My wife is a zombie(3)

in #story6 years ago

After thinking about it, tightening the kitchen knife in his hand, Qin Feng decided to find a car and kill the zombies inside. Because this is the only way to go to the city center, then take Mu Xinqing to Z City. According to the broadcast, there is military protection, enough food and absolutely safe. What Qin Feng thinks is that if you can safely arrive at Z City with Mu Xinqing, there may be a glimmer of life. Now the food in Jiang E City is too scarce. The big shopping malls are full of zombies, and the food in the commissary is basically Faced with the horror of expiration, he did not want to die in the hands of zombies but was poisoned by those junk food.
Thinking of this, Qin Feng hurriedly searched around in the toy store. Because of the time constraints, the furniture on the iron gate had already been scattered and scattered. The door was broken. It was only a matter of morning and evening. The zombies were the main people who did not spit bones in the true sense. Even if you are accidentally scratched, you will get infected. Qin Feng took off the police uniform of the upper body. This was found in the police station. Because of the end of the day, there was basically no change in clothes. Helpless, he can only wear it. The light blue police uniform has been stained with blood, and the smell of carrion has already made Qin Feng unable to stand it. Put the light blue shirt that had been taken out by the counter on the body, the size is just right, and the backpack is tight. After everything is ready, Qin Feng immediately searches for the back door of the toy store. Through the corridor, Qin Feng saw a gate that was blocked. He could feel it, and the exit was after the gate.
After a few loud noises, Qin Feng even cut the lock and finally opened the lock, and looked through the door to see the scene outside. Unsurprisingly, the door is the location of the exit. After sweeping the line of sight back and forth, Qin Feng’s eyes lit up, and what surprised him was that many cars were parked outside. But the same, there are many zombies walking around without aim. There are many dead bodies on the ground, and the clothes should be nearby staff. Qin Feng carefully stepped out of the door, lighten the pace, try not to alarm the zombies. His eyes glanced in each car, and finally he stayed in a pink car. The glass in the driver's seat was broken. There was a lot of blood on the leather sofa. Qin Feng can be sure that it will definitely be inside. There are car keys, otherwise there will be no such traces. But in the same way, 80% of the inside will have a zombie, and all he has to do now is to run in half a minute, kill the zombies, turn the car on, and the action must be fast! When I think of it, Qin Feng has a tight sense of tightening the kitchen knife in his hands to seek a sense of security. Taking advantage of the opportunity of three zombies to turn around, suddenly the foot moved, a slight wind stroked, Qin Feng can not wait two steps to run, and then went to the car next to the eye.
Qin Feng revealed half of his head and looked inside. There was nothing unusual except the blood on the driver's seat. My heart is also relieved. Then, look at the waiting chair again. This... this is. Qin Feng's big eyes, because only revealing the relationship of half of the head, can only see a pair of white and slender thighs bow slightly, in order to see more clearly, Qin Feng slightly straight legs, look up. Female... girl? Qin Feng has always fixed his sight on a beautiful girl lying on the waiting chair. The white and flawless skin is not ruddy, just like a dead person. If it weren't for her slight ups and downs on her chest, Qin Feng would never suspect that the girl had died, because he knew that even if it was a zombie, the chest would have ups and downs and the heart would beat. Then, Qin Feng will have a pair of curious eyes and look at the girl's face. One of the silks is a little messy, but it is certain that the length can definitely be up to the waist side, and there are a pair of slightly closed eyes under the thick and slender eyelashes. The girl's goose egg face, a light white dress will make her incomparably pure and pleasant. Qin Feng can be sure that if this girl is placed in her university, she is definitely a school flower. Quietly, Qin Feng got on the car and gently closed the door, but the car key was already inserted in the keyhole. What I have to do now is to end the girl’s life!
Putting the kitchen knife up and reaching the girl's neck, Qin Feng fixed his eyes on the innocent look of the girl. For a moment, he really couldn't get it. But what he can be sure of is that the girl is definitely a zombie, because he saw it and saw the little white hands of the girl, with sharp claws, which only have to be transformed into zombies. "Hey... hello, let's coming not to this bad world in the next life." Qin Feng whispered a few words. Before the end of the last days, he didn't even kill a chicken, let alone a person. This is the trend of the environment. Shaking his head secretly, Qin Feng’s hand was just ready to force, and the girl’s neck was cut off. Then the scene that made him scared appeared. The girl seems to be inductive, just open the big red eyes, the eyes are lifeless, just staring at the man in front of me. What makes Qin Feng fearful is that as soon as the girl blinks, she will immediately exert her strength, but I don’t know when her wrist is caught by the girl. Huge strength made Qin Feng almost scream, he was puzzled, wondering why the girl's strength is so big, even if it is a zombie, their strength is only a little bit bigger than the average person, he have confidence to break free.
Qin Feng feels that even if he does his best, he can't let the palm go forward. At this time, the girl's pink mouth was slightly open, and the white and neat teeth were long with two sharp teeth! "You!" Qin Feng's looks at the two little tiger teeth. He can imagine how painful it would be if he was bitten, and he would definitely mutate and become unconscious Zombies! Just then, the girl moved. She slowly sat up straight, her head tilted slightly toward Qin Feng's neck, clasped Qin Feng's little hand, and never let go. "Meat..." A soft whisper rang, letting Qin Feng listen to the face without color. Has he just heard the mistake? Did the zombie speak? But the girl obviously will not give Qin Feng more opportunities to consider. Suddenly, the sharp teeth are only half an inch away from his neck. At this critical juncture, Qin Feng suddenly woke up and raised the other hand to face the girl's face. He decided to use her power to blow her away! "Go to death, ... oh..." Qin Feng is fast, the girl moves faster, and at the moment when his palm is lifted, the girl moves.
Just look at a slender wrist and quickly hold the other wrist of Qin Feng. The speed of the action made Qin Feng not respond at all, and suddenly a huge force came from his wrist, and suddenly the Qin Feng painful mouth was so bad. At the same time, in the horrified eyes of Qin Feng, the two little tiger teeth came into close contact with their necks! "Hey. fuck!" Qin Feng feels that he is going to die. He can't move his two hands. Because of the relationship in the driver's seat, his legs can't force, and he can only let the girl feed between the necks. Qin Feng has been desperate, he can only close his eyes, his heart is full of anger and anger, he is sorry for the family that has not seen each other, I am sorry for my childhood, I am sorry that I have not used the day's ability. However, the scene of flesh and blood arrogance did not appear in the imagination. Qin Feng felt that there was an unprecedented sensation in the position that the girl had bitten, and he could not help but shudder, and the neck was not so painful. But some are numb. At this moment, the girl seemed to be full, and she loosened Qin Feng’s hands and changed her neck. A pair of dull eyes stared at the Qin wind, leaving a trace of blood under the pink lips, apparently just due. Finished, finished, I have to become a zombie!
I don't know if it is psychologically wrong. Qin Feng suddenly feels full-body fever, and even his head is dizzy, and his heart feels mutated. He cried a face and stared at the girl. At the same time, the ears of Qin Feng suddenly sounded a slight voice. "You...who are you?"

