the story of Sheikh Syarifuddin khalifah who Islamized thousands of people

in #story7 years ago

Syarifuddin Khalifah, the boy's name. He was born in the town of Arusha, Tanzania. Tanzania is a country in East Africa with a population of 36 million. Approximately 35 percent of the population is Muslim, followed by Christian 30 percent and the rest of the various beliefs, especially animism. However, the city of Arusha where the birth of Syarifuddin Khalifah is predominantly Catholic. In second place is Anglican Christian, then Jew, new Islam and last Hindu.

Like most residents of Ashura, Sharifuddin Khalifah's parents are also Catholic. His mother was named Domisia Kimaro, while his father was Francis Fudinkira. One day in December 1993, the baby's tears delighted the family. Realizing that the baby is a boy, they are happier again.

Like other Catholics, Domisia and Francis also welcomed their babies with Christian rituals. They were also eager to bring the sweet baby to church to be baptized as soon as possible. Nothing strange as they stepped into the Church. But as they nearly entered the altar of the church, they were startled in a strange voice. It was the voice of their baby. "Mama usinibibaptize, naamini kwa Allah wa jumbe wake Muhammad!" (Mother, please do not baptize me I am a person who believes in Allah and His Apostle Muhammad).

Hearing that, Domisia and Francis trembled. Cold sweat poured. After an eye contact and a little chat, they decided to bring the baby home again. Did not baptize him.

Beginning in March 1994, when he was past two months, the baby always cried when he was about to feed his mother. Domisia felt confused and worried that her baby was undernourished if she did not want to drink milk. However, doctors diagnose that he is healthy. Domisia's concerns are not proven. The baby is healthy without lack of anything. There is no explanation whatsoever why Allah predestined the Khalifah did not want to drink milk from his mother after two months. In the midst of the habit of babies learning to pronounce a syllable like the "Ma" or other, Syarifuddin Khalifah at the age of four months began to issue strange pronunciations.

Some neighbors and families Domisia and Francis were amazed to see the baby talking. His mouth moved slowly and read: "Fatuubuu ilaa baari-ikum faqtuluu anfusakum dzaalikum khairun lakum 'inda baari-ikum, fataaba' alaikum innahuu huwattawwaburrahiim."

Awe-inspiring people raise temporary noise but then silence in silence. Unfortunately, at that time they did not know that what Syarifuddin Khalifah read was QS. al-Baqarah verse 54.

Domisia is worried her son is possessed by a demon. He also took the baby to the priest, but still Syarifuddin Khalifah repeated the verse. Until then the story of a demon-possessed baby was heard by Abu Ayub, one of the Muslims living in the area. When Abu Ayub came, Syarifuddin Khalifa also read the verse. Unable to see the sign of God's greatness, Abu Ayub prostrated gratitude near the baby.

"Francis and Domisia, your son is not demon-possessed. What he read is the verses of the Qur'an. In essence he invites you repent to Allah, "said Abu Ayub.

Some time after that Abu Ayub came again with a mushaf. He showed Francis and Domisia the verses that his infant read. They both need time in the inner struggle for faith. Both of them finally get hidayah. They convert to Islam. After converting to Islam they gave the name to their son as "Sharifuddin Khalifah".

The next miracle comes at the age of 1.5 years. At that time, Syarifuddin Khalifah able to pray and memorize the Koran and Bible. Then at the age of 4-5 years, he mastered five languages. At that age Syarifuddin Khalifah began doing da'wah safari to various parts of Tanzania to abroad.

As a result, more than a thousand people converted to Islam.


The Real Story of Syarifuddin Islamize Thousands This real story took place in Pumwani District, Kenya, in 1998. Thousands of people have gathered in the field to see the prodigy boy, Syarifuddin Khalifah. He is only 5 years old, but his name has become a byword because at that age he has mastered five languages. By African Muslims, Syarifuddin is called Miracle Kid of East Africa.

His trip to Kenya at that time was part of a series of da'wah safari abroad. Before that, he had preached to almost all cities in his country, Tanzania. Kenyans know the miracle of Syarifuddin by word of mouth. But not a few also who have witnessed the magic boy through Youtube.

People seem to be impatiently waiting. They look around and investigate whether the car that came with Syarifuddin Khalifah. Sometime later, the little Shaykh they were waiting for finally arrived. He came with a tight escort like a president.

Thousands of people waiting for Syarifuddin Khalifah are apparently not just Muslims. Not a few Christians are present because of their curiosity. Probably also because they heard that the magic boy was born of a Catholic family, but memorized the Koran at the age of 1.5 years. They want to see Syarifuddin Khalifah directly.
Accompanied by Hajj Maroulin, Syarifuddin to the tent that has been prepared. The joy of the Kenyan community was evident from their enthusiasm to welcome Syarifuddin. Naturally if such a small child has a sweet face. But not just sweet. There is a sense of dignity and calm that makes the Kenyans amazed by it. Beating adult maturity.

It is time for the little Sheikh to give taushiyah. His hand that had been playing his fingers, stopped when his name was called. He rose from the chair to the podium.

After the salutation, he praised God and paid his respects to the Prophet. His Arabic is very eloquent, acknowledged by the scholars present at the occasion. The audience is really amazed. Not only was he amazed by his ability to speak, but also his lecture content opened the eyes of the Christians who were present at the time. There is a beam of light hidayah enter and penetrate into their conscience.
In addition to clever use of verses of the Koran, occasionally Syarifuddin also quotes scriptures of other religions. Make the listener carried away to re-examine the truth of the text of his teachings and beliefs so far.

As soon as the lecture was over, the Christians invited the boys dialogue. Syarifuddin served them well. They asked about Islam, Christianity and the earlier books. The little Sheikh was able to give a satisfactory answer. And that's the moments hidayah. Hundreds of Christians who have gathered around Syarifuddin recite the shahadah. Shook hands with one of their representatives, Syarifuddin guided the creed and they imitated: "Asyhadu an laa ilaaha illallah, wa asyhadu anna Muhammadan Rasuulullah."

The creed was a bit stammering. But guidance has brought faith. Eyes and cheeks became witnesses, tears began to tear by the burst of joy. Living a new life in Islam. Takbir from the thousands of Muslims who witnessed the event sounded forming on the earth of Kenya.

Not just that time, Christians convert to Islam through the mediation of the prodigal son of Sharifuddin Khalifah. In Tanzania, Libya and other countries the true story also takes place. If summed, through the da'wah of Sharifuddin Khalifah, thousands of people have converted to Islam. Miraculously, it happened when the age of the little Shaykh was still five years old.

The scholars and habaib strongly support the da'wah of Shaykh Sharifuddin Khalifah. Even the great scholars like al-Habib ali al-Jufri were willing to take the time to meet the prodigy who is now a teenager and struggling in Islam. (Quoted from the book of Miracles from Africa, the Islamization of Thousands of People, Syarifuddin Khalifah).

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