
Silver may be the MOST valuable strategic element based on it's uses and how vital it is for electronics. Since it's used in industry, plus investment, silver's price will increase. No BTC mining without silver, try making a phone or a computer with out it........Go get ya some.

Maybe you listen to too many silver pumpers. You need to know HOW MUCH silver is being used
Do you know that the amount of silver used in electronics has declined since 2010? From the silver institute the silver demand for electronics:
2010 300moz
2011 291 moz
2012 267moz
2013 266moz
2014 263moz
2015 246moz
2016 233 moz
Did you know that silver can be replaced by graphene in electronics- a pretty much free carbon based substance. You never hear the silver pumpers talk specifics just generalities about how useful silver is but never how much is actually used.
Also the amount required in solar panels gets cut constantly due to technological innovations. They are talking about using nano silver particles and even have tested aluminum
"other industrial which includes solar panels has also declined since 2010 and
American Silver eagle sales peaked in 2015 at 48 million
Fell to 37 million in 2016
and fell further to 18 million in 2017
Silver has been touted by the pumpers for the last seven years in countless videos as being undervalued in general and undervalued vs gold and they have been 100% wrong yet continue to repeat the same narratives insisting they are right and the world is wrong.
Maybe, JUST maybe silver is cheap for a reason.

Thanks for the info, will have to do more research, facts are facts. Based on Debtclock, Gold & Silver Reserves are going negative.

Debt clock is not reliable

I like silver but detest the bs narratives the silver pumpers peddle to sell it

For future viewers: price of bitcoin at the moment of posting is 9592.80USD

Thanks - Always interesting to have that reference. I saw a tweet I wrote a few months back talking about Bitcoin $2800

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