To be continued... ...

思虑过后,紧了紧手中的菜刀,秦风决定,找辆车,并且杀掉里面的丧尸。因为这是目前唯一能去市中心的路径,然后带着慕欣晴前往Z市,据广播最后所说,那里有军队保护,有足够的食物并且绝对安全。   秦风想的是,如果能带着慕欣晴安全到达Z市,或许还有一线生机,如今江鄂市内的食物太过紧缺,大商场内都是丧尸遍布,而小卖部的食品基本上已经面临过期的惨状,他可不想没死在丧尸手中却被那些垃圾食品给毒死了。   想到这,秦风赶忙在玩具店内四处搜索起来,因为时间紧迫,铁门上的家具早已被震得散落一地,大门被破只是早晚的事情,丧尸可是真正意义上吃人不吐骨头的主,就算是不小心被抓伤也会感染。   秦风脱下上身的警服,这是在警局中找到了,因为末日的到来,换洗的衣服基本没有。无奈的他只能穿着将就一下。淡蓝色的警服已经被沾满了血迹,腐肉的气息早已让秦风受不了了。   将柜台旁早已被自己拿出来的淡蓝色衬衣套在身上,大小刚刚合适,又将背包紧了紧,感觉一切就绪后,秦风立马开始搜索玩具店的后门。   穿过走廊,秦风看到一处被封锁的大门,他能感觉的到,大门后便是出口。
哐啷几声重响,秦风连劈带砍的总算把锁给弄开了,透过门缝看了看外面的场景。不出所料,门外正是出口的所在地。   将视线来回扫视一番后,秦风眼前一亮,让他惊喜的是,外面正停靠着不少小轿车。但同样的,外面也有不少丧尸漫无目的的来回走动,地面上留有着不少死尸,看衣着应该是附近的工作人员。   秦风小心翼翼的踏出门外,将步伐放轻,尽量不要去惊动丧尸群。目光在各个车内扫视了一番,最后将视线停留在一辆粉红色的轿车上,驾驶位的玻璃已经破损,皮质的沙发上留有着不少血迹,秦风可以肯定的是,里面一定会有车钥匙,不然也不会有这些痕迹。   但同样的,里面百分之八十会有一只丧尸存在,而他目前所要做的,就是在半分钟之内跑过去,杀死丧尸,将车开启,而且动作一定要快!   想到就做到,秦风下意识紧了紧手中的菜刀,以寻求那一丝安全感。趁着有三只丧尸背过身的机会,忽然脚下一动,一抹轻微的风划过,秦风恨不得两步做一步来跑,转眼间便跑到那辆小轿车旁。
蹲下身子,秦风露出半个脑袋往里面看了看,驾驶座上,除了那些血迹之外,并未有什么异样。心下也松了口气。紧接着,又将视线朝候车椅上看去。   这……这是。   秦风瞪大双眼,由于只露出半个脑袋的关系,只能看到一双洁白而又修长的大腿微微弓起,为了能看更清楚一些,秦风微微直了直腿,向上看去。   女……女孩?   秦风将视线一直定格在候车椅躺着的一位美丽少女身上,洁白无瑕的肌肤无一丝红润,仿若死人一般。如果不是她胸口上微微起伏着,秦风绝不怀疑少女已经死掉了,因为他知道,就算是丧尸,胸口也会有起伏,心脏也会跳动。   紧接着,秦风将一双好奇的眼睛,又朝少女脸庞上看去。一头乌丝有些凌乱,但可以肯定的是,长度绝对能直到腰侧,浓而修长的睫毛下有一双微闭着的双眼。少女鹅蛋脸,一身淡白色长裙将她修饰的无比清纯可人,秦风可以肯定的是,如果把这个少女放到自己所在的大学里,绝对是校花一般的人物。   静悄悄的,秦风上了车,轻轻合上车门,倒是车钥匙已经插在钥匙孔里,现在所要做的,就是终结少女的生命!
