. He played his hands, dancing beautifully and gracefully. In fact, he began to play the shadow of his hands forming a pair of creatures who were kissing. Over time, the shadow becomes real. Real, as real as the memory. Real, as real as the lip friction of the man.

The image of his kissing hands gave out a strong memory at that moment. The memory appeared suddenly. He was in the park. That woman is very happy. The man also looks happy. They kissed. They kissed with a real feeling more than the happiness of all the couples there. The woman hugged the man then. The dog that was with them looked like a third person in the park who was uncomfortable seeing the person next to him kiss. Then they sat, the woman and the man, on the park bench. They sat on one of the wooden benches facing dusk.

The man looked very thoughtful. He said later, "So what? When will we leave? "

The woman turned her head. He just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. Very sweet. He threw a piece of wood. The dog ran to get the wood.

"He runs very funny huh. Look at his butt! Ha ha ha"

"Listen, Mindy, we must leave immediately."

"Why do we have to hurry, Aden? I still want to stay longer with Mother. "

"Until when?"

Mindy looked cynically at him.

"You can't be in your comfortable spot all the time. Inevitably, everything will end. "

"I still want to extend my time with him."

"Hey, that will only make it harder for you and make it difficult later."

"It's the same, right? Even if we leave now I will also complicate myself and complicate it. ”

"At least it's faster."

"Isn't that bad?"

"Absolutely not. Time will cure everything. You can learn faster. "

"I don't want to study."

"You love me?"

"Do you still question it?"

"We must leave immediately. I planned everything. Get ready tonight. I waited at dawn at the Panorama Station. If you don't come, I will assume you really don't intend to do this and I will go alone. ”

Mindy turned back cynically, half in disbelief.

The shadow of the hand was visible again. Looks like a conversation. Then, Mindy was unable to continue. His hands trembled violently. Seen in the shadow on the wall. However, suddenly the shadow of the other hand stopped the hand shake. The other image was seen holding Mindy's hand. Mindy was amazed. He began to sit. The image was seen wiping Mindy's tears on the wall. The shadow, seen kissing Mindy's forehead.

Mindy reached out her hand to feel the shadow's face. The shadow responded by kissing her lips. Mindy and the shadow kissed for a long time. They kissed many times. They kissed like a couple who hadn't seen each other for years. They kissed with a broken heart. They kissed to find comfort. Mindy began to feel her neck being tagged. Clipping was quite painful, but made him not want to be stopped. At that time, he was able to feel the big and tough arm. He felt then gripped it. Mindy felt their skin cling. His adrenaline is getting boosted. Both types of skin are getting more attractive to each other. Their skin deepened and eventually became one. They have become one and are increasingly crazy with their unity. Oxygen is inhaled less and less. The rain was getting heavier while the room was getting hotter. Their breath is irregular. But the groaning sounds increasingly audible. Their voices grew louder. Very loud. The peak of the volume was not heard clearly because it was accompanied by a thunderous thunder.

Mindy hugged the shadow. He hugged and leaned on his chest. Feels good and comfortable. Some time later, Mindy fell asleep. The shadow disappeared, released.


Tomorrow morning the sky is very clear. Mindy had woken up with eyes open with a blank stare. His right hand lying around was seen holding a small glass. His body was not covered with clothes except blankets. His face was speechless. But there were many bruises on his neck.

Mindy's room is very messy. Just a quick glance, it will be seen everywhere there are many neat newspapers. On the main news pages all are dominated by news about recent train accidents.

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