History of how it came out of the dead, Historia de como fue que sali de los muertos

in #story7 years ago

My childhood was not very nice I must admit, at least the memories I have of her not the son and I really remember little, I became very sick that if I was in hospitals was first meningitis with ecephalitis for those who know those diseases will think it is Impossible but if it is, I am "the miracle" of the hospital where I was hospitalized for a month the doctors evicted me they said that I was going to be bedridden for the rest of my life, my peers refused to that resounding idea and not Allowed me to disconnect the machine that kept me alive
My parents say that they did everything for me to react and at least wake up from my coma was totally unconscious they tell me that they put metian needles inside my nails to see if I reacted to the pain and you rubbed my legs with a scalpel my parents They asked the doctors and nurses not to hurt me anymore and they did not continue to "stimulate" me with pain and they decided to do it with tickles and thus it was treated me as if it were in the womb of my mother they said that it was like being born again
The tickling therapy I started to move, and the treatment was giving results and everything started again I learned to talk again to sit and walk everything started from scratch doctors could not explain how it was possible all this as it was possible that my brain I do not suffer any good damage, the secret according to my parents is an immovable faith, they are believers of the bible and fervent followers of God and they did not stop believing and crying out for my health to God, I believe that nothing is lost believing in God and You win a lot following her having a nice week

Mi infancia no era muy agradable debo admitir, al menos los recuerdos que tengo de ella y realmente recuerdo poco, estaba muy enfermo que estaba en los hospitales fue la primera meningitis con encefalitis para aquellos que saben que esas enfermedades piensan Es imposible , Pero es el milagro del hospital donde me hospitalizaron por un mes los doctores me desalojaron dijeron que iba a estar acamado por el resto de mi vida, mis compañeros se negaron a esa idea resonante y no me permitieron desconectar el Máquina que me mantuvo viva
Mis padres dicen que tienen todo para que reaccione y por lo menos despierten de mi coma estaba totalmente inconsciente me dicen que me ponen agujas metían dentro de mis uñas para ver si reaccionaba al dolor y se frotaba mis piernas con un bisturí mi les pidieron a los doctores ya las enfermeras que no me hicieran más daño y no siguieron "estimulándome" con dolor y decidieron hacerlo con cosquillas y así me trataron como si estuviera en el vientre de mi madre dijeron Que Era como nacer de nuevo
La terapia de cosquilleo Comencé a moverse, y el tratamiento estaba dando resultados y todo empezó de nuevo Aprendí a hablar de nuevo para sentarse y caminar todo empezó desde cero los médicos no podían explicar cómo era posible esto era posible que mi cerebro que hago me siento Que nada se pierde creyendo. Creo que nada se pierde creyendo. Creo que nada se pierde creyendo. Creo que nada se pierde creyendo. En Dios y Usted mucho después de ella tener una buena semana


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