将菜刀托起,抵在少女的脖子上,秦风定眼看着少女纯真无暇的模样,有那么一瞬间他真的下不了手。但他可以肯定的是,少女绝对是丧尸,因为他看到了,看到了少女那双白皙的小手上,长着尖锐的利爪,这只有变异成为丧尸才会拥有的。   “哎……你好走吧,但愿下辈子不会再来到这个糟糕的世界。”秦风低声呢喃了几句,在末世到来前,自己可是连鸡都没杀过一只,何况是人,这都是环境所趋。   暗自摇了摇头,秦风手上刚准备发力,将这位少女的脖子给砍断。可紧接着让他惊惧的一幕出现了。   少女似乎有所感应一样,蓦然睁开那双泛着红光的大眼,眼瞳毫无生气,只是死死盯着眼前的男人。   让秦风惊惧的是,早在少女睁眼的那一刹那,自己就立马发力,但不知何时,自己的手腕竟被少女狠狠扼住。巨大力气让秦风差点儿叫出声来,他疑惑,疑惑的是少女力气为何会这么大,就算是丧尸,他们的力气也只比平常人大一点点罢了,自己有自信能挣脱开。
四目相对,秦风感觉自己就算如何发力,都不能让手掌前进分毫。而就在此时,少女那张粉嫩的小嘴微微张开,洁白而又整齐的牙齿上,蓦然长着两颗尖锐的利齿!   “你!”秦风双目圆瞪,定眼看着那两颗小虎牙,他可以想象的到,如果被咬上一口那该是多么痛的感觉,而且自己也肯定会变异,成为一个毫无意识的丧尸!   就在这时,少女动了。她缓缓坐直身体,脑袋微微朝秦风脖子上倾斜,紧握秦风的小手上,从始至终都没放开过。   “肉……”一声轻音低喃响起,直让秦风听的面无人色。他刚刚有没有听错?丧尸开口说话了?   但少女显然不会给秦风多做考虑的机会。蓦然间,尖锐的牙齿离他的脖颈已不过半寸距离。在这危急关头,秦风顿时惊醒过来,抬起剩余的另一只手对准少女面门,他决定用异能将她给击飞!   “去死,……唔……”秦风快,少女动作更快,在他手掌抬起的瞬间,少女动了。
只看一只纤细的手腕迅捷的擒住秦风另一只手腕。   动作之快让秦风根本没反应过来,忽得一股巨力自他手腕处传来,顿时让秦风疼的龇牙咧嘴好不爽快。与此同时,在秦风惊恐的目光中,那两颗小虎牙与自己脖颈来了个亲密的接触!   “喔。我草。”秦风感觉自己是不是要完蛋了,他两只手不能动弹,因为跪趴在驾驶座的关系,双腿不能发力,只能任由少女在脖颈间啃食。秦风已经绝望了,他只能闭起双眼,心中悲愤不已,他对不起一直未见面的家人,对不起自己的青梅竹马,对不起刚到手还没用过一天的异能。   而然想象中血肉狂飙的场景并没出现,秦风直感觉被少女咬过的位置有一种前所未有酥麻的感传来,让他不由自主打了个寒颤,而且脖子那里也没想象中那么痛,只不过有些发麻。   就在这时,少女好似吃饱了似得,松开秦风的双手,换换离开他脖子。一双平淡的大眼紧紧盯着秦风,粉唇下方还留有一丝血迹,显然是刚刚所致。   完了,完了,自己要变丧尸了!
不知道是不是心理在作怪,秦风忽然感觉全身发热,就连脑袋也晕乎乎的,心下大感要变异了。他哭丧着一张脸,定眼看着少女。与此同时,秦风耳畔突兀的响起少女轻微的声音。   “你……你是谁?”

未完待续。。。 。。。

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