The immoral expert who enters heaven

in #story7 years ago


One day, Umar bin Khattab met the Messenger of Allah. while crying. "What makes you cry so much?" scold the Messenger of Allah.

One day, Umar bin Khattab met the Messenger of Allah. while crying.

"What makes you cry so much?" scold the Messenger of Allah.

Umar bin Khattab then recounted the cause of his cries. He met a young man who was worried. This young man cried constantly and told something so that the heart of Umar bin Khattab felt sad.

Messenger of Allah. said, "You'd better bring him in."

Umar then followed the young man and sent him into the house of the Prophet. "Introduce yourself to the Messenger of Allah," commanded Umar.

The young man nodded. "My name is Mudznib, O Messenger of Allah," he replied.

"What really happened so you cried like this?"

"I have committed a great sin, O Messenger of Allah, I am very afraid to imagine the torment I will receive in the hereafter."

"Do you associate with Allah?" asked the Messenger of Allah who did not yet know what big sin Mudznib meant.

"Neither did nor kill someone, O Messenger of Allah," explained Mudznib. "However, my sin is greater than heaven, earth, and mountains on this earth."

"Are your sins greater than the power (Chairs) of God?"

"Even my sin is greater, O Messenger of Allah," Mudznib bowed down.

"Are your sins greater than the 'Throne' of God?"

"My sins are still greater than 'Arsy'Allah." "May I know what is your sin?" asked the Messenger of Allah. then.

"For seven years, I have committed a sinful act: if someone dies, then buries, I immediately reappear the grave and take the shroud One day, there was a girl who died, and in the evening, I broke the grave, all of a sudden the girl's body I've put on me over and over and over. " Hearing this young man, the Messenger of Allah. shocked not playing and expelling the young man. The young man immediately left and went on his way. He is closer to Allah SWT. (taqarrub). He prayed for forty days and forty nights, making his fate to the Divine Rabbi.

Elsewhere, the Messenger of Allah. the arrival of the angel Gabriel while greeting him. "Allah SWT greet you, Muhammad."

"He is the All-Giver of Salvation, and from Him also prosperity comes and will eventually return to Him."

"Allah asks, Are you the one who made the beings? '" Asked the Angel Gabriel.

"He who made me and made them," replied the Messenger of Allah.

"Did you give them sustenance?"

"It is He Who gives Gifts to me and to them!"

"Do you accept their repentance?"

"No, it is He, God, who accepts my repentance and repents them."

"(Therefore), Allah has declared, 'You should immediately accept the repentance of a young man where some time ago you have cast him out: verily Allah has accepted his repentance!' clearly Gabriel.

After hearing Gabriel's explanation, the Messenger of Allah. immediately call the youth and declare that Allah Almighty. has accepted his repentance. The young man immediately prostrate gratitude.

"God will open the door of guidance and forgiveness for His servants who truly repent and want to return to Him."

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