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RE: What's Your Trading Style?

in #steemleo5 years ago

Love the "fine print" here @josephsavage ...

"(Everything included here is personal opinion. It is not financial advice. It is not legal advice. It is not even advice.)"

[emphasis added mine]

... as it made me smile. It's been a long day, so I appreciated the opportunity to smile ... 😊

Seriously, it was interesting to read a brief bit of history about you and your investing experience. In response to your question, I want to be a long-term, value investor, but ... There seems to be so much going on in the world which undermines this conservative approach and all but forces us all to be much more speculative ... Far too much for this "old war horse," but ... What can we do?

Fundamentally, "the system" appears to me to be systematically destroying the value of our money, hence the commonly referenced phrase in the "cryptosphere" to "fiat money." And with our money's steadily advancing decline, seems we have to "run" faster and faster just to try and break even. Let alone get ahead a little ...

Will this new asset class somehow be the answer? Don't know. But, along with you and many others, I suppose we are all "on board" to find out!


Thanks, I'm glad I could make you laugh. I originally wrote that disclosure in a comment at one point and I really liked it so it stuck with me. I'll use it whenever I write anything that could be construed as advice.

There seems to be so much going on in the world which undermines this conservative approach and all but forces us all to be much more speculative

One of the things I like best about my trading style is it allows complete agnosticism. I'm trading with tight stops and don't have to hold strong opinions. Gold is breaking out? Great. Buy gold. Hold until it stops out. Move on. Now it's oil and Amazon and Pepsi? okay. Oops, pepsi stopped out, but Amazon is on a tear...

From there it's a numbers game. Each win nets many more profits than each loss and allows a decent overall return, although the returns are very lumpy.

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