Perahu Kertas (Bilingual)

in #story6 years ago (edited)



Perahu Kertas

Suatu hari Ahmad pergi ke rumah kakeknya di Kampung Gede. Ia sudah tidak sabar ingin ketemu dengan kakeknya. Sesampai di rumah Ahmad langsung memeluk kakeknya, melepaskan rindunya yang telah lama tidak berjumpa.

Cucuku, kakek ingat memperlihatkan sesuatu kepadamu. Apa itu kek?, tanya Ahmad. Kemudian kakeknya mengambil satu kertas dan membuat menjadi sebuah perahu. Kemudian sang kakek melemparkan perahu kertas itu kedalam sungai di dekat rumahnya.

Cucuku, lihatlah bagaimana perahu ini berlayar sesuai arah air mengalir di sungai ini. Cucuku, kamu harus bisa berlayar meraih cita-citamu dengan cara belajar yang rajin. Perahu itu tidak akan bisa melawan arus air sugai ini. Kamu juga tidak akan bisa meraih cita-cita dengan cara bermalas-malasan.

Cucuku, kamu harus tau, orang sukses itu tidak lahir begitu saja, tanpa ada perjuangan, keluh kesah dan tekun dalam belajar. Kamu juga akan sukses dengan cara belajar dari orang-orang sukses, dan yang paling penting jangan lupa doa dan usaha.

Cucuku, jagalah dirimu baik-baik, jadilah anak yang berbakti kepada orangtua, dan bisa menghargai orang lain. Ahmad hanya mengangguk kepala, sebagai tanda setuju dengan apa yang dijelaskan kakeknya.

Selama seminggu ini, Ahmad telah belajar banyak hal dengan kakeknya di Kampung Gede. Kini saatnya Ahmad pulang, karena besoknya ia akan pergi ke sekolah. Sepanjang perjalanan ia terus mengingatkan nasehat kakeknya tentang perahu itu. []



Paper boat

One day Ahmad went to his grandfather's house in Kampung Gede. He can not wait to meet his grandfather. Arriving at home Ahmad immediately hugged his grandfather, releasing longing that has not met.

My grandchild, grandfather remembered showing you something. What is kek ?, asked Ahmad. Then his grandfather took a paper and made it into a boat. Then the grandfather threw the paper boat into the river near his home.

My granddaughter, see how this boat sails in the direction of running water in this river. My granddaughter, you must be able to sail to achieve your goals by studying diligently. The boat will not be able to fight the flow of water sugai this. You also will not be able to achieve the ideals by way of lazing.

My granddaughter, you must know, the successful person is not born just like that, without any struggle, grief and diligence in learning. You will also succeed by learning from successful people, and most importantly do not forget your prayers and efforts.

My grandchildren, take good care of yourself, be a dutiful child to parents, and be respectful to others. Ahmad just nodded his head, as a sign of agreeing with what his grandfather described.

During this week, Ahmad has learned many things with his grandfather in Kampung Gede. It is time for Ahmad to go home, because the next day he will go to school. Along the way he kept reminding his grandfather's advice about the boat.[]